
Ceres Prank Lands Bart Simpson In Detention For Eternity

Researchers studying landslide on the surface of Ceres have noticed one with a distinctly Bart Simpson-like appearance.

7 years ago

Earth Just Got A New Continent

Data collected over decades proves that Earth has another continent: Zealandia.

7 years ago

Curiosity’s Martian Chronicles Rife With Intriguing Inconsistencies

Using data obtained from rock samples since 2011, one of Curiosity's science teams has deduced that ancient Mars did not…

7 years ago

Meteorite Confirms 2 Billion Years of Volcanic Activity on Mars

A Martian meteorite that landed in Africa in 2012 has confirmed that Martian volcanic activity lasted 3 billion years or…

7 years ago

JPL Needs Citizen Scientists To Hunt Martian Polygonal Ridges

NASA is seeking citizen-scientists to help them identify ridge formations on Mars, which could help us to understanding at the…

7 years ago

What is the World’s Deepest Ocean?

Determining which ocean is the deepest is tricky, but on average, the Pacific Ocean is deeper than the rest, thanks…

8 years ago

What Is an Earthquake?

Earthquakes are a regular part of our planet's geological activity, with over 3 million happening a year. But to human…

8 years ago

What is a Debris Flow?

Debris flows are fast-moving landslides made up of liquefied, unconsolidated, and saturated mass. They are one of the most dangerous…

8 years ago

What is the Difference Between Active and Dormant Volcanoes?

Whether a volcano is active or dormant is complicated, as these geological features can have very long lifespans that go…

8 years ago

Get That Geologist A Flight Suit!

Given the importance of geology to space exploration, the ESA is conducting multiple programs to make sure astronauts understand rocks!

8 years ago