
Gaia is so Accurate it Can Predict Microlensing Events

Using data from DR3, a team of Chinese researchers have predicted thousands of future microlensing events!

9 months ago

China Wants to Retrieve a Sample of Mars by 2028

In preparation for their sample-return mission to Mars (Tianwen-3), Chinese scientists have created an atmospheric model that accurately simulates Martian…

9 months ago

China Set Up a Tiny Farm on the Moon in 2019. How Did it Do?

China's Chang'e-4 mission grew the first plants on the Moon, and the results of the experiment could lead to lunar…

9 months ago

China Showcases its Lunar Exploration Plans

In a recent bootlegged video, China provided a detailed look at their plans for the future of lunar exploration.

9 months ago

China Chooses the Site for their TRIDENT Neutrino Detector

China is building a new neutrino detector named TRIDENT, the Tropical Deep-sea Neutrino Telescope. They're building it in the South…

10 months ago

Chinese Astronauts May Build a Base Inside a Lunar Lava Tube

Caves were some of humanity's first shelters. Who knows what our distant ancestors were thinking as they sought refuge there,…

10 months ago

China Reveals Its Lunar Lander Design

China has released artist renditions of the spacecraft and lander module that will send the first taikonauts to the Moon.

11 months ago

China’s Chang’e-7 Will Deploy a Hopper that Jumps into a Crater in Search of Water Ice

Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese National Space Administration recently published a study in the journal…

12 months ago

China Will Use Two Rockets to Put Humans on the Moon

At a recent summit, China revealed new details about its first crewed lunar mission scheduled for 2030, including schematics, graphics,…

1 year ago

Mars Lacks a Planet-Wide Magnetosphere, but it Does Have Pockets of Magnetism

China's Zhurong rover measured the magnetic environment on Mars, which is helping scientists narrow down when its global magnetic field…

1 year ago