I Could’a Been A Contender… NGC 2903 by Warren Keller

This beautiful Leo spiral galaxy – NGC 2903 – is only some 20 million light-years away and is one of the brightest galaxies visible from the northern hemisphere. Despite easily being seen in larger binoculars and small telescopes, for some reason it was never included in Charles Messier’s famous catalog of celestial grandeur. “You don’t understand! I could’a had class. I could’a been a contender. I could’a been somebody instead of a bum, which is what I am.” This incredible color image taken with an amateur ground-based telescope shows off the galaxy’s exquisite spiral arms – including intriguing details of NGC 2903’s core region, a stunning amalgamation of old and young star clusters with immense dust and gas clouds. But there’s a whole lot more there to be seen…

Just a little smaller than our own Milky Way, NGC 2903 is about 80,000 light-years across and displays an exceptional rate of star formation activity near its core in visible light – but it also screams bright in radio, infrared, ultraviolet, and x-ray bands. While in every respect, this galaxy is much like our own home neighborhood, just like “On The Waterfront”, there’s some mysterious goings-on along that central bar – very young, hot globular clusters. Apparently, star formation is absolutely running rampant in a 2000 light-year wide circumnuclear ring surrounding NGC 2903’s center. “This isolated system strikingly reveals a soft extended X-ray feature reaching in north-west direction up to a projected distance of 5.2 kpc from the center into the halo. The residual X-ray emission in the disk reveals the same extension as the Ha disk. Since galactic superwinds, giant kpc-scale galactic outflows, seem to be a common phenomenon observed in a number of edge-on galaxies, especially in the X-ray regime, and are produced by excess star-formation activity, the existence of hot halo gas as found in NGC 2903 can be attributed to events such as central starbursts.” says D. Tschoke (et al), “That such a starburst has taken place in NGC 2903 must be proven. The detection of hot gas above galaxy disks also with intermediate inclination, however, encounters the difficulty of discriminating between that contribution from disk and active nuclear region.”

So what causes extremely starburst activity? As we’ve learned from our astrophoto lessons – galaxy interaction is a prime suspect. “NGC 2903 is found to have an H I envelope that is larger than previously known, extending to at least three times the optical diameter of the galaxy. Our search for companions yields one new discovery. The companion is 64 kpc from NGC 2903 in projection, is likely associated with a small optical galaxy of similar total stellar mass, and is dark matter dominated. In the region surveyed, there are now two known companions: our new discovery and a previously known system that is likely a dwarf spheroidal, lacking H I content.” says Judith A. Irwin (et al), “If H I constitutes 1% of the total mass in all possible companions, then we should have detected 230 companions, according to cold dark matter (CDM) predictions. Consequently, if this number of dark-matter clumps are indeed present, then they contain less than 1% H I content, possibly existing as very faint dwarf spheroidals or as starless, gasless dark-matter clumps.”

So how do we study what we cannot see? Only through photography and understanding how each phase of cosmic construction affects photographic results. “These results, and other considerations, have led to the hypothesis that the dark matter surrounding spiral galaxies consists of cold gas, mainly in the form of molecular hydrogen. The spatial distribution of this cold gas should be similar to that of the observed neutral hydrogen.” says H. Hoekstra of the Kapteyn Astronomical Institut, “There is a potentially powerful selection effect that may cause a relationship between the surface densities of HI and dark matter for the galaxies in our sample. This is because the HI surface density distributions of the galaxies in our sample have the common characteristic that the highest values in the inner regions, as well as the lowest values in the outer regions are similar from galaxy to galaxy.”

Now that we understand how astrophotos are used to determine galactic properties, open the image and take a closer look at all the galaxies hidden nearby NGC 2903 – and the details inside. When Warren Keller and David Plesko at Cherry Mountain Observatory collaborated on this photo, you can bet the first results from the raw data didn’t look like this finished work of art. For those of you who already understand the ins and outs of what makes deep space imaging what it is – perhaps I’ll totally explain this wrong, because it’s a new concept to me… But that’s why the world has Warren Keller.

When processing a raw image, there’s a lot more to it that just whacking it into photoshop and tweaking this or adjusting that. There’s things hiding inside and just like a great symphony, it takes a composer and a virtuoso to end up with music to make you cry. Because I don’t fully understand the process, I asked Warren to help me along, so I might also understand how these tiny details are drawn from thin air… or the blankness of space. “One of my big things is color balance- being true to the data, coupled with an understanding of how the object should look. What I see though is what I call assumptive processing- ‘It’s a galaxy and its arms must be really blue!’ In reality, each is very different and that’s why I love ’em so much. That sets a precedent, but I say be faithful to the data (once gradients are eliminated).”

And taking that data and teaching others how to process it is what Warren is all about. “All that being said, I’m aware of Atmospheric Extinction, CCD’s relative insensitvity to Blue, especially front lit and ABGs and the cancellation of Blue by the yellowing lens of middle-aged folks.” But is there a way that even us yellowing old dogs can be taught new tricks? Yeah. Warren not only knows how to sing the song, but he’s a music teacher. He’s created a teaching program called Image Processing for Astrophotography – or IP4AP. Say’s Warren: “IP4AP “Image Processing For Astrophotography” was created for Astrophotographers of all skill levels. There are many resources for learning Image Processing, but we believe these techniques are best taught – Visually!”

So, I was curious… And here’s a introductory look at Warren’s teaching style:

Before you take a cut out of me for being “commercial”, please remember that my job as a astronomical reporter is to also find products and methods which I find exciting and our readers might want to be made aware of. And, quite frankly, after having looking at many of Warren’s images and how his lesson plans work, I thought there just might be more than one budding (or seasoned) astrophotographer out there that might find what IP4AP has to offer of great value. As a matter of fact, even premier astro imagers like Dietmar Hager have used it. “Having had a couple of sessions with Warren covering essential facts about sophisticated usage of AstroArt and Photoshop was like leading me out of the dark basement of astrophotography into the highlighted groundfloor and further up. Guys, and I can tell you this is a high rise building and Warren is the perfect guide. Thanks for enriching my knowledge about digital processing!”

Go on, open it… Count all the details you can see in this image of NGC 2903 and its companions… and when you’re ready to become a contender, you can find IP4AP at many great retailers like OPT, Adirondak Astronomy and High Point Scientific. You’ve made a large investment in equipment – Now make a small one and learn the secrets of producing stunning astrophotographs!

Invasion of the Noctilucent Clouds

Noctilucent clouds over Blair, Nebraska, USA. Credit: Mike Hollingshead

Be on the lookout for unusual – and beautiful – noctilucent clouds that are invading the North American and Europe. SpaceWeather.com says that these mysterious “night shining” clouds are on the increase. Some scientists think they’re seeded by space dust. Others suspect they’re a telltale sign of global warming. Whatever the reason, they are an amazing site, appearing around sunset. Mike Hollingshead took this gorgeous image on July 14 near Blair, Nebraska USA. “I’ve never seen noctilucent clouds before, even though I am often out looking,” he said. “These were wonderful.”

See below for another NLC image from my good buddy Stuart Atkinson in the UK:

Stuart Atkinson's image of NLCs near Kendal Castle in the UK.  Credit: Stuart Atkinson
Stuart Atkinson's image of NLCs near Kendal Castle in the UK. Credit: Stuart Atkinson

Stu took his NLC images (see more on his website Cumbrian Sky) in mid-June near historic Kendal Castle in the UK (one of Henry the 8th’s wives lived there, Stu says).

SpaceWeather.com has a great gallery of NLCs, which also includes observing tips. The site says reports of these clouds are pouring in from Oregon, Washington, Idaho, South Dakota, central California and possibly northern Nevada. These sightings are significant because they come from places so far south.

When noctilucent clouds first appeared in the late 19th century, they were confined to latitudes above 50 degrees N (usually far above). The latitude of Blair, Nebraska, is only 41°30′ N. (Cumbria in the UK is about 54 degrees N.) No one knows why NLCs are expanding their range in this way; it’s one of many unanswered questions about the mysterious clouds. Find out more about NLCs here.

When and where will NLC show up next? “No idea,” said Stu. “We can’t predict them in advance. They just… appear. All we can do is keep looking, on every clear night, just in case. We do know that this summer is expected to be a very good one for NLC-spotting because they appear more at “solar minimum”, and we’re in a deep, deep minimum now, so all we can do is keep an eye on the sky, and cross our fingers!”

And if you love clouds of all kinds, check out Mike Hollingshead’s website, Extreme Instability, which hosts an absolutely amazing collection of cloud images.

Source: SpaceWeather.com, Mike Hollingshead, Cumbrian Skies

Astro ‘Shop of the Week

Ballerina Galactica. Credit: Alan Lipkin


We’ve got some extremely creative readers of Universe Today who really know their way around image editing software. One of those people is Alan Lipkin, who submitted his latest Photoshop handiwork to us, which he calls “Ballerina Galactica.” Of course, you’ll recognize the tutu as the Sombrero Galaxy and the backdrop as the Wild Duck Star Cluster. The big star and earring are both Sirius. Wonderful!

Alan’s image gave me an idea: Why not have a regular feature where readers can submit astronomical images they have messed around with using image editing software? A few rules: the images submitted must be space or astronomy related and they must be in good taste. The images can be submitted to Nancy here. We’re looking forward to seeing and sharing the creative side of our readers!

Fly Me To The Moon…

“Fly me to the Moon and let me play among the stars… Let me see what life is like on…” Oh, hi there! I’ll just bet you know what’s up with the double image, don’t you? That’s right. A little “stereo magic” by Jukka Metsavainio. But this time you’re in for something really different. Step inside for a magic carpet ride you’ll never forget…

This time our visualization moves! That’s right. You’re going to take a virtual 3D journey along the lunar surface… Just like you were flying along in your own personal lunar lander. While Jukka has instructed that this video was prepared in parallel vision only, I had no trouble slightly crossing my eyes and getting it to work for me that way. I hope you’ll find this as exciting as I did! (And I hope you’re able to see it. Remember, not everyone can…)

As you watch the scenery unfold, see how many craters you can identify as we tour from the lunar south to north. I see Maurolycus and Stofler drift by… Then you can see the huge central peak in Arzachel sticking up out of the shadows! Next thing you know, there’s Albategnius with its vacant looking floor and central peak. Ptolmaeus, Hipparchus, Mare Vaporum… Then look out! Vrrrrrrrrooooooom…. Here come the Apennine Mountains with the deep wells of Aristillus and Autolycus on one side and the smooth plains of Mare Serenitatis on the other. Next thing you know? We’re flying over the Caucasus Mountains and you can see the Alpine Valley like the lunar Grand Canyon… and over there! Over there is Atlas and Hercules! And all the way up at the top? Ah… Goldschmidt! Now, if you’ll pardon me. I’ve got a carpet to catch.


Many thanks to Northern Galactic member, Jukka Metsavainio for sharing his incredible visions with us. We understand how many hours upon hours it takes to do this, and we cannot thank you enough.

The Trouble With Trifids

The Trifid Nebula by Eddie Trimarchi


Almost everyone who is familiar with space images has seen this beautiful and color emission and reflection nebula – but take a really close look. This isn’t a Hubble image. It was done with a ground based camera!

When looking at M20 through a telescope, what you will see won’t match the photo above, while what is normally presented in science journals is colorful. Why? Well, when it comes to photographs, exposure times and wavelengths causes the different colors you see. Photographically, the red emission nebula contained within Messier 20 has a bright blue star cluster in it central portion. It glows red because the ultraviolet light of the stars ionizes the hydrogen gas, which then recombines and emits the characteristic red hydrogen-alpha light captured on film. Further away, the radiation from these hot, young stars becomes too weak to ionize the hydrogen. Now the gas and dust glows blue by reflection!

Of course, there are other ways of looking at Messier objects, too. It was my great fortune on Saturday night to have an opportunity to study M20 through an image intensifier – a highly complex piece of equipment which uses x-rays and produces a ‘live’ image feed which is displayed on a binocular like eyepiece screen. I cannot even begin to describe to you what this does to observing, except to say that it opens a dimension to to eyes never before experienced. No matter how it is observed, the Trifid – or “three lobed” nebula has a distinctive set of dark dust lanes which divide it. These also have a classification of their own and were cataloged by E.E. Barnard as dark nebula Barnard 85 (B 85).

Hubble M20 - EGGsIn 1999 the Hubble Space Telescope took this photograph – a look deep into the Trifid nebula at some of its star forming regions and found a stellar jet poking its way into the cloud, like a fabulous twisted antenna. Inside the exhaust column is a new star waiting to be born, yet sometime over the next 10,000 years the central massive star will probably erode away all of its material before it can fully form. Nearby a stalk stands waiting… Like the jet, it is also a stellar nursery – one with an EGG (evaporating gaseous globule) at its tip – a condensed cloud of gas able to survive so far. “If our interpretation is correct, the microjet may be the last gasp from a star that was cut off from its supply lines 100,000 years ago.” says Jeff Hester of the Department of Physics & Astronomy, “The vast majority of stars like our sun form not in isolation, but in the neighborhood of massive, powerful stars. HST observations of the Trifid Nebula provide a window on the nature of star formation in the vicinity of massive stars, as well as a spectacular snapshot of the “ecology” from which stars like our sun emerge.”

But, is it possible for those of us here on the ground to perform our own deep studies of regions of space like the Trifid Nebula? The answer is yes. Take a look at this small frame clipped from the full sized image you see above. While the colors haven’t been processed the same, those EGGs are there!

Trimarchi M20 EGGs
Trimarchi M20 EGGs

It’s a cinch that those of us that don’t have a multitude of titles behind our names are ever going to be allowed Hubble time… even at this late stage of the game. You know our findings will never be placed in the hallowed journals of science. But, why should the scientists be allowed to have all the fun? While images like Eddie’s might be considered “amateur”, it is anything but. While he’s chosen to reveal it in an artistic format, you must stop to think about how much information has been collected inside of his raw data. Unlike a simple film photograph, CCD imaging gathers huge amounts of information that’s processed out by what data is desired. “Velocity maps of the inner regions of the bright H II regions NGC 6514 were made with unprecedented spatial and spectral resolution in the 5007 A line of forbidden O III. In addition to the advantages of an instrumental full width at half-maximum intensity of only 5.4 km/s, the small thermal width of the heavy oxygen ion also allows determination of accurate line widths and velocities.” says C.R. O’Dell (et al), “The CCD spectra were numerically fitted to Gaussian line profiles and revealed two separate velocity systems in NGC 6523. The data sets of radial velocities were used to derive the dependence of the most probable turbulent velocities upon the sample sizes, and the spatial dependence of the structure function. These relationships are the basic functions for comparison with the predictions of the models for turbulence in H II regions.”

To me, one of the most fascinating aspects of Mr. Trimarchi’s picture wasn’t so much the huge revelation of all the Herbig-Haro objects – but a tiny, fine detail that you probably took for granted when you looked at it. Dust extinction… There’s a lot of very exiting things in that photograph, but there’s a detail he left in there that most other photographers filter out! The studies of C.R. O’Dell taught me to take a much closer look a certain properties in astrophotos, because I might see something that others missed, and in this case its a huge amount of dust extinction which he proved to exist around M20 many, many years ago. (Like back when my telescopes still had training wheels.)

Why are things like that important? In this circumstance, knowing there was more dust there than should have been lead to further investigations – and those in turn led to a discovery: “We report the discovery of a new candidate barrel-shaped supernova remnant (SNR) lying adjacent to M20 and two shell-type features to the north and east of SNR W28.” says F. Yusef-Zadeh (et al), ” Future observations should clarify whether the nonthermal shell fragment is either part of W20 or yet another previously unidentified shell-type SNR.”

Keep those cameras rolling… Who knows what we may find tomorrow?

Many thanks to Eddie Trimarchi of Southern Galactic for sharing this wonderul image with us!

Beauty and the Beast: The Corona Australis Nebula by Eddie Trimarchi

The Corona Australis Nebula by Eddie Trimarchi


Embedded in the Southern Crown some 424 light years away from us resides an area of incredible beauty surrounded by a dark and dusty beast. The three nebulae NGC 6726-27, and NGC 6729 were first discovered by Johann Friedrich Julius Schmidt, during his observations at Athens Observatory in 1861… a time when what they were was poorly understood. At first glance, one might believe this association of stars to be purely coincidental – a chance meeting of moving stars passing through a dust cloud, much like the Pleiades. But, thank heavens for an astronomer named Marth who independently recovered it in 1864 and began to study it, because there’s a whole lot more here than just a pretty picture.

When Marth recovered Schmidt’s three nebulous regions from his vantange point in Malta, he began a series of observations that would last for several years and lead to findings that would cause astronomers to take second looks at this incredible region known as the Corona Australis Nebula. Why? Because by 1916 both Schmidt and Marth had identified a variable star (R CrA) and a variable nebula within it. Within months, astronomers also realized also noticed that the behaviour of R CrA (variability and environment) was similar to T Tauri.

Buried in its yellowish cocoon near the two bright reflection nebulae, R CrA is a young star still accreting interstellar material on to its surface. But what materials? “The 3 micrometers absorption due to H2O ice was detected in three types of sources including protostars, T Tauri-like stars, and background field stars.” says Masuo Tanaka (et al), “This scattered distribution suggests the significant contribution of the circumstellar hot dust to the H-K color and/or sublimation of H2O ice at the inner region of the circumstellar disk due to heating by protostars. Among them, the optical depth of CO ice in IRS 2 is the largest so far detected. It is found that the absorption feature of each source has almost the same central frequency and FWHM which coincide with the calculated values of small grains with dominant CO mantle. On the other hand, the column density of CO ice is found to be substantially smaller than that of H2O ice.”

However, when examined in infrared, two distinct red patches can also be seen hiding inside the beast – Herbig Haro objects. Are these what account for the variability of the nebula? “We suggest that these variations are the result of variable obscuration, possibly linked to dust shells physically associated to the system.” says L.P. Vaz (et al), “NGC 6729 is part of a nebulous region that contains both variable stars R CrA and detached Herbig Be eclipsing binary TY Coronae Australis. We present the non-eclipse-related photometric variability of the system.” Regions that are constantly changing, yet show visible signs of star formation occurring deep inside the dark dust clouds… Coughed out from the hidden star-forming beast (often in pairs) and sent flying in an opposite direction.

Just how long ago were these expelled? According to recent research the primary TY CrA star is difficult to pinpoint, but may be around 3.16 million years old zero-age main sequence, and its secondary star is a pre-main-sequence star located at the base of the Hayashi tracks. It simply isn’t very evolved yet and could be as young as 1.64 million years or as old as 3 million. “All genuine Herbig stars in our sample are located between the birthline and the zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (HRD), in accordance with what is expected for pre-main sequence stars.” says M.E. van den Ancker (et al), “The region in the HRD close to the birthline is relatively devoid of stars when compared to the region closer to the ZAMS, in agreement with the expected evolutionary time scales. The Herbig Ae/Be stars not associated with star forming regions were found to be located close to the ZAMS.”

But it is the combination of the beauty of new star formation and the beast of the dust that make the Corona Australis Nebula such a wonderful area for study. By studying polarization, we learn so much more about what is hidden inside. For example, dark dust clouds with embedded star clusters have a more complex distribution of polarization direction than do clouds without clusters, and it is believed that young stars and dense gases are a major factor in the enhanced dispersion of polarization angle – not just quantity of stars. Yet we can take an even closer look! “Polarization mapping of the reflection nebula NGC 6729 reveals parallel bands of polarization vectors across the premain sequence stars R and T Cr A. These bands can be explained by dust discs in which the grains are aligned by toroidal magnetic fields. The dust discs are oriented parallel to each other (in projection and possibly in space) in a north-south direction, which is orthogonal to the axis of the CO bipolar outflow from R Cr A observed by Levreault. Optical jets are associated with both stars, two with R Cr A and one with T Cr A, which are either parallel or antiparallel to each other; however, the optical jets are not orthogonal to the planes of the discs, but are inclined at about 60 deg.” says D. Ward-Thompson of Durham University, “A model is suggested in which the optical jets are collimated by a small inner circumstellar disc, which has decoupled from the magnetic field in outer regions because of ambipolar diffusion, and whose orientation is determined principally by the angular momentum. The large outer interstellar disc, in which the grains are aligned by a toroidal magnetic field, is inclined obliquely to the inner disc and is responsible for the collimation of the CO bipolar outflow.”

Is is the dark clouds of the beast hiding the beauty of star formation that causes the variability? “Measurable changes in the surface brightness of the reflection nebula associated with R CrA occur over intervals as short as 24 hours. These and other more extreme variations are demonstrated with CCD images obtained over a 23-day period. During this time span R CrA brightened by 1.3 mag.” says J.A. Graham, “The alterations in the appearance of the nebula NGC 6729 are apparently caused by the shadowing effects of clouds which are very close to the star, probably well within 1 Au. The spectrum of R CrA may itself vary slightly from night to night, and these changes are echoed by the surrounding nebula with an observable time delay.”

Will we ever know everything there is to know about the Beauty and the Beast? What we do know is: “The the Corona Australis molecular cloud complex is one of the nearest regions with ongoing and/or recent star formation. It is a region with highly variable extinction, containing, at its core, the Coronet protostar cluster. There are now 55 known optically detected members, starting at late B spectral types. At the opposite end of the mass spectrum, there are two confirmed brown dwarf members and seven more candidate brown dwarfs. The Corona Australis molecular cloud complex is today known as one of the nearest regions with ongoing and/or recent intermediate- and low-mass star formation.” says Ralph Neuhauser of Astrophysikalisches Institut und Universitats-Sternwarte, “In between the stars R and T CrA, there is the reflection nebula NGC 6729, and the stars TY CrA and HD 176386 illuminate the nebula NGC 6726/6727. Studying lines of CN, CH, and CH in the direction of TY CrA, find that the dust in the region which is attenuating the UV emission is highly processed and strong extended emission is possibly due to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).”

Our thanks to Eddie Trimarchi of Southern Galactic for sharing this awesome photo with us!

Magic Bubble – NGC 7635 by JP Metsavainio

NGC 7635 Parallel by JP Metsavainio


Away in the constellation of Cassiopeia some 7,100 light-years from Earth, a star 40 times more massive than our Sun is blowing a giant bubble of its own material into space. Inside its magic blue sphere, the gigantic star burns at blue flame intensity – rendering a 6 light year wide envelope of hot gas around it that’s expanding outward at a speed of 4 million miles per hour. Are you ready to open wide and step inside? Then welcome to a little dimensional magic….

As always, whenever we present a dimensional visualization it is done in two fashions. The first is called “Parallel Vision” and it is much like a magic eye puzzle. When you open the full size image and your eyes are the correct distance from the screen, the images will seem to merge and create a 3D effect. However, for some folks, this doesn’t work well – so Jukka has also created the “Cross Version”, where you simply cross your eyes and the images will merge, creating a central image which appears 3D. For some folks, this won’t work either… But I hope it does for you!

NGC 7635 Cross Vision by JP Metsavainio
NGC 7635 Cross Vision by JP Metsavainio

As the central star in NGC 7635 sheds its material, we can see it isn’t even and its appearance varies with the thickness of the surrounding gases. What appears to be cloud-like structures are very thick and illuminated by the star’s intense ultraviolet light. Believe it or not, it is here where the stellar “winds” blow the fastest and it won’t be long until these areas quickly erode. However, there is one feature that stands out more than any other – the “bubble-within-a-bubble”. What is it? It may be two distinct winds… Two distinct streamers of material colliding together.

“The bubble in NGC 7635 is the result of a fast stellar wind expanding into the interior of the larger H II region. However, the central star BD +60 2522 is appreciably offset (by about 1′) from the center of the bubble in the direction of the wall of the dense molecular cloud that defines this blister H II region.” says B.D. Moore (et al), “This offset is the result of evolution of the wind bubble into the density and pressure gradient established by the photoevaporative flow away from the cavity wall. The physical conditions around the bubble vary according to the medium into which the bubble is expanding. Away from the cavity wall the bubble is expanding into the low density interior of the H II region. Toward the wall, in the region of our images, the wind termination shock is very near the ionization front. The resulting physical structure, in which the photoevaporative flow away from the cloud wall is confined by the ram pressure of the wind.”

But, are we not seeing the proverbial forest because we’re too busy looking at the trees? “BD +60 is the ionizing star of NGC 7635, the so-called “Bubble Nebula”. NGC 7635 lies at the edge of a low-density clumpy molecular cloud and the nebula can be interpreted as a wind-blown bubble created by the interaction of the stellar wind of BD +60 with the ambient interstellar medium. While many investigations have focused on the nebula, little attention has been paid to the star itself.” says G. Rauw (et al), “Considerable progress in our understanding of the stellar winds of early-type stars has been achieved through extensive monitoring of their spectroscopic variability and the discovery that some of the cyclical variations could be related to a rotational modulation of the stellar wind. Since rotation is believed to shape the winds of Oef stars, these objects appear a priori as good candidates to search for a rotational wind modulation.”

Throughout their long term observing campaign, the group found strong profile variability on time scales of 2–3 days, variability on time scales of a few hours that might be related to non-radial pulsations, and even tentatively propose that the beating of several non-radial pulsation modes triggers transient large-scale density perturbations in a confined stellar wind that produce the 2–3 day time scale variability. “While this scenario could easily account for the lack of a single stable period (through the effect of the propagation velocity of the perturbation and the interplay of various clocks: pulsations, rotation…), it seems more difficult to explain the changing pattern of the TVS. For instance, if a density wave moves around the star, why would it not affect the absorption and the emission components in a similar manner?” says Rauw, “One possibility could be that the density perturbation affects the absorption column only as long as it remains close to the stellar surface whilst the impact on the emission lines would be larger when the perturbation has moved outwards, but this is admittedly still rather speculative.”

Just how common is it for a huge star to form a bubble around itself? “Massive stars evolve across the HR diagram, losing mass along the way and forming a variety of ring nebulae. During the main sequence stage, the fast stellar wind sweeps up the ambient interstellar medium to form an interstellar bubble. After a massive star evolves into a red giant or a luminous blue variable, it loses mass copiously to form a circumstellar nebula. As it evolves further into a WR star, the fast WR wind sweeps up the previous mass loss and forms a circumstellar bubble. Observations of ring nebulae around massive stars not only are fascinating, but also are useful in providing templates to diagnose the progenitors of supernovae from their circumstellar nebulae.” says You-Hua Chu of the University of Illinois Astronomy Department, “The fast stellar wind of a main sequence O star sweeps up the ambient interstellar medium (ISM) to form an interstellar bubble, which consists of a dense shell of interstellar material. Intuitively, we would expect around most O stars an interstellar bubble similar to the Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635) to be visible; however, hardly any O stars in HII regions have ring nebulae, suggesting that these interstellar bubbles are rare.”

Like a child chewing gum, the bubble will continue to expand. And what comes after the bubble? Why, the “bang” of course. And when it comes to a star going bang, than can only mean a supernova. “By pursuing the calculation through the various stages of massive star evolution, using a realistic mass loss history as input, we simulate the creation and evolution of a wind-blown bubble around the star up to the time of the supernova explosion.” says A. J. van Marle (et al), “The outflowing matter encounters an inner shock, where its velocity is reduced to nearly zero. The kinetic energy of the wind becomes thermal energy. This interaction creates a “hot bubble” of nearly stationary, hot gas. The thermal pressure of the hot bubble drives a shell into the surrounding interstellar medium. Here it is assumed, that the pressure driven shell will be restrained only by the ram pressure created by its own velocity and the density of the surrounding medium. This assumption is correct if we consider the surrounding medium to be cold. However, if we take photo-ionization into account the situation becomes rather more complicated. First of all, the photoionized gas will have a much higher pressure than the cold ISM. Therefore, the HII region will expand, driving a shell into the ISM. Second, the hot-bubble created by the stellar wind will now expand into a hot HII region, which means that the thermal pressure restraining the shell, will no longer be negligible compared to the ram pressure. A wind-blown bubble expanding into a compact HII region can be observed in NGC 7635.”

So how do we know when the final moments have come? “As the star ages, it becomes a red supergiant with a dense and slow wind. The number of ionizing photons drops. Therefore, the HII region disappears. Owing to the low density, recombination will take a long time, but radiative cooling will cause a decrease in thermal pressure. The hot wind-bubble, which keeps its high pressure, expands into the surrounding gas, creating a new shell. A third shell appears close to the star, as the drop in ram pressure from the RSG wind causes the wind bubble to expand inward, sweeping up the wind material.” say van Marle, “The presence of an expanding HII region changes the density structure of the nebula during the main sequence. Our main goal at this time is to simulate the circumstellar environment of stars between 25 M and 40 M at the time of the supernova explosion.”

Magic bubbles? Just stay out of the way when they pop!

Many thanks to JP Metsavainio of Northern Galactic for his magical personal image and allowing us this incredible look at distant beauty!

Capture the Universe with Phil Plait

So, you think you’re a great astrophotographer? Then this is for you: the Bad Astronomer announced today he is hosting an astrophotography contest, sponsored by Discover Magazine and Celestron Telescopes. Phil himself will be the judge, so all you need to do is figure out what images he really likes and then get snapping! There are some great prizes:
Grand Prize: Celestron NexStar 8SE Computerized Telescope – Retail Value $1,399
One Runner-Up Prize: Celestron Axiom LX 31mm Eyepiece – Retail Value $399
One Viewer’s Choice: Celestron FirstScope – Retail Value $49.99
Read the rules and enter here. The only stickler-type rule is that the images need to be taken with Celestron equipment, but the contest runs from today (June 1) through June 30. Good luck to everyone, and I can’t wait to see all the images!

M94 – The “Cat’s Eye” Galaxy by Roth Ritter

M94 - The Cat's Eye Galaxy by Roth Ritter


About 13 million light-years away in the constellations Canes Venatici, there’s a cloud. No, it’s not the same clouds that most of us have been experiencing lately – but a cluster of galaxies which appear form a single large cloud-like structure. The one we’re focusing on is Canes Venatici I, just a small section of the Virgo Supercluster and just moving along with the expansion of the Universe. In it we see a galaxy that stands out from the crowd for a very good reason… it has very little or no dark matter. It’s name? Messier 94.

When the very gifted Pierre Mechain discovered this galaxy on March 22, 1781, it took two days before Charles Messier had the chance to confirm his observation and catalog it as object 94. From Messier’s notes: “`Nebula without star, above the Heart of Charles [alpha Canum Venaticorum], on the parallel of the star no. 8, of sixth magnitude of the Hunting Dogs [Canes Venatici], according to Flamsteed: In the center it is brilliant and the nebulosity [is] a bit diffuse. It resembles the nebula which is below Lepus, No. 79; but this one is more beautiful and brighter: M. Mechain has discovered this one on March 22, 1781. (diam. 2.5′)”.

While most observers and some reference guides refer to M94 as a barred spiral galaxy (Sb), the notable feature of all is a dual ring structure – evidence of a low-ionization nuclear emission-line region (LINER) galactic nucleus. The inner core is a starburst ring, where many stars form rapidly and undergo supernovae at an astonishing rate. These starbursts may also be accompanied by the formation of galactic jets as matter falls into the central black hole forming a resonance pattern. Says C. Munoz-Tunon: “The bulge and the inner bar drive disk gas motion, causing inward movements outside the H II ring and outward just inside, thereby accumulating material to trigger star formation on the ring. In the central part the bar drives the gas toward the center, which explains the substantial amount of gas in the nucleus in spite of the presence of a fossil starburst. The peculiar motions reported in the literature in reference to the ionized gas of the H II ring can be understood as infalling gas encountering the shock waves generated by the starburst knots on the H II ring and being raised above the galaxy disk. The scenario of star formation propagating from the nucleus outward used to explain the apparent expanding motion of the HI ring is not fully supported, in light of a comparison of the location of the HI ring with that of the FUV ring. The FUV ring peaks at about 45″-48″, which might point to an inward-propagating star formation scenario.”

But, the point is arguable. According to the work of John Kormendy and Robert Kennicutt, it’s possible that what we’re seeing is simply an illusion of starburst caused by our viewing angle. “The Universe is in transition. At early times, galactic evolution was dominated by hierarchical clustering and merging, processes that are violent and rapid. In the far future, evolution will mostly be secular the slow rearrangement of energy and mass that results from interactions involving collective phenomena such as bars, oval disks, spiral structure, and triaxial dark halos. Both processes are important now. This review discusses internal secular evolution, concentrating on one important consequence, the buildup of dense central components in disk galaxies that look like classical, merger-built bulges but that were made slowly out of disk gas. We call these pseudobulges.”

Regardless of what caused the dual ring structure and declining rotation curves – the true answer is still elusive. Oddly enough it was what was proposed in 2008 which made Messier 94 even more mysterious… the lack of dark matter.

So, why should dark matter “matter”? That’s easy. We know its gravitational effects on visible matter and thereby we can explain the flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies, not to mention dark matter has a central role in galaxy structure formation and galaxy evolution. We owe these findings to Fritz Zwicky who told us that a a high mass-to-light ratio indicates the presence of dark matter in galaxies – just as he taught us that dark matter plays a role in galaxy clusters as well. Dr. Zwicky’s line of thinking was radical for the time… But is there still room for radical thinking? Why not?

According to the work of Joanna Jalocha, Lukasz Bratek and Marek Kutschera, ordinary luminous stars and gas account for all the material in M94 – with no room for dark matter. “The comparison of mass functions and rotation laws at the end of the previous section, illustrates the fact that the models with flattened mass distributions are more efficient than the commonly used models assuming spherical halo. The former are better in accounting both for high rotational velocities as well as for low scale structure of rotation curves and with noticeably less amount of matter than the latter (the relation between rotation and mass distribution in the disk model is very sensitive for gradients of a rotation curve). The use of the disk model is justified for galaxies with rotation curves violating the sphericity condition. This is necessary (although not sufficient) condition for a spherical mass distribution. Rotation of the spiral galaxy NGC 4736 can be fully understood in the framework of Newtonian physics. We have found a mass distribution in the galaxy that agrees perfectly with its high-resolution rotation curve, agrees with the I-band luminosity distribution giving low mass-to-light ratio of 1.2 in this band at total mass of 3.43 × 1010M, and is consistent with the amount of HI observed in the remote parts of the galaxy, leaving not much room (if any) for dark matter. Remarkably, we have achieved this consistency without invoking the hypothesis of a massive dark halo nor using modified gravities.

There exist a class of spiral galaxies, similar to NGC 4736, that are not dominated by spherical mass distribution at larger radii. Most importantly, in this region rotation curves should be reconstructed accurately in order not to overestimate the mass distribution. For a given rotation curve it can be easily determined whether or not a spherical halo may be allowed at large radii by examining the Keplerian mass function corresponding to the rotation curve (the so called sphericity test). By using complementary information of mass distribution, independent of rotation curve, we overcame the cutoff problem for the disk model, that for a given rotation curve, a mass distribution could not be found uniquely as it was dependent on the arbitrary extrapolation of the rotation curve.”

More explanation? Then step into MOND – Modified Newtonian dynamics where a modification of Newton’s Second Law of Dynamics (F = ma) is used to explain the galaxy rotation problem. It simply states that acceleration is not linearly proportional to force at low values. But will it work here? Who knows? Says Jacob Bekenstein: “The modified newtonian dynamics (MOND) paradigm of Milgrom can boast of a number of successful predictions regarding galactic dynamics; these are made without the assumption that dark matter plays a significant role. MOND requires gravitation to depart from Newtonian theory in the extragalactic regime where dynamical accelerations are small. So far relativistic gravitation theories proposed to underpin MOND have either clashed with the post-Newtonian tests of general relativity, or failed to provide significant gravitational lensing, or violated hallowed principles by exhibiting superluminal scalar waves or an {a priori} vector field.”

So next time you’re out observing galaxies, have a look at the “Cat’s Eye” Galaxy. Even a small telescope will reveal its bright, controversial nucleus and wispy shape. And thanks to outstanding astrophotographers like Roth Ritter we’re allowed to see a whole lot more…

Our thanks go to Roth Ritter of Northern Galactic for sharing his incredible work!

Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun

In this tightly cropped image the NASA space shuttle Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope are seen in silhouette, side by side during solar transit at 12:17p.m. EDT, Wednesday, May 13, 2009, from west of Vero Beach, Florida. The two spaceships were at an altitude of 600 km and they zipped across the sun in only 0.8 seconds. Photo Credit: (NASA/Thierry Legault)


No, these aren’t sunspots finally appearing on our currently quiet sun. Check out these amazing images taken by photographer Thierry Legault. The “spots” are actually the space shuttle Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope transiting across the sun! Legault’s website says these are the only images ever taken of a transit of a shuttle and the HST in front of the Sun. Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis. The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)

He took another image the previous day of just the shuttle transiting (see below.)

In this tightly cropped image, the NASA space shuttle Atlantis is seen in silhouette during solar transit, Tuesday, May 12, 2009, from Florida. This image was made before Atlantis and the crew of STS-125 had grappled the Hubble Space Telescope. Photo Credit: (NASA/Thierry Legault)
In this tightly cropped image, the NASA space shuttle Atlantis is seen in silhouette during solar transit, Tuesday, May 12, 2009, from Florida. This image was made before Atlantis and the crew of STS-125 had grappled the Hubble Space Telescope. Photo Credit: (NASA/Thierry Legault)

Here, space shuttle Atlantis is seen in silhouette during solar transit, on Tuesday, May 12, 2009, also taken from Florida. This image was taken made before Atlantis and the crew of STS-125 had caught up with the Hubble Space Telescope.


See more on NASA’s Flickr page.

See more of Legault’s photographer here and here.