A “Polar Ring” For Christmas…

This image is dedicated to our late friend Danny Marquardt.


No. This polar ring isn’t a phone call from Santa, but an unusual interacting galaxy designated as NGC 660. Located over 20 million light-years away, this member of the M74 group located in the constellation of Pisces is rare breed – a “polar ring” galaxy – a bizarre configuration of stars, gas, and dust orbiting in ring formations nearly perpendicular to the plane of a flat galactic disk. What caused it? Read on…

Polar ring galaxies are believed to have formed from a spectacular collision of two galaxies who shared a common past. While they may not have merged, the encounter could have left a debris trail which encircles the host galaxy’s disk. “High-resolution interferometric data of the H I and OH absorption in the nuclear region of NGC 660 reveal three distinct absorbing structures. The central disk of the galaxy with a large velocity gradient dominates the absorption signature. The gas in the warped outer disk appears in absorption close to the systemic velocity; the outer rings of the warp located at large radii are moving in front of the nuclear radio source.” says Willema Baan (et al), “Third, an outflowing feature can be seen at the center of the radio source at 100 km/s below the systemic velocity. This mostly molecular feature could be due to a perturbed spiral structure in the inner regions of the disk.”

But, when it comes to NGC 660, the explanation might not quite be as straight forward. Apparently from our line of sight, the area of the ring closest to us doesn’t cross that galactic plane in the middle- but off to one side. This gives us a unique opportunity to study the shape of this galaxy’s hidden dark matter halo by calculating the enigma’s gravitational influence on the rotation of the ring and disk – a mass of starburst activity! Within the ring itself are an estimated 500 clusters where stars are continuously being born with the youngest of the siblings estimated to be about 7 million years old.

“NGC 660 contains concentrated central star formation of power ~ 2 x 1010~ Lsun. Our 1.3 cm continuum image reveals a bright, compact source of less than 10 pc extent with a rising spectral index. We infer that this is optically thick free-free emission from a super star cluster nebula. The nebula is less than 10 pc in size, comparable in luminosity to the “supernebula” in the dwarf galaxy, NGC 5253.” says J.P. Naiman, “We estimate that there are a few thousand O stars contained in this single young cluster. There are a number of other weaker continuum sources, either slightly smaller or more evolved clusters of similar size within the central 300 parsecs of the galaxy.”

But that’s not all that’s hiding in NGC 660, its unusual profile gives us an opportunity to study what happens to molecular gas densities when galaxies collide, too. It opens the mysterious phenomena of megamasers and kilomasers. “Contrary to conventional wisdom, IR luminosity does not dictate OHM formation; both star formation and OHM activity are consequences of tidal density enhancements accompanying galaxy interactions. The OHM fraction in starbursts is likely due to the fraction of mergers experiencing a temporal
spike in tidally driven density enhancement.” says Jeremy Darling. “OHMs are thus signposts marking the most intense, compact, and unusual modes of star formation in the local universe. Future high-redshift OHM surveys can now be interpreted in a star formation and galaxy evolution context, indicating both the merging rate of galaxies and the burst contribution to star formation.”

But what about things we can’t see? Things far more powerful in the electromagnetic spectrum than those given off by Cassiopeia A… Compact radio sources! “Nuclei of starburst galaxies are often obscured by dust and hence are probed best in non-visual wavelength regimes such as the infrared and radio.” sys A. Wiercigroch (JPL). “A number of the compact sources appear to lie along a ring projected against the more diffuse radio emission in the galaxy’s nuclear region.”

Not bad for just another Christmas story….

Credits: Image processing Dietmar Hager and Immo Gerber. Image Acquistion at Tao Observatory. We thank you so much!

Wow! Astronauts on EVA, As Seen From Earth

Ralf Vandebergh’s detail of an image he took on March 21, 2009 showing astronauts working outside the ISS. Credit: Ralf Vandebergh

Remember when it was a big deal when amateur astronomers starting imaging the International Space Station as seen from Earth, showing individual modules and other parts of the space station? One of the most proficient astrophotographers in that department has now just upped the game: Ralf Vandebergh has captured images of astronauts working outside the ISS during an EVA. Vandebergh, who lives in The Netherlands, used his 10-inch Newtonian backyard telescope to capture an image of STS-119 astronauts Joe Acaba and Steve Swanson working outside the ISS to install equipment on one of the trusses during the second EVA of the mission on March 21, 2009. Vandebergh told me he has been trying to image astronauts working outside the ISS since 2007, but hasn’t been successful until now. “In all opportunities I had until now, the astronauts were not on a visible part of the station,” he said “or they were in shadow or the pass or the seeing was simply not favourable.”

Below, enjoy the video Vandebergh created about his extreme zoom-in handiwork, and his explanation of how he was able to take the images.

Nice job Ralf! Check out his website of other telescopic spacecraft image here.

“It was great luck they were working on the Earth-facing side of the port 3 truss on this spacewalk,” Vandebergh said. “Why? This truss is a reasonable open structure, which means it appears a little bit transparent as seen from the Earth with the black space as a background. This makes this particular truss (and the Starboard 3 truss on the other side) look considerably darker then the other trusses in the vicinity.
When a high reflective white suited spacewalker works in front of this truss, there is a very good
chance you receive light from it on your CCD. By following very precisely the live station camera’s–
and helmet cam recordings on NASA TV, I knew exactly were to expect them on the image.”

Countdown to Christmas: Hubble Advent Calendar

This is way cooler than those chocolate filled advent calendars that you can buy at the grocery store (although arguably less yummy): The Big Picture over at The Boston Globe is doing an advent calendar to count down the days until Christmas, only instead of opening a little door to nuggets of chocolate each day, you get huge chunks of Hubble eye candy!

Each day until Christmas you can feast your eyes on a new image from the Hubble Space Telescope like today’s shown above. Hubble has produced enough images over its lifetime to fill a few thousand advent calendars. If you happened to be worried about your waistline this holiday season, forget buying a calorie-bloated advent calendar and head on over to The Big Picture for the next 24 images, which are sure to be stunning.

Little cycling cap tip to The Bad Astronomer

Capture A FUor!

What accretes quietly in the night and can be a blast to observe? Try a FUor… These high accretion, high luminosity phase pre-main sequence stars may only last a few decades – but display an extreme change in magnitude and spectral type in a very short period of time. While FU Orionis may be the prototype you know about, there’s a lot more to learn and even more to observe! Step outside in the dark with me and let’s take a look…

What we know so far about FU Orionis-type stars is they flare with abrupt mass transfer from an accretion disc onto a young, low mass T Tauri-type star. In itself, this is very exciting because nearly half of T Tauri stars have circumstellar disks or protoplanetary discs. These could very well be the forerunners of planetary systems similar to our own solar system! How do we know there is a disc there? Try variablility. “Variable circumstellar extinction is pointed out as responsible for the conspicuous variations observed in the stellar continuum flux and for concomitant changes in the emission features by contrast effect. Clumpy structures, incorporating large dust grains and orbiting the star within a few tenths of AU, obscure episodically the star and, eventually, part of the inner circumstellar zone, while the bulk of the hydrogen lines emitting zone and outer low-density wind region traced by the [OI] remain unaffected.” says E. Schisano (et al), “Coherently with this scenario, the detected radial velocity changes are also explainable in terms of clumpy materials transiting and partially obscuring the star.”

While accretion rates for a FUor could range anywhere from 4 to 10 solar masses annually and its eruptions last up to a year or longer, astronomers believe their entire lifetimes only last a few decades. The proto-star itself may also be limited to undergoing an average of one to two eruptions each year. “The brightness of FUors increases by several magnitudes within one to several years. The currently favored explanation for this brightness boost is that of dramatically rising accretion from the disc material around a young star. The mechanism leading to this accretion increase is a point of debate.” says S. Pfalzner, “The induced accretion rates, the overall temporal accretion profile, the decay time, and possibly the binarity rate we obtain for encounter-induced accretion agree very well with observations of FUors. However, the rise time of one year observed in some FUors is difficult to achieve in our simulations unless the matter is stored somewhere close to the star and then released after a certain mass limit is transgressed. The severest argument against the FUors phenomenon being caused by encounters is that most FUors are found in environments of low stellar density.”

Surprisingly enough, even given the short period of time in which a FUor exists, no one has ever seen one phase out. “A cross-correlation analysis shows that FUor and FUor-like spectra are not consistent with late-type dwarfs, giants, nor embedded protostars. The cross-correlations also show that the observed FUor-like HH energy sources have spectra that are substantively similar to those of FUors.” says Thomas P. Greene (et al), “Both object groups also have similar near-infrared colors. The large line widths and double-peaked nature of the spectra of the FUor-like stars are consistent with the established accretion disk model for FUors, also consistent with their near-infrared colors. It appears that young stars with FUor-like characteristics may be more common than projected from the relatively few known classical FUors.”

Just how common and observable are these unusual characters? A lot more than you might think. According to Bo Reipurth (et al); “The original FUor class was defined by a small number (5-6) of pre-main sequence stars that had been observed to brighten up by 3-6 magnitudes on time scales of 1-10 years. The class has since been augmented by a comparable number of stars that have similar spectra or SEDs to the classical FUors, but that have not been observed to behave photometrically in that way. It is likely that the FUor phenomenon is recurrent, but it is not at all clear whether it is a property shared by ordinary T Tauri stars, or whether it is confined to a special minority among them. It is important that more examples be found, and found promptly, and as the result of systematic search rather than by accident as has been the case in the past. The goal would be to examine, on a regular monthly basis, all the molecular clouds within about 2 kpc that lie along the galactic plane and Gould’ s Belt for faint (or previously invisible) stars that had brightened up by a magnitude or more. It is essential that any such detections be followed up spectroscopically as soon as possible, to weed out interlopers: flare stars, cataclysmic variables, Miras, and EXors (the latter also being pre-main sequence but which unlike FUors soon return to their original brightness level, usually in a year or less). All of these objects are readily distinguishable from one another even at modest spectroscopic resolution. Such an on-going survey would serve also to follow the development of FUors.”

So let’s do the FUor dance!

IRAS 06068 641 FU Ori type object - Joe Brimacombe
IRAS 09068 641 FU Ori type object - Joe Brimacombe

According to CBET 2033 released on November 21, 2009 from the International Astronomical Union: “The discovery of a possible FU-Ori-type eruption (see Hartmann and Kenyon 1996, ARAA 34, 207) is located at R.A. = 6h09m19s.32, Decl. = -6o41’55”.4 (equinox 2000.0), and coincident with the infrared source IRAS 06068-0641. Discovered by the CRTS on Nov. 10, it has been continuously brightening from at least early 2005 (when it was mag 14.8 on unfiltered CCD images) to the present magnitude of 12.6, and may possibly brighten further. On recent images, a faint cometary reflection nebula is visible to the east. A spectrum (range 350-900 nm), taken with the SMARTS 1.5-m telescope at Cerro Tololo, on November 17, shows H-alpha in emission, all other Balmer lines and He I (at 501.5 nm) in absorption, and a very strong Ca II infrared triplet in emission, confirming it to be a young stellar object. The object lies inside a dark nebula to the south of the Mon R2 association, and is likely related to it. In addition, also inside this dark nebula, a second object at R.A. = 6h09m13s.70, Decl. = -6o43’55”.6, coincident with IRAS 06068-0643, has been varying between mag 15 and 20 over the past few years, reminiscent of UX-Ori-type objects with very deep fades. Also, this second object supports a variable cometary reflection nebula, extending to the north. The spectrum of this object also shows H-alpha and the strong Ca II infrared triplet in emission.”

Visible? Yeah. You know it. And here are the wide field results as taken by Joe Brimacombe…

IRAS 06068 641 FU Ori type widefield - Joe Brimacombe
IRAS 06068 641 FU Ori type widefield - Joe Brimacombe

“A smaller site of ongoing star formation in the Mon R2 molecular cloud are the objects associated with GGD 16 and 17. To the south of GGD 17, the T Tauri star Bretz 4 is probably associated with the GGD object. This star has been studied spectroscopically and was classified by as a K4 spectral type with a class 5 emission spectrum.” says Carpenter and Hodapp, “The infrared source IRS 2 is positionally coincident with Bretz 4, while the more deeply embedded IRS 1 has no optical counterpart and lies between the GGD objects. A detailed optical study showed that GGD 17 is part of a curved jet extending north of the star Bretz 4 and consisting of HH 271, and possibly also HH 273. Nebulosity close to the star shows the typical morphology of scattered light from an outflow cavity wall. The embedded infrared objects and optical reflection nebulosity in the general GGD 16-17 region is associated with 850 um emission.”

Capture a FUor… It may be the most unusual thing you’ve ever done!

Many thanks to Joe Brimacombe for the awesome images and awakening my ‘FUor’ curiousity!

Requiem – Daniel Marquardt

“Looking up in the sky is one of the greatest things a human being can do. Going out to a silent and dark site, enjoying the beauty of the Universe with friends. You will forget all the problems here on Earth, because you realize that we are only a little funny thing on this ball we call Earth, flying through our galaxy we call Milky Way. There is more out there that wants to be discovered. Sit back and take a journey through our real home and through space and time.” And remember Daniel Marquardt…

daniel_mIt is with deepest sadness that I report the passing of Daniel Marquardt on November 23, 2009. I got the news as soon as I arrived on-line and I felt the tug on my heart-strings hard and heavy. I have reviewed a lot of Daniel’s work and not a week before had made plans to work with him on an in-depth article for AstroPhoto Insight Magazine. I looked at his images and had plans of doing illustrated soft-science articles here on Universe Today.

And I thought there was time…

It’s funny how our time passes so quickly – and how quickly we can regret not seizing a moment. Daniel lived in Zurich, Switzerland and did his imaging remotely through his Takahashi FSQ106N refractor located in his robotic observatory in Southern France. Too distant for Ohio gal? Not hardly. The internet has made us all much closer and Daniel was a co-member of a group of astrophotographers I love. His star was burning brightly… But I didn’t see it clearly until too late.


Said Daniel, “My goal is to share the beauty of our Universe with everyone. Why am I doing astrophotography? In normal photography you are imaging objects you see through your viewfinder. That’s quite simple. Looking at the object and pressing the release. In less than a second you will find your final image on the memory card and you’ll look at it once. It’s a big difference in astrophotography: The most fascinating point here is that you are not seeing the object with your eyes! It gets only visible if you have a large optical mirror or lens (or both) in front of your camera, that collects many photons. The second difference is that you are not exposing less than a second – you are probably opening the shutter for many hours! Why? Your eye is “updating” the image you see very often. But you can control the opening of your shutter in the camera: The longer the shutter is open, the more photons of an object can crash into the sensitive electronic eye. That’s the magic behind astrophotography.”

And Daniel’s work was truly magic. His images caught the eyes and hearts of astrophotography fans everywhere, like this superb rendition of the “Heart and Soul” nebula which appeared as a NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day on February 14, 2009.


Daniel’s heart and soul was in his astrophotography and in sharing the Universe with us, he captured far more than just collected photons – he captured distant visions for us to feast our eager eyes upon.


If there is a memory card in our minds, don’t just look through the viewfinder of life and look once. That second is all too brief – like the shining star that was Daniel Marquardt. Take his life’s lessons, dedication and courage in the face of illness and turn it into brilliant moment… And remember a very talented young man. Godspeed, Daniel… Godspeed…


“I am like a slip of comet,
Scarce worth discovery, in some corner seen
Bridging the slender difference of two stars,
Come out of space, or suddenly engender’d
By heady elements, for no man knows;
But when she sights the sun she grows and sizes
And spins her skirts out, while her central star
Shakes its cocooning mists; and so she comes
To fields of light; millions of travelling rays
Pierce her; she hangs upon the flame-cased sun,
And sucks the light as full as Gideons’s fleece:
But then her tether calls her; she falls off,
And as she dwindles shreds her smock of gold
Between the sistering planets, till she comes
To single Saturn, last and solitary;
And then she goes out into the cavernous dark.
So I go out: my little sweet is done:
I have drawn heat from this contagious sun:
To not ungentle death now forth I run.”

— Gerard Manley Hopkins

All images here are the work of Daniel Marquardt. Please take the time to visit Sky Image CCD Astronomy.

Jupiter’s Dueling Red Spots

Jupiter 11/01/09 by John Chumack

Even though most of us have been suffering from poor seeing conditions due to both hemisphere’s seasonal climate changes, the changes we’re experiencing look like nothing compared to what’s happening on Jupiter. If you think we’ve got turbulent atmosphere and more than our fair share of clouds – then check out what John Chumack’s been watching!

“I captured Jupiter last night (7:45pm EST on 11-01-09) from my backyard in Dayton, but the seeing was rather poor….but I did notice that the Great Red Spot had Company…the Little Red Spot has gotten noticeably redder and is now very close to the GRS.”

Of course, we all know the Great Red Spot is a great anti-cyclonic (high pressure) storm similar to our terrestrial hurricanes, but it is enormous. Three Earths would fit within its boundaries! And we also know this huge storm has persisted for at least the 400 years that we humans have observed it through telescopes. But in all that time, has it ever collided with another storm front?

Because the GRS can never occur over a land mass and the fact that it is driven by Jupiter’s internal heat source may be why it has hung around for so long. Thanks to some far reaching computer simulations, astronomers believe such large disturbances may be a stable feature of Jupiter, and that stronger disturbances tend to absorb weaker ones. Has the GRS consumed smaller anti-cyclones in its past and that is why is is so big? Is it about to do it again?

Since the cometary collision that created the “Great Black Spot” in July of this year occurred, many observers and photographers have been keeping an eye on Jupiter’s activity. Says John, “Since July they seem to have been getting closer together and may eventually collide….it will be fun watching to see which one survives the duel!!!”

dn14290-2_250In 2006, Oval BA, also known as “Red Jr.,” sideswiped its huge companion – just as it does about every two years. Chances are good that when the two meet, the smaller of the pair will end up losing its ruddy tones – the larger storm slowing Oval BA’s spin and possibly reversing the process that reddened it in the first place. Will it pull up even more material from below Jupiter’s surface? Or will it disperse what’s already there? No one knows for sure… But what we do know is that when a third “Red Spot” passed between the two in 2008… and it didn’t survive the interaction. Need to know when to watch? Then take this:

Great Red Spot Transit Times (UT):

November 1: 5:36, 15:31; 2: 1:27, 11:23, 21:19; 3: 7:14, 17:10; 4: 3:06, 13:02, 22:58; 5: 8:53, 18:49; 6: 4:45, 14:41; 7: 0:36, 10:32, 20:28; 8: 6:24, 16:20; 9: 2:15, 12:11, 22:07; 10: 8:03, 17:59; 11: 3:54, 13:50, 23:46; 12: 9:42, 19:38; 13: 5:33, 15:29; 14: 1:25, 11:21, 21:17; 15: 7:12, 17:08; 16: 3:04, 13:00, 22:56; 17: 8:51, 18:47; 18: 4:43, 14:39; 19: 0:35, 10:30, 20:26; 20: 6:22, 16:18; 21: 2:14, 12:10, 22:05; 22: 8:01, 17:57; 23: 3:53, 13:49, 23:44; 24: 9:40, 19:36; 25: 5:32, 15:28; 26: 1:23, 11:19, 21:15; 27: 7:11, 17:07; 28: 3:03, 12:58, 22:54; 29: 8:50, 18:46; 30: 4:42, 14:38

December 1: 0:33, 10:29, 20:25; 2: 6:21, 16:17; 3: 2:13, 12:08, 22:04; 4: 8:00, 17:56; 5: 3:52, 13:48, 23:43; 6: 9:39, 19:35; 7: 5:31, 15:27; 8: 1:22, 11:18, 21:14; 9: 7:10, 17:06; 10: 3:02, 12:58, 22:53; 11: 8:49, 18:45; 12: 4:41, 14:37; 13: 0:33, 10:28, 20:24; 14: 6:20, 16:16; 15: 2:12, 12:08, 22:03; 16: 7:59, 17:55; 17: 3:51, 13:47, 23:43; 18: 9:39, 19:34; 19: 5:30, 15:26; 20: 1:22, 11:18, 21:14; 21: 7:09, 17:05; 22: 3:01, 12:57, 22:53; 23: 8:49, 18:45; 24: 4:40, 14:36; 25: 0:32, 10:28, 20:24; 26: 6:20, 16:16; 27: 2:11, 12:07, 22:03; 28: 7:59, 17:55; 29: 3:51, 13:46, 23:42; 30: 9:38, 19:34; 31: 5:30, 15:26

And get thee out there with a telescope… Dueling Red Spots will be fun to watch!

Many thanks to John Chumack of Northern Galactic for sharing his image with us and to Sky & Telescope Magazine for the GRS transit prediction times!

1 Milky Way; 3,000 Images

The Milky Way. Credit: Axel Mellinger

What a gorgeous and immense image! And it’s full of stars! An astronomer from Central Michigan University has put together a new high-resolution panoramic image of the full night sky , with the Milky Way galaxy as its centerpiece. Axel Mellinger stitched together over 3,000 images to create this beautiful image, which also comes in an interactive version, showing stars 1,000 times fainter than the human eye can see, as well as hundreds of galaxies, star clusters and nebulae.

View an interactive version at Mellinger’s website.

Mellinger spent 22 months and traveled over 26,000 miles to take digital photographs at dark sky locations in South Africa, Texas and Michigan. After the photographs were taken, “the real work started,” Mellinger said.

Simply cutting and pasting the images together into one big picture would not work. Each photograph is a two-dimensional projection of the celestial sphere. As such, each one contains distortions, in much the same way that flat maps of the round Earth are distorted. In order for the images to fit together seamlessly, those distortions had to be accounted for. To do that, Mellinger used a mathematical model—and hundreds of hours in front of a computer.

Another problem Mellinger had to deal with was the differing background light in each photograph.

“Due to artificial light pollution, natural air glow, as well as sunlight scattered by dust in our solar system, it is virtually impossible to take a wide-field astronomical photograph that has a perfectly uniform background,” Mellinger said.

To fix this, Mellinger used data from the Pioneer 10 and 11 space probes. The data allowed him to distinguish star light from unwanted background light. He could then edit out the varying background light in each photograph. That way they would fit together without looking patchy.

The result is an image of our home galaxy that no star-gazer could ever see from a single spot on earth. Mellinger plans to make the giant 648 megapixel image available to planetariums around the world.

Source: EurekAlert

Supernova 2009js… Another One Bites The Dust!

SN 2009 JS in NGC 918 by Joe Brimacombe


Far away in the constellation of Aries, in a 14th magnitude barred spiral galaxy designated as NGC 918… a star exploded with enough candlepower to briefly outshine its home. Discovered independently by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (LOSS) and Koichi Itagaki (Japan) on October 11, 2009, this Type II supernova might be hiding in the intergalactic dust, but it isn’t hiding from Joe Brimacombe.

So who is to blame for this poor intergalactic housekeeping condition, eh? Just exactly where did this film of dust come from that dims distant galaxies and cloaks supernova events? Try our own Milky Way. We’ve known since the first Palomar Sky Surveys that we’re looking through clouds and filaments of dust at high galactic latitudes. But it isn’t just our galaxy either… It’s our whole family! Chances are the entire local group is puffing out enough hydrogen to send up a smoke screen – possibly even with higher redshift extragalactic objects. And just who is the smoker of our group?

The Andromeda Galaxy – M31…

“Finally we come to the aspect which could most shake conventional beliefs about the Local Group and the nature of near space. Deep prints of a red sensitive Schmidt plate (Arp and Sulentic 1991) show unmistakable filamentary dust features reaching back along the minor axis direction toward M31.This filament is repeated in the blue photographs and 100 the hundred micron infra red scans. They have to be real. Although no one has cared to take a spectrum there is no hint of gaseous emission.” says Halton Arp.

“The ejection path across the whole Local Group sky from M31 to 3C120 must have carried material either dusty or capable of forming dust from the ejecting M 31. But that means dust and obscuration within the Local group of galaxies – a point which has never before been seriously advanced. But how can one escape the mult-iwavelength evidence? The most provocative object in the M31 minor axis line is NGC 918. The nebulous dust is most concentrated at the position of the galaxy but a region has been cleared on either side of the minor axis of the galaxy. Higher resolution images would give invaluable information on the process whereby ejections come out along the minor axis of galaxies. In addition the nebulosity is of such long extent across the sky and so coincident with the alignment along the M31 minor axis that it must be in the Local Group. Therefore interaction with the dust filament would represent direct evidence for a distance much smaller than NGC 918’s conventional redshift distance.”

“The filamentary features surrounding NGC 918 are well shown in this image. The outer features appear to be dust illuminated by the galaxy. Immediately around the galaxy the dust appears to cleared away. By either outflow of matter or radiation pressure from the galaxy.” explains Arp, “If the galaxy is not interacting with the nebulosity but just shining through a serendipitous hole we still have the remarkable inference that material has been ejected along the minor axis of M31 into the middle of the Local Group of galaxies. The question then arises as to how many other nearby galaxy groups contain intergalactic material and what this would do to our view of purportedly more distant galaxies.”

If dust is to blame for a clouded view here, is it possible that NGC 918 could be just as guilty of ignoring the Swiffer? Darn right it could. According to research done by E. E. Martinez-Garcia (et al), NGC 918 has its share of spiral density waves that present azimuthal color gradients that even an infrared passband won’t fully penetrate. “We believe that this effect may be due to the position of the dust lanes and stars with respect to the observer.” says Garcia, “More research needs to be done to understand the origin of this effect.”

In the meantime, we’ll thank Joe Brimacombe of Northern Galactic for being on watch and capturing this distant supernova within 24 hours of its discovery. Cuz’ another one bites the dust!

Hot Crescent Rolls… A Bubble?

The Crescent Nebula by Dietmar Hager and Immo Gerber


The Crescent Nebula, also known as NGC 6888, is a very well renown and most intriguing object located in the constellation Cygnus in the northern hemisphere. At an apparent size of about 18 by 13 arc-minutes it is a very pale nebula. Even in a moderate amateur telescope you can’t quite see this one unless you have absolute dark skies (or narrow band filters) and a decent “light bucket”. So how do we get a chance to study it? Photographically, of course…

Spanning some 25 by 18 light years, gazing at NGC 6888 means we are looking 4700 years into the past, a past that renders a nebula fueled and excited by the blue star at the center. And not just any blue star – but a high mass super-giant star – one that depleted its fuel at “full speed”. Not only was it a super giant, but hot… in the class of “Wolf Rayet” stars (HD 192163). Now, after only a couple of million years the “stellar gas” is almost used up and the star is standing right before a significant change: a supernova candidate. Behold a star that vents its outer layers into space at terrific speed!

“Images are used to constrain models of the ionization structure of nebular features.” says Brian D. Moore (et al) of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Arizona State University, “From these models, we infer physical conditions within features and estimate elemental abundances within the nebula. The results of our analysis, together with the degree of small-scale inhomogeneity apparent in the images, call into question the assumptions underlying traditional methodologies for interpretation of nebular spectroscopy. The thermal pressure of photoionized clumps is higher than the inferred internal pressure of the shocked stellar wind, implying that the current physical conditions have changed significantly over less than a few thousand years.”

While the central star sustains severe loss of mass, the gas is holding lots of oxygen and hydrogen… just before the individual big “bang” of the WR-star creating a “hot bubble” whose struture can’t quite be explained yet. “A detailed analysis of the H I distribution at low positive velocities allowed us to identify two different structures very probably related to the star and the ring nebula. From inside to outside they are: (1) an elliptical shell, 11.8Ă—6.3 pc in size, that embraces the ring nebula (labeled inner shell); and (2) a distorted H I ring, 28 pc in diameter, also detected in IR emission (outer shell). The borders of the inner shell strikingly follows the brightest regions of NGC 6888, showing the sites where the interaction between the nebula and the surrounding gas occurs. A third structure, the external feature, is a broken arc detected at slightly higher velocities than the former shells.” says Christina Cappa (et al), “We propose a scenario in which the strong stellar wind of HD 192163, expanding in an inhomogeneous interstellar medium, blew the outer shell during the main sequence phase of the star. Later, the material ejected by the star during the LBV (or RSG) and WR phases created NGC 6888. This material encountered the innermost wall of the outer shell originating the inner shell. The association of the external feature with the star and the nebula is not clear.”

For a look inside, view the full size image!

Many thanks to Dietmar Hager and Immo Gerber of TAO-Observatory for sharing this incredible image!

Giga Galaxy Zoom Trilogy Now Complete

The third image of ESO’s GigaGalaxy Zoom project is an amazing vista of the Lagoon Nebula taken with the 67-million-pixel Wide Field Imager attached to the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at the La Silla Observatory in Chile. The image covers more than one and a half square degree— an area eight times larger than that of the Full Moon — with a total of about 370 million pixels. It is based on images acquired using three different broadband filters (B, V, R) and one narrow-band filter (H-alpha). Credit: ESO

“Now the circle is complete. When I left you, I was but the learner, and now…” Oh, sorry, different triology. The third image of ESO’s GigaGalaxy Zoom project has just been released online, completing this eye-opening dive into a galaxy not so far away; our own Milky Way. This third installment provides another breathtaking vista of an astronomical object, this time a 370-million-pixel view of the Lagoon Nebula with the quality and depth needed by professional astronomers in their quest to understand our Universe.

The newly released image extends across a field of view of more than one and a half square degree — an area eight times larger than that of the full Moon — and was obtained with the Wide Field Imager attached to the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at the La Silla Observatory in Chile. This 67-million-pixel camera has already created several of ESO’s iconic pictures.

The intriguing object depicted here — the Lagoon Nebula — is located four to five thousand light-years away towards the constellation of Sagittarius (the Archer). The nebula is a giant interstellar cloud, 100 light-years across, where stars are forming. The scattered dark patches seen all over the nebula are huge clouds of gas and dust that are collapsing under their own weight and which will soon give birth to clusters of young, glowing stars.

The three huge images featured in the GigaGalaxy Zoom projec, launched by ESO as part of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009), reveals the full sky as it appears with the unaided eye from one of the darkest deserts on Earth, then zooms in on a rich region of the Milky Way using an amateur telescope, and finally uses the power of a professional telescope to reveal the details of a famous nebula. In this way, the project links the sky we can all see with the deep, “hidden” cosmos that astronomers study on a daily basis. The wonderful quality of the images is a testament to the splendor of the night sky at ESO’s sites in Chile, which are the most productive astronomical observatories in the world.

Click here for the Giga Galaxy Zoom site and start zooming in on our home galaxy!