Q&A with Kepler Scientist from — Iowa?

Artist's rendering of the Kepler Mission (NASA)



With a target launch date of March 5, NASA’s Kepler mission is just weeks away from its tantalizing journey to peer at faraway stars and the Earth-like planets they may be hosting. Hundreds of astronomers from all over the world have a stake in the data. The United States participants hail from all the usual astronomy hubs, among them Arizona, California, Texas and … Iowa? Steve Kawaler, an astrophysicist at Iowa State University, took a moment to chat with Universe Today about his role in a less-publicized goal of the Kepler mission — and his research out of a less-publicized astronomy program.

Q. Why Iowa?

Kawaler: Iowa’s a great place. I’m originally a New Yorker, and went to grad school at the University of Texas, but landing at Iowa State (mostly by chance) still feels right. 

(Still Kawaler:) You can get a lot of work done here. We’ve organized and run the Whole Earth Telescope from here for about 10 years. A few years ago [in 2004], the WET team showed a pulsating white dwarf (BPM 37093, but later dubbed the ‘Diamond Star’) may truly be crystalline. Finding one of the biggest diamonds in the cosmos and announcing it around Valentine’s Day was pretty fun! I’ve been part of some big collaborations where nearly all the work is done remotely, and that is important as we stare at the mountain of data we’re about to see.

Q. What’s your role in the Kepler mission?

Kawaler: I serve on the Steering Committee for the Kepler Asteroseismology Research Consortium. We’ll use the exquisite time-series measurements of the brightness of over 100,000 stars to measure their internal properties.  The KASC has over 250 scientists involved, and the Steering Committee is charged with helping organize and coordinate their efforts in reducing and interpreting the data.

Q. What’s most exciting about the science in this mission?

Kawaler: The most exciting discovery will be the discovery of Earth-like planets around other stars. It’s what we all wonder about – are there other planets out there that host life?  That said, most of the stars that Kepler examines won’t show any signs of planetary transits … but the data will provide a gold mine of information about how stars behave. From the point of view of my own research, the most exciting thing that will come out will be improvement, by a factor of almost 100, in the measure of brightness of over 100,000 stars. Asteroseismologists are drooling at this prospect, because we expect to find oscillations in many stars, but this huge increase in sensitivity is bound to reveal new phenomena that we can’t even guess at yet. 

Q. A press release described part of your interest as “peering into stars.” Can you elaborate?

Kawaler: Until very recently, everything we know about stars, we learned from looking at the outsides. When you want to really need to know what’s going on, you need some sort of probe that goes beneath the surface.  For the Earth, seismic waves generated by earthquakes give you that kind of probe.  For stars, we have to measure their vibrations from (very!) far away.  Those vibrations produce only tiny signals — very subtle brightness variations. We can also look at how the surfaces move up and down and use those as a measure of the oscillations that are going on inside. Once we do make those measurements, we use the tools that terrestrial seismologists have developed, along with some of our own that are adapted to the special circumstances within stars, to probe the insides of the stars.

Q. Why can’t we do this work from Earth?

Kawaler: The short answer is that we can, sort of, but Earth is a really poor place to do this kind of work.  An astronomer can only look at a star for a couple hours a night before the star sets or the sun comes up. It’s kind of the equivalent of listening to Beethoven’s 5th Symphony and listening to every third note. You can sort of do it from the ground by putting together a network of telescopes.  We’ve had some remarkable successes.  But it’s much easier if you can observe from a platform that isn’t rotating. And if that platform is above the atmosphere, you get the added benefit of a direct line of sight to the star that doesn’t have the atmosphere degrading the image.  With continuous views and no atmosphere, Kepler can do way, way better than we can from the ground.

6. Is this helping to realize a life-long ambition for you?

Kawaler: Absolutely – I’ve always been a space program ‘geek.’ I grew up in the 60s. My older brother grew up in the 50s, and he got caught up in the whole Sputnik thing. There were all these books and toys about space; I picked them up and was instantly fascinated. Later, I was just riveted to the TV all the time, watching Gemini and the Apollo missions. I guess I still haven’t grown out of it. My brother is one of the few rabbis that dresses as Captain Kirk on Purim, Jewish Halloween, so I guess he didn’t grow out of it, either. I’m actually heading down to Florida for the launch, with my father, so he can finally be convinced I didn’t have to be a ‘real doctor’ — I can be a PhD.

Sources: Steve Kawaler, NASA

Kepler's search space in the Milky Way, courtesy of NASA.

Why Do Some Scientists Consider Pluto to Not Be a Planet?

Question: Why do some scientists consider Pluto to Not Be a Planet?

Answer: Since its discovery in 1930 until 2006, Pluto was considered a planet, just like the others in the Solar System. But in 2005, Caltech researcher Mike Brown announced that he had discovered a new object which was more distant, but larger in the Solar System.

This object was originally named 2003 UB 313, but then was given the official designation of Eris, after the Greek God of strife and discord. It briefly had the nickname Xena – yes, after the TV show.

With the discovery of Eris, astronomers had to reconsider their definition of a planet. Since Eris is larger than Pluto, the number of planets in the Solar System would need to be expanded to 10. And who knows how much larger it would become with future discoveries.

The International Astronomical Union met in Prague in 2006 to make a final decision. They decided that a planet must fulfill three criteria:

  • It must orbit the Sun
  • It must have enough mass to pull itself into a spherical shape
  • It must have cleared out the other objects in its orbit.

It’s this 3rd part where Pluto falls down. Pluto has only a fraction of the mass of the rest of the objects in its orbit, while the rest of the planets have essentially cleared theirs out completely. Does Pluto have moons? It does, but even with the mass of its moons, Pluto still doesn’t dominate its orbit.

Pluto, Eris and the Asteroid Ceres were given the new designation of “dwarf planet”.

I go into this in much more detail with the article, Why is Pluto Not a Planet?

Why Does Jupiter Have the Great Red Spot?

Frequently, readers send us questions here on Universe Today. One very good question is ”why does Jupiter have the Great Red Spot?” The short answer is that the Great Red Spot is a storm that has been raging since the 1600s, but a short answer does not tell the whole story. Read on for a much more detailed accounting.

The Great Red Spot (GRS) is an anti-cyclonic(rotates counter-clockwise) storm that is located 22° south of Jupiter’s equator. The storm has lasted an estimated 346 years, but many scientists believe that it is much older. The storm is known to have been larger than 40,000 km in diameter at one time and can be easily seen with large backyard telescopes. Currently it measures approximately 24–40,000 km east–to–west and 12–14,000 km north–to–south. The GRS is large enough to envelope two to three Earths. Despite the GRS’s enormous size, it is shrinking. In 2004, it had about half the longitudinal size that it had a century ago. Some scientist estimate that if it continues to shrink at its current rate, it could become circular by 2040. A study by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley showed that the GRS lost 15 percent of its diameter along its major axis between 1996 and 2006. Xylar Asay-Davis, a team member on the study, noted that the spot is not disappearing because ”[v]elocity is a more robust measurement because the clouds associated with the Red Spot are also strongly influenced by numerous other phenomena in the surrounding atmosphere.”

Infrared data indicates that the GRS is colder and located at a higher altitude than most of Jupiter’s other clouds. The cloudtops of the GRS are about 8 km above the surrounding clouds. The storm is held in place by an eastward jetstream to its south and a very strong westward jetstream to its north. Winds around the edge of the GRS peak at 432 km/h, but winds within the storm seem to nearly none existent, with little inflow or outflow. In 2010, astronomers imaged the GRS in the far infrared and found that its central(reddest) region is warmer than its surroundings by about 4 K. The warm airmass is located in the upper troposphere. This warm central spot slowly rotates in the opposite direction of the remainder of the storm and could be a remnant of air flow in the center.

Alright, so why is the storm red? The exact cause of the coloring has not been proven, but…lab experiments support the theory that the color is caused by complex organic molecules, red phosphorus, or another sulfur compound that are pulled from deeper within Jupiter. The color of the GRS varies. At times it is brick-red, fading to a pale salmon, and even white. The spot occasionally disappears from the visible spectrum and can only be seen as the Red Spot Hollow; its niche in the South Equatorial Belt(SEB). The visibility of GRS is apparently coupled to the appearance of the SEB. If the SEB is bright white, the spot tends to be dark. When it is dark, the GRS is usually light. The periods that the color changes last and occur on an unpredictable schedule.

As you can see, the answer to ”why does Jupiter have the Great Red Spot?” has been well researched by NASA and other space agencies. While the answer is not crystal clear at this time, future missions to the planet are designed to better study the atmosphere; hopefully, rendering the answers scientists seek.

We have written many articles about Jupiter for Universe Today. Here are some interesting facts about Jupiter, and here’s an article about the color of Jupiter.

If you’d like more information on Jupiter, check out Hubblesite’s News Releases about Jupiter, and here’s a link to NASA’s Solar System Exploration Guide to Jupiter.

We’ve also recorded an episode of Astronomy Cast just about Jupiter. Listen here, Episode 56: Jupiter.


Why Can’t We Launch Garbage into Space?

Now wouldn’t that be a tidy solution to a big problem? Gather together all the garbage, bundle it up and fire it off into space. Maybe just dump it into the Sun. We could live in a world without trash.

There are just two problems: humans produce an enormous amount of garbage; and rocket launches are extremely expensive.

It’s been estimated that launching material on the space shuttle costs about $10,000/pound ($22,000/kg). Even if engineers could bring down prices by a factor of 10, it would still be thousands of dollars to launch the garbage into space. Let’s imagine a wonderful dream world, where launch costs could be brought down to $1,000/kg – a factor of 1/20th the cost to launch on the space shuttle.

It has also been estimated that the United States alone produces 208 million metric tonnes of garbage per day… per day! So, to launch all that trash into space would cost the United States $208 trillion per day… per day!

The gross domestic product of the United States was $13.13 trillion in 2006, which works out to be about $36 billion a day. In other words, the United States would need to spend 5,800 times its daily gross domestic budget, just to launch its trash into space.

What about nuclear waste? A nuclear reactor releases about 25-30 tonnes of spent fuel every year. With our dream budget of $1,000/kg, that would cost about $25 million to launch a single reactor’s waste into orbit. According to Wikipedia, there are 63 operating reactors in the US, so it would cost about $1.6 billion/year to dispose of the nuclear waste generated.

It’s been estimated that Yucca Mountain – the United State’s current plan to store nuclear waste – will cost about $58 billion to store waste over the course of 100 years. So storing waste in Yucca Mountain will cost about 1/3rd the price of launching that material into space. Not to mention the terrible risk of launching rockets full of nuclear waste into space – imagine what might happen if a rocket exploded in mid-flight…

I’m sure I’ve made some math errors here somewhere…

We have written many articles about space for Universe Today. Here’s an article about the problem with space debris, and here’s an article about human space exploration.

Want more resources on space? Here’s a link to NASA’s Human Spaceflight page, and here’s NASA’s Space Place.

We have also recorded many episode of Astronomy Cast about space. Episode 100 is all about rockets, and Episode 84 is about getting around the Solar System.

Who Was the First Animal to go into Space?

The first rocket ever sent to space probably carried bacteria or some other accidental passenger. But the first animals ever intentionally sent into space were fruit flies launched aboard a V2 rocket in 1947. US scientists were studying the effects of radiation at high altitude.

A rhesus monkey called Albert 1 became the first monkey launched into space on June 11, 1948; also on board a US-launched V2 rocket.

These were just suborbital flights, though. The first animal to actually go into orbit was the dog Laika, launched on board the Soviet Sputnik 2 spacecraft on November 3, 1957. Unfortunately, Laika died during the flight.

At least 10 more dogs were launched into space and on sub-orbital flights by the Soviets until April 12, 1961, when Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space.

Since those first historic launches, many monkeys, chimpanzees, rats, mice, frogs, spiders, cats and even a tortoise were launched into space.

Read more about Laika’s mission in this article.

Want more resources on space? Here’s a link to NASA’s Human Spaceflight page, and here’s NASA’s Space Place.

We have also recorded many episode of Astronomy Cast about space. Episode 100 is all about rockets, and Episode 84 is about getting around the Solar System.

Climate Change Satellite gets Green Light for Launch

The European Space Agency’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite has been cleared for takeoff, following nearly a year in limbo while the mission team awaited the go-ahead from a private launch company.

Originally expected to launch in 2008, SMOS has been in storage at Thales Alenia Space’s facilities in Cannes, France since last May, awaiting a  launch appointment at the Russian Plesetsk Cosmodrome, north of Moscow. If all goes according to plan, the craft will now launch between July and October, the second ESA mission in a series of six designed to observe Earth from space and bolster an understanding of climate change. The first of the satellites in its new Living Planet Program, The Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE), is scheduled to go up March 16. 


Over its lifetime of about 20 months, GOCE will map global variations in the gravity field – crucial for deriving accurate measurements of ocean circulation and sea-level change, both of which are affected by climate change.

SMOS, circulating at a low orbit of around 750 km (466 miles) above the Earth,  will be the first mission dedicated to mapping soil moisture and ocean salinity. Salinity in the oceans has a significant impact on ocean circulation, which in turn helps drive the global climate. Among other applications, understanding the salinity and temperature of the seas will lead to easier predictions of the zones where hurricanes intensify. A specialized radiometer has been developed for the mission that is capable of observing both soil moisture and ocean salinity by capturing images of emitted microwave radiation around the frequency of 1.4 GHz (L-band). SMOS will carry the first-ever, polar-orbiting, space-borne, 2-D interferometric radiometer. The mission is designed to last three years.

Here’s a rundown of the final four planned crafts in the series:

  • ADM-Aeolus (Atmospheric Dynamics Mission), with a 2010 launch date, will collect data about the global wind profile to improve weather forecasting.
  • CryoSat-2, set to launch in late 2009, will determine variations in the thickness of the Earth’s continental ice sheets and marine ice cover to further our understanding of the relationship between ice and global warming. CryoSat-2 replaces CryoSat, which was lost at launch in 2005.
  • Swarm, due for launch in 2010, is a constellation of three satellites to study the dynamics of the magnetic field to gain new insights into the Earth system by studying Earth’s interior and its environment.  
  • EarthCARE (Earth Clouds Aerosols and Radiation Explorer), lanching in 2013, is a joint European-Japanese mission that aims to improve the representation and understanding of the Earth’s radiative balance in climate and numerical weather forecast models.
Source: ESA

Last Summer’s Fireball in Pieces on the Ground?

The Bejar bolide photographed from Torrelodones, Madrid, Spain. The incoming fireball is the streak to the right of the floodlit house. The bright light at the top is the overexposed Moon. Credit: J. Perez Vallejo/SPMN.

Astronomers have analyzed the cometary fireball that blazed across the sky over Europe last year and concluded it was a dense object, about a meter (3.2 feet) across and with a mass of nearly two tons — large enough that some fragments probably survived intact and fell to the ground as meteorites.

Last July, people in Spain, Portugal and France watched the brilliant fireball produced by a boulder crashing down through the Earth’s atmosphere. In a paper to be published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, astronomer Josep M. Trigo-Rodríguez, of the Institute of Space Sciences in Spain, and his co-authors present dramatic images of the event. The scientists also explain how the boulder may originate from a comet which broke up nearly 90 years ago, and suggest that chunks of the boulder (and hence pieces of the comet) are waiting to be found on the ground.

“If we are right, then by monitoring future encounters with other clouds of cometary debris, we have the chance to recover meteorites from specific comets and analyse them in a lab,” Dr Trigo-Rodríguez said. “Handling pieces of comet would fulfil the long-held ambitions of scientists — it would effectively give us a look inside some of the most enigmatic objects in the Solar System.”

Fireballs (or bolides) are the name given by astronomers to the brightest meteors, popularly referred to as shooting stars. On the afternoon of July 11, a brilliant fireball was recorded over southwestern Europe. At maximum intensity, the object was more than 150 times brighter than the full Moon. It was first picked up at a height of 61 miles (98.3 km) and disappeared from view 13 miles (21.5 km) above the surface of the Earth, tracked by three stations of the Spanish Fireball Network above Bejar, near Salamanca in Spain. At the same time, a professional photographer took a picture of the fireball from the north of Madrid.

A close-up image of the Bejar bolide, photographed from Torrelodones, Madrid, Spain. Credit: J. Perez Vallejo/SPMN.
A close-up image of the Bejar bolide, photographed from Torrelodones, Madrid, Spain. Credit: J. Perez Vallejo/SPMN.

From these images, the astronomers have demonstrated that before its fiery demise, the boulder traveled on an unusual orbit around the Sun, which took it from beyond the orbit of Jupiter to the vicinity of Earth. This orbit is very similar to that of a cloud of meteoroids known as the Omicron Draconids, which on rare occasions produces a minor meteor shower and probably originates from the breakup of Comet C/1919 Q2 Metcalf in 1920. The authors suggest the boulder was once embedded in the nucleus of that comet.

Comet C/1919 Q2 Metcalf was discovered by Joel Metcalf from Vermont in August 1919, and was visible until February 3, 1920. The orbit was not well determined and no subsequent appearances are known. The Omicron Draconids meteor stream was discovered to be following a similar orbit to this comet by Allan F. Cook in 1973. The stream characteristically produces bright fireballs and rare meteor outbursts.

In the mid-1980s, the astronomers Tamas I. Gombosi and Harry L.F. Houpis first suggested that the nuclei of comets consist of relatively large boulders cemented together by a ‘glue’ of smaller particles and ice. If the rocky and icy nucleus of a comet disintegrates, then these large boulders are set loose into space. If the Bejar bolide was formed in this way, it confirms the glue model for at least some comets.

Source: Royal Astronomical Society

How Does the Earth Protect Us From Space?

Earth's Magnetosphere. Credit: NASA

Our Earth keeps us very safe from a dangerous Universe that’s always trying to kill us in new and interesting ways.

Risk: Cosmic rays are high energy particles fired at nearly the speed of light by the Sun, supermassive black holes and supernovae. They have the ability to blast right through your body, damaging DNA as they go. Long term exposure to cosmic rays increases your chances of getting cancer. Fortunately, we have our atmosphere to protect us. As cosmic rays crash into the atmosphere, they collide with the oxygen and nitrogen molecules in the air.

Risk: Gamma rays and X-rays. As you know, radiation can damage the body. Just a single high-energy photon of gamma rays can cause significant damage to a living cell. Once again, though, the Earth’s atmosphere is there to protect us. The molecules in the atmosphere absorb the high-energy photons preventing any from reaching us on the ground. In fact, X-ray and gamma ray observatories need to be built in space because there’s no way we can see them from the ground.

Risk: Ultraviolet radiation. The Sun is bathing the Earth in ultraviolet radiation; that’s why you get a sunburn. But the ozone layer is a special region of the atmosphere that absorbs much of this radiation. Without the ozone layer we would be much more exposed here on the surface of the Earth to UV rays, leading to eye damage and greater incidence of skin cancer.

Risk: Solar flares. Violent explosions on the surface of the Sun release a huge amount of energy as flares. In addition to a blast of radiation, it often sends out a burst of plasma traveling at nearly the speed of light. The Earth’s magnetosphere protects us here on Earth from the effects of the plasma, keeping it safely away from the surface of the planet. And our atmosphere keeps the X-ray/gamma ray radiation out.

Risk: Cold temperatures. Space itself is just a few degrees above absolute zero, but our atmosphere acts like a blanket, keeping warm temperatures in. Without the atmosphere, we’d freeze almost instantly.

Risk: Vacuum. Space is airless. Without the Earth, there’d be no air to breath, and the lack of pressure damages cells and lets water evaporate out into space. Vacuum would be very, very bad.

If you’d like to hear more about cosmic rays, listen to this episode of Astronomy Cast.

NASA: Danger of Solar and Cosmic Radiation in Space
NASA: Ultraviolet Waves

Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast – February 13-15, 2009

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! With the Moon gone from the early evening skies and the weather beginning to warm for northern climes, isn’t it about time you at least took a pair of binoculars out and scanned the skies with me? Some of mankind’s greatest astronomers were born over the next three days, included J.L.E. Dreyer, Fritz Zwicky, William Pickering and Galileo Galilei! Although our weekend targets are simple and you’ve probably already seen them before – how long has it been since you’ve last looked? Or tried with alternative sized optics? Ah… Yes. You begin to see the light! Come on. Dust those old binoculars off and head out into the back yard. I’ll be waiting…

dreyerFriday, February 13, 2009 – A bad luck day? Not hardly. It was rather fortunate, because Johan Ludvig Emil Dreyer, was born on this date in 1852. At age 30, Danish astronomer Dreyer became director of the Armagh Observatory—not a grand honor, considering the observatory was so broke it couldn’t afford to replace its equipment. Like all good directors, Dreyer somehow managed to get a new 10″ refractor but no funds for an assistant to practice traditional astronomy. However, J.L.E. was dedicated and within 6 years had compiled all observations known to him into one unified work called the New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars (NGC). Originally containing 7,840 objects, and supplemented in 1895 and 1908 with another 5,386 designations, the NGC remains the standard reference catalog. Although Dreyer’s personal observations included such nebulous descriptions as ‘‘a vault of stars,’’ modern astronomers continue to use his abbreviations as a kind of shorthand.

Honor Dreyer tonight by discovering one of his catalog objects suited for all optics – NGC2287.


Located about two finger-widths south of Alpha Canis Majoris (RA 06 46 00 Dec -20 46 00), only an open cluster this bright could stand up against brilliant Sirius. From a dark-sky location, your unaided eye can even spot this magnitude 4.5 “star vault” as a hazy patch. Aristotle saw it as early as 325 BC! Officially discovered by Hodierna, we know it best by the designation Messier Object 41. Even from 2,300 light-years away, the cluster’s brightest star, an orange giant, stands out clearly from the stellar nest. With large aperture, you’ll notice other K-type stars, all very similar to Sol. Although small scopes and binoculars won’t reveal too much color, you might pick up on the blue signature of young, hot stars. NGC 2287 could be anywhere from 190 to 240 million years old, but its stars shine as brightly now as they did in Aristotle’s day. . .and Dreyer’s!

Saturday, February 14, 2009 – Happy Valentine’s Day! On this date in 1747, astronomer James Bradley presented his evidence of Earth’s wobble, called nutation. The study took 19 years, but won Bradley the Copley Medal! In 1827, George Clark was born. The name might not ring a bell, but it was indeed a bell—melted down—that he used to create his first brass telescope. George’s family went on to produce the finest—and largest—telescopes of their time.

zwickyIn 1898 crabby astronomer Fritz Zwicky came along, his name synonymous with the theory of supernovae. The Swiss-born Caltech professor was also a salty character, often intimidating his colleague Walter Baade and referring to others as ‘‘spherical bastards.’’ Although Zwicky was difficult to work with, he was also brilliant—predicting the phenomenon of gravitational lensing.

Tonight we’ll look at a supernova remnant as we venture to the Crab Nebula. Finding M1 is easy: it can be seen with as little as 7X magnification. Locate Zeta Tauri (about halfway between Orion’s ‘‘head’’ and the southernmost bright star in Auriga) and aim about 1 degree northwest (RA 05 34 31 Dec -22 00 52).

m1Viewing M1 with small optics helps to understand why Charles Messier decided to compile his famous catalog. Unaware of its earlier discovery, Messier located a fuzzy object near the ecliptic and assumed it was the return of Halley’s Comet. Considering his primitive telescope, we can’t fault his observation. But Chuck was a good astronomer. When he realized the object wasn’t in motion, he began compiling a log of things not to be confused with comets—the famous Messier objects. Enjoy looking at this spectacular deep-sky jewel, and we’ll study it in depth another time. Of course, Zwicky would have cursed me for saying that observing without science is an ‘‘empty brain exercise and therefore a waste of time.’’ But on the date of his birth, I took his advice. . . ‘‘Give me a topic and I’ll give you an idea!’’

galileoSunday, February 15, 2009 – Are you ready to do a little IYA 2009 outreach? Then start now. This date’s astronomical births begin in 1564 with Galileo Galilei—pioneer of physics and astronomy—who didn’t invent the telescope but certainly perfected it. Arrested for heresy, Galileo entreated fellow scientists to discover the universal truths for themselves. His cry was ignored. To his friend, Johannes, he wrote: ‘‘I wish, my dear Kepler, that we could have a good laugh together at the extraordinary stupidity of the mob. What do you think of the foremost philosophers of this University? In spite of my oft-repeated efforts and invitations, they have refused, with the obstinacy of a glutted adder, to look at the planets or Moon or my telescope.’’

The birth of lunar and planetary observer William Pickering followed in 1858. During Pickering’s professional years at Harvard, he noted that the entire constellation of Orion is encased in faint nebulosity. Later verified by E.E. Barnard, this nebula is now known as Barnard’s Loop.


With a very dark sky and excellent transparency, you can trace the ‘‘Loop’’ with binoculars. The area is so large and it’s pointless to provide coordinates, but the brightest portion extends eastward between Alpha and Kappa. Because the Orion complex contains so many rapidly evolving stars, it stands to reason a supernova has occurred there. Barnard’s Loop is probably the ancient shell leftover from such a cataclysmic event. If taken as a whole, it would encompass 10 degrees of sky! More difficult for Northern Hemisphere viewers is IC 2118, a huge reflection nebula west of Rigel known as the ‘‘Witch Head.’’ Once photographed by Pickering, IC 2118 is more sensitive to film than to the eye,
but that doesn’t mean you can’t see it. Sky conditions are the decisive factor, so look closely around the eastern edge where the fueling stars are brightest. You just might surprise yourself!

Until next week? Dreams really do come true when you keep on reaching for the stars!

This week’s awesome photos are: J.L.E. Dreyer (historical image), NGC 2287: M41 (credit—Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caltech), Fritz Zwicky (historical image), Messier Object 1 (credit—Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caltech), Galileo (historical image) and Eastern edge of IC 2118 (credit—Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caltech).