Weekly Space Hangout – July 26, 2013

It’s time for another Weekly Space Hangout, where a dedicated team of space journalists run down all the big stories in space and astronomy for the week of July 26, 2013.

Host: Fraser Cain

Panel: Jason Major, Scott Lewis, David Dickinson

Astrological Sign of the Royal Baby
Cosmos Trailer Showcased at Comiccon
Asteroid 2003 DZ15 Close Pass on Monday
Comet ISON Image with Galaxies
Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower
Pale Blue Dot II
Apollo 11 Anniversary
Some Success with the Kepler Recovery

We record the Weekly Space Hangout live as a Google+ Hangout on Air every Friday at Noon Pacific, 3:00 pm Eastern. You can watch the show live on Google+, or here on Universe Today. But you can also watch the archive after the fact, if live video isn’t your thing.

How Hot is the Sun?

How Hot is the Sun?

The Sun is hot, really hot. How hot hot really is, depends on which part you’re talking about:

The sun has a core, a middle, a surface, and an atmosphere.

Starting from the inside out…

There’s the core, where the pressure and temperature are so great that atoms of hydrogen are fused into helium. Every second, 600 million tons of material go through this conversion, releasing vast amounts of gamma radiation. This is the hottest natural place in the Solar System, reaching temperatures of 15 million degrees Celsius. Photons generated at the core of the Sun are emitted and absorbed countless times over thousands of years on their journey to reach the surface.

Outside the core is the radiative zone. Here, temperatures dip down to where fusion reactions can no longer occur, ranging from 7 million down to 2 million degrees Celsius.

Next on our journey outwards from the centre of the Sun, is the convective zone, where bubbles of plasma carry the heat to the surface like a giant lava lamp. Temperatures at the bottom of the convective zone are 2 million degrees.

Finally, the surface, the part of the star that we can see. This is where the temperature is a relatively cool 5,500 degrees Celsius.

Here’s the strange part, as you move further away from the Sun into its atmosphere, the temperature rises again. Above the surface is the chromosphere, where temperatures rise back up to 20,000 degrees Celsius.

Solar CoronaThen there is the corona, the Sun’s outer atmosphere. The corona as a wispy halo around the Sun, visible during eclipses, that stretches millions of kilometres out into space. In the corona, the gases from the Sun are superheated to more than a million degrees – some parts of can even rise to 10 million degrees Celsius.

How can the atmosphere of the Sun get hotter than regions inside it? Astronomers aren’t really sure, but there are two competing theories. It’s possible that waves of energy are released from the surface of the Sun, sending their energy high into the solar atmosphere. Or perhaps the Sun’s magnetic field releases energy into the corona as currents collapse and reconnect.

There are space missions in the works right now to help answer this baffling mystery, so we might have an answer soon.

Stars can get much hotter or colder than our Sun. From the coldest, dimmest red dwarf stars to the hottest blue giants; it’s an amazing Universe out there.

Solar Probe Plus Mission
Solar Orbiter Mission

Weekly Space Hangout – July 19, 2013

Here’s our Weekly Space Hangout for July 19, 2013. Watch as a team of space and astronomy journalists discuss the big space stories of the week. We do this every Friday at 12:00 pm Pacific Time / 3:00 pm Eastern Time. You can join us live, or watch the archive here or on Google+.

Host: Fraser Cain

Participants: Sondy Springmann, Amy Shira Teitel, Jason Major, David Dickenson, Dr. Matthew Francis

And here are the stories that we covered.

What Killed the Dinosaurs?

What Killed the Dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs roamed the Earth for 135 million years. Filling every ecological niche, from the oceans, forests and plains; even the skies.

Then, 66 million years ago, something terrible happened. In a geological instant, 75% of the plants and animals on Earth went extinct. And all of the land dinosaurs were wiped off the Earth forever.

What happened? What killed them off?

What could have caused that much damage in such a short amount of time?

The key to this mystery was found in a strange layer of ash sandwiched between layers of rock deposited 66 million years ago. This line, known as the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, is found across the world in the geologic record and it marks the moment when everything DIED. What’s interesting about this layer is that it’s rich in iridium, a rare element on Earth, but abundant in asteroids.

And so, geologists found the most likely culprit: an asteroid.

This evidence matched the discovery of an enormous asteroid impact basin in the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico, centered near the town of Chicxulub. The rock debris in this area could be dated back to approximately 66 million years old, matching the worldwide layer of ash.

We now know that an asteroid at least ten kilometres across slammed off the coast of Mexico 66 million years ago, releasing 2 million times more energy than the most powerful nuclear bomb ever detonated.

The effect of this impact is mindblowing.

Chicxulub Crater
Chicxulub Crater
Millions of tonnes of rock were ejected into space on ballistic trajectories. Reheated by atmospheric re-entry, this debris superheated the air across the entire planet, catching the world’s forests on fire.

Shockwaves radiated outward from the impact site, inducing earthquakes and volcanoes along their path. Mega tsunamis thousands of meters high spread out from the impact site, pounding coastlines around the world.

Dust rained down across the planet. It filled the air, darkening the skies for decades, and preventing photosynthesis. Plants on land and in the oceans were unable to produce energy.

The planet cooled from the choking dust and aerosols, followed by years of acid rain, and then even global warming as the carbon from the blasted life filled the atmosphere.

Artists concept of asteroid impact event
Artists concept of asteroid impact event
The effects to life were devastating.

It’s no surprise the land dinosaurs didn’t make it through this impact event. In fact, it’s a bigger surprise that our ancient ancestors, hardy early mammals could endure.

And our final sobering thought is that impacts of this scale have happened many times in the past, and will happen again in the future.

It’s not a question of if, it’s a matter of when.

Additional Reading:
Scientists Come to a Conclusion: An Asteroid Killed the Dinosaurs
Giant Impact Near India Might Have Killed the Dinosaurs
Were the Dinosaurs really wiped out by an asteroid? Maybe not

Does the Moon Rotate?

Does the Moon Rotate?

Have you ever noticed that the Moon always looks the same? Sure, the phase changes, but the actual features on the Moon always look the same from month to month.

Does the Moon rotate? What’s going on?

From our perspective here on Earth, the Moon always shows us the same face because it’s tidally locked to our planet. At some point in the distant past, the Moon did rotate from our perspective, but the Earth’s gravity kept pulling unevenly at the Moon, slowing its rotation. Eventually the Moon locked into place, always displaying the same side to us.

But if you looked down on the Earth-Moon system from the north celestial pole, from the perspective of Polaris, the North Star, you’d see that the Moon actually does rotate on its axis. In fact, as the Moon travels around the Earth in a counter-clockwise orbit every 27.5 days, it also completes one full rotation on its axis – also moving in a counter-clockwise direction.

If you look at a time lapse animation of the Moon moving entirely through its phases over the course of a month, you’ll notice a strange wobble, as if the Moon is rocking back and forth on its axis a bit.

This is known as libration.

On average, the Moon is tidally locked to the Earth’s surface. But its actual orbit is elliptical, it moves closer and then more distant from the Earth.

When the Moon is at its closest point, it’s rotation is slower than its orbital speed, so we see an additional 8 degrees on its eastern side. And then when the Moon is at the most distant point, the rotation is faster than its orbital speed, so we can see 8 degrees on the Western side.

Libration allowed astronomers to map out more of the Moon’s surface than we could if the Moon followed a circular orbit.

Until the space age, half the Moon was hidden from us, always facing away. This hemisphere of the Moon was finally first observed by the Soviet Luna 3 probe in 1959, followed by the first human eyes with Apollo 8 in 1968.

The two hemispheres of the Moon are very different.

While the near side is covered with large basaltic plains called maria, the far side is almost completely covered in craters. The reasons for this difference is still a mystery to planetary scientists, but it’s possible that a second Moon crashed into it, billions of years ago, creating the strange surface we see today.

So yes, the Moon does rotate.

But its rotation exactly matches its orbit around the Earth, which is why it looks like it never does.

You can listen to a very interesting podcast about the formation of the Moon from Astronomy Cast, Episode 17: Where Did the Moon Come From?

Virtual Star Party – July 14, 2013

We’re going to try a new experiment with the Virtual Star Party this week. I’m going to post the video live on Universe Today as we start it up. Join us live here, or watch the archive after.

Hosts: Fraser Cain, Scott Lewis

Astronomers: Cory Schmitz, Gary Gonnella, Chris Elliot

This week we had two active telescopes, from Cory Schmitz and Gary Gonnella. We did a quick tour through the nebula region of the Milky Way, making stops at the Ring Nebula, Dumbbell Nebula, Veil Nebula, Lagoon Nebula, Triffid Nebula, a couple of star clusters and even a galaxy.

If you want to join the Virtual Star Party live, we broadcast every Sunday night when it gets dark on the West Coast of North America. For July 21st, it’ll probably be 9:00 pm PDT/12:00 am EDT. But we’re much earlier in the Winter.

P.S. We’re always looking for new astronomers to join us. If you’ve got a telescope that can broadcast images to your computer, and you’d like to participate, please drop me an email at [email protected], and I’ll help you get set up.

What’s the Most Earth-Like Planet In The Solar System?

What's the Most Earth-Like Planet In The Solar System?

Life on Earth got you down? Thinking you’d like to pick up and move to another planet? I’ve got bad news for you. Without protection, there’s no place in the entire Solar System that wouldn’t kill you in few seconds.

You’re looking at scorching temperatures, poisonous atmospheres, crushing gravity, bone chilling cold, a complete lack of oxygen, killer radiation, and more.

The entire Solar System is hostile to life as we know it.

If we had to choose from a range of terrible options, what would be the most Earthlike place in the Solar System?

We would want a world that has a similar gravity, similar atmospheric pressure and composition, protection from radiation, and a comfortable temperature. Just like the Earth.

Let’s look at a few candidates:

The Moon looks good. It’s close and… well, it’s close. It’s an airless world, so you’d need a spacesuit. Low gravity is bad news for your bones, which will lose mass and become brittle. Temperatures range from freezing cold to scorching hot, and there’s no atmosphere or significant magnetic field to protect you from the radiation of space.

While we’re suggesting moons, how about Titan, Saturn’s largest Moon?

It’s only 15% of Earth’s gravity, and the temperatures dip down to minus -179 degrees C; cold enough that it rains liquid methane. Even though the atmosphere is unbreathable, the good news is that the pressure is only a little higher than Earth’s. Which means you wouldn’t need a pressurized spacesuit, just a really, really warm coat.

Turning on the Tap - Commissioned artwork - Colonist tapping into a sub-surface aquifer (©Mars Foundation)
Turning on the Tap – Commissioned artwork – Colonist tapping into a sub-surface aquifer (©Mars Foundation)
How about Mars, the target of so many colonization plans and sci fi adventures?

The gravity of Mars is only 38% the gravity of Earth; and we don’t know what effect a long stay in this gravity would have on the human body. The atmosphere is poisonous carbon dioxide, and the pressure is less than 1% of sea level on Earth. So, you’d better pack a spacesuit. The temperatures can rise as high as a comfortable 35 degrees C, but then plunge down to -143 degrees C at the poles. One big problem with Mars is a total lack of magnetosphere. Radiation from space would be a constant hazard for anyone on the surface of the planet.

Atmosphere of Venus. Credit: ESA
Atmosphere of Venus. Credit: ESA
Perhaps another planet? How about Venus?

On the surface, it’s right out of the running. The temperature is an oven-like 462 degrees C, with a surface pressure 92 times more than Earth. The atmosphere is almost entirely carbon dioxide, with clouds of sulphuric acid. On the plus side, it has gravity roughly similar to Earth, and a thick atmosphere that would protect you from radiation.

Unfortunately, you’d die faster on the surface of Venus than almost anywhere else in the Solar System.

But… there is a place on Venus that’s downright lovely.

Up in the clouds.

Cloud city of Bespin, from Stars Wars

Amazingly, if you rise up through the clouds of Venus to an altitude of 50-60 kilometers, the atmospheric pressure and temperature are the same as on Earth. The atmosphere would still be toxic carbon dioxide, but breathable air would be a “lifting gas” on Venus. You could float around the skies of Venus in a balloon made of breathable air. Stand out on the deck of your Venusian sky city in shorts and a T-shirt, soaking up the sunlight in regular Earth gravity.

Sounds idyllic, right?

So, opinions will vary. Some think Mars is the most Earthlike place in the Solar System, but in my opinion, the clouds of Venus are the place to go.

I’ll see you there.

Related Sources
Colonization of Venus
MarsOne Mission
Pros and Cons of Colonizing the Moon

How Will the World End?

How Will the World End?

There is almost nothing that could completely destroy the earth.

Follow your instincts and ignore anyone raising alarms about its imminent demise.

Oh sure, there’s a pile of events that could make life more difficult, and a laundry list of things that could wipe out all of humanity. Including: asteroid strikes, rising temperatures, or global plagues

In order to actually destroy the Earth, you would need significantly more energy, and there just happens to be enough, a short 150 million kilometers away: the Sun.

The Sun has been in the main sequence of its life for the last 4.5 billion years, converting hydrogen into helium. For stars this massive, that phase lasts for about 10 billion years, meaning we’re only halfway through.

When the Sun does finally run out of hydrogen to burn, it’ll begin fusing helium into carbon, expanding outward in the process. It will become a cooler, larger, red giant star, consuming the orbits of Mercury and Venus.

Scientists are still unsure if the red giant phase of the Sun will consume the Earth. If it does, the Earth’s story ends there. It’ll get caught up inside the Sun, and spiral inward to its demise.

Death by red giant in 5.5 billion years.

If the Sun doesn’t consume the Earth then we’ll have a long, cold future ahead of us. The Sun will shrink down to a white dwarf and begin cooling down to the background temperature of the Universe. The Earth and the rest of the surviving planets will continue orbiting the dying Sun for potentially trillions of years.

Planet orbiting a dead star. Credit: NASA
Planet orbiting a dead star. Credit: NASA
If we’re exceedingly lucky, the Sun will get too close to another star, and the gravitational interactions will capture Earth in orbit, giving our planet a second chance for life. If not, the Earth will continue following the dying Sun around and around the Milky Way for an incomprehensible amount of time.

At this point, the main risk to the planet is a collision. Or maybe it’ll spiral inward over vast periods of time to be destroyed by the Sun, or collide with another planet. Or perhaps the entire Solar System will slowly make its way into the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way.

One last possibility. Physicists think that protons – the building blocks of atoms – might eventually decay, becoming smaller particles and pure energy. After an undecillion years – a 1 followed by 36 zeros – half of the Earth will have just melted away into energy.

But if protons don’t decay, the Earth could theoretically last forever.

The bottom line, the Earth was built to last.

How Many Moons Does Earth Have?

How Many Moons Does Earth Have?

Look up into the night sky and count the moons. You can see only one moon, “the” Moon. But does the Earth have any other moons? Around the Solar System, multiple moons are the rule. Jupiter has 67 natural satellites, even Mars has two asteroid-like moons.

Could Earth have more than one?

Officially, the answer is no. The Earth has a single moon.


It’s possible Earth had more than one moon in the past, millions or even billions of years ago. Strange terrain on the far side of the Moon could be explained by a second moon crashing into it, depositing a layer of material tens of kilometers deep.

Moons could come and go over the billions of years of the Earth’s history.

For example, Mars has two Moons, but not for long. Phobos, the larger moon, is spiraling inward and expected to crash into the planet within the next 10 million years. And so, in the future, Mars will only have a single Moon, Deimos.

It’s also possible that the Earth might capture a Moon in the future. Neptune’s largest moon, Triton, orbits in the opposite direction from the rest of the moons around the planet. This suggests that Triton was actually a captured Kuiper Belt Object which strayed too close to the planet.

2006 RH120
2006 RH120
In fact, we did capture a 5-metre asteroid called 2006 RH120. It orbited the Earth four times during 2006/2007 before getting ejected again.

So we can assume events like this have happened in the past.

Additionally, we might have more moons, but they haven’t been discovered yet because they’re just too small. Researchers have calculated that there could be meter-sized asteroids in orbit around the Earth, remaining in orbit for hundreds of years before gravitational interactions push them out again.

And there are other objects that interact with Earth’s orbit in strange ways. Scientists don’t consider them moons, but they do stick around in our neighbourhood:

Asteroid 3753 Cruithne is in an orbital resonance with the Earth. It has a highly eccentric orbit, but takes exactly one year to orbit the Sun. From our perspective, it follows a slow, horse-shoe shaped path across the sky. Since the discovery of Cruithne in 1986, several other resonant near-Earth objects have been discovered.

2007 TK7
2007 TK7
There’s 2010 TK7, the Earth’s only known Trojan asteroid. It leads the Earth in the exact same orbit around the Sun, in a gravitationally stable point in space.

So, the answer… Earth only has a single Moon. Today. We might have had more moons in the past, and we might capture more in the future, but for right now… enjoy the one we’ve got.

Want to learn more? Here are some articles on Universe Today we’ve written about this topic:
What are some objects known as Earth’s other moons?
Did Earth have more than one moon in the past?
Does Earth have many tiny moons?

You might also enjoy this episode of Astronomy Cast: Where did the Moon come from?