US Space Station Crew’s Orbital Presidential Vote

16 years ago

[/caption]Astronauts realise that there are some things they will miss out on. Whilst living on the International Space Station (ISS)…

Phoenix Lander Weak But Responsive

16 years ago

[/caption] After re-establishing communications with the Phoenix Mars Lander late last week, engineers have been able to communicate each day…

Lunar Year

16 years ago

[/caption] A lunar year or lunar calendar is one that is based on the cycles of the moon phases. The…

ISS Space Junk Re-Entered Without Incident, 550km South of Australia (Updated)

16 years ago

[/caption] The Early Ammonia Servicer (EAS), the largest chunk of debris ever jettisoned from the International Space Station (ISS) had…

Mars Methane Mystery Still Beckons

16 years ago

[/caption] We've known about the methane in Mars' atmosphere for over four years now. But we don't know where it…

Density of the Moon

16 years ago

[/caption] The density of the Moon is 3.346 g/cm3. The Moon is actually the second densest moon in the Solar…

What is the Moon Made Of?

16 years ago

The composition of the Moon is a bit of a mystery. Although we know a lot about what the surface…

Moon Activities for Kids

16 years ago

[/caption] Want to help your kids learn more about the Moon with some interesting activities? Here are some Moon activities…

How Far is the Moon From the Sun?

16 years ago

[/caption] The Moon, on average, is about 150 million kilometers away from the Sun. That's actually an interesting coincidence, since…

Cassini’s ‘Skeet Shoot’ of Enceladus Produces Spectacular Images

16 years ago

[/caption] The Cassini spacecraft performed another 'skeet shoot' over Enceladus' south pole on Friday, and returned some absolutely stunning images.…