Phoenix Not Responding to Communications

16 years ago

[/caption] Update: 10/31: Phoenix communicated with NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter late Thursday. The communication reinforced a diagnosis that the spacecraft…

Volume of the Moon

16 years ago

[/caption] The volume of the Moon is about 21.9 billion cubic kilometers. Does that sound like a lot? For comparison,…

Hubble Servicing Mission Delayed; Mission to ISS Set for Nov. 14

16 years ago

[/caption] The space shuttle mission to repair and update the Hubble Space Telescope has been delayed. Mission managers were aiming…

“Ares and Orion Are the Way to Go”

16 years ago

[/caption] Numerous news articles recently have reported problems with the Ares rocket. Some articles detailed critical design flaws, others wondered…

Moon Maps

16 years ago

Are you looking for a map of the Moon? As it turns out, there are plenty of resources on the…

The Coma Berenices Constellation

16 years ago

Located in the northern sky is the constellation Coma Berenices, one of the 88 modern constellations recognized by the IAU.


16 years ago

[/caption] Moonrise is the first appearance of the Moon over the Earth's horizon. Unlike the Sun, the rising of the…

Podcast: Orbit of the Planets, Green Stars, and Oort Cloud Contamination

16 years ago

[/caption] We're back to a themeless questions show. We're right across the Universe this time. Why are the planets lined…

Halloween Flyby Will Focus on the Eerie Fractures of Enceladus

16 years ago

[/caption] What lurks in the eerie fractures of Enceladus that slash across the moon's south polar region? The Cassini spacecraft…

Full Moon Calendar

16 years ago

[/caption] Want to know when the next full moon is going to happen? Here's a list of all the full…