What a view! Here are some awesome eclipse images and videos from around the globe as skywatchers in Asia, the northern Pacific region and western North America experienced the annular eclipse on May 20/21, 2012. Above is a stunning combination of shots from various stages of the eclipse in Tokyo, Japan from Kim Nilsson.
For many of the images, click on them for the original source or for more info/larger sizes. We’ll be adding more images as they come in. If you want to have us add yours to this gallery, post your image to our Flickr group, or send us your images by email.
Thanks also to everyone who joined in on the Virtual Star Party with Phil Plait, Fraser, Jason, Pamela Gay, and Nicole Gugliucci, along with a live telescope feed from Scott Lewis in Los Angeles. If you want to watch a replay, the video is embedded below.
May 20 2012 Solar Eclipse near Sunset Beach / Huntington Beach, CA - timelapse / composition of "phases" of the eclipse during the approximate 2 hour duration. Credit: jimnista on Flickr.A 'ring of fire' as seen in Arizona, USA. Credit: Robert Sparks (a.k.a. hale_bopp37 on Flickr)'I love eclipses!' says photographer Linda Judah, who created this composite from pinhole camera observations of the May 20, 2012 annular eclipse, as seen in California, USA.Screenshot from the live webcast from SLOOH Space Camera.
Eclipse picture from hotel room in Tokyo, Japan taken with iPhone! Credit: Lee Skelton.
This stunningly beautiful images from HadleyRille on YouTube shows how a tree a yard casts eclipse-shaped pinhole projections onto the front of a house:
Eclipse in Dallas, Texas USA from our very own Jason Major.Tree leaves acting as pinhole cameras projecting tiny eclipse images on the ground at Mt. Lemmon, near Tucson, Arizona USA. Credit: Sifted Reality on Flickr.'I'm sorry to inform you that Earth is about to be been eaten by a fire demon,' wrote photographer Ben Brockert on Twitter. Ben is an engineer at Armadillo Aerospace.
Eclipse image taken through radiography film. Credit: Stefan Bartali.Eclipse through the clouds in Manhattan Beach, California, USA. Credit:Eclipse over wheat, at sunset in South Dakota, USA. Credit: Randy Halverson/Dakotalapse.Annular eclipse on May 20, 2012 as seen in southwest Missouri, USA. Credit: Josh Martin.An eclipsed Sun in a blaze of glory, as seen in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Credit: Abe MegahedA hazy eclipse as seen in Manteno, Illinois, USA. Credit: Gerald Meegan.A series of images taken near Stockton, California, USA, between 16:34 PST, and 19:36 PST. 'I had to move a couple of times to keep it in view and by the time I got to the last picture, it was falling behind trees,' said photographer Jon Ballard.May 20, 2012 annular eclipse taken in Huntington Beach, CA at 6:09 PM. Smart phone picture using a Galileoscope shining on a piece of white paper. Credit: yzzzguy on Flickr.Sunspots show up on the eclipsed Sun. Credit: darethehair on Flickr, from Morden, Manitoba, Canada.Eclipse photo by Bill Dunford (of RidingWithRobots.org) in UtahA cloudy, blue eclipse as seen in Taipei, May 21, 2012 about 06:20 AM. Credit: sawunggaling on Flickr.This photo was taken near the Texas-New Mexico border, west of Lubbock, TX. This is near the eclipse maximum, partially obscured by clouds. Credit: Erin Shaw
Here’s a video of a setting eclipse over the Very Large Array in New Mexico (Credit: J. Stoke/J. Hellerman, NRAO/AUI/NSF)
‘I watched the eclipse through a 30 year old Edmund Scientific Astroscan 2000,’ said photographer Keith Nealy from Alameda, California, USA.” I don't have a camera mount, so I just put my iPhone 4S in front of the lens and got an impressionistic shot. I took my telescope out to the street corner near our movie theater. About 75 people looked through it and were awestruck. It was delightful to see all ages and races be amazed. One couple came out of the movie "Avengers." I asked them how they liked the movie and they said the view through the telescope was better.’Eclipse behind the mountains of the Wupatki Indian Ruins in northern Arizona, USA. Taken with Celestron 3.5 inch with solar filter through a Sony point and shoot digital camera. Credit: Andy RadkeA self-portrait of prolific photographer John Chumack watching the eclipse on May 20, 2012 from Indianapolis, Indiana.Fun! Eclipse eyes by Alok Singhal. Taken on a pier in Jack London Square in Oakland, California, USA. Credit: Jessie Edwards of Frivolous Design.
And make sure you check out our Flickr page to see more eclipse and other wonderful images sent in by astrophotographers!
bryan, the link is to a fake. it’s not the eclipse today. the milky way galaxy is nowhere near that close to earth. from the website of the creator of the pic “Great render, the clouds in particular look very realistic”…yes, it’s computer generated. http://a4size-ska.deviantart.com/art/Eclipse-144235675
o_O How the heck do you get a photo like that from a phone camera?!? That’s an awesome zoom!
there is a zoom lens for iphone that you can place infront of the phone`s camera , but it costs too much and it`s still just a toy…
The smart phone picture is of a piece of paper. The image on the paper is created using a telescope. No zoom required.
🙁 The sun was already set over here in NC when it happened. WOuld have loved to have seen it!! Thanks for the images, though!
Photographed annularity via Solar Filter on my FZ100 Lumix from North Tokyo. Sky was clear until 2 minutes into annularity. Then, high clouds formed around Sun/Moon. Quite an energetic day. Eclipse was quite the show.
this one is amazing
bryan, the link is to a fake. it’s not the eclipse today. the milky way galaxy is nowhere near that close to earth. from the website of the creator of the pic “Great render, the clouds in particular look very realistic”…yes, it’s computer generated. http://a4size-ska.deviantart.com/art/Eclipse-144235675
o_O How the heck do you get a photo like that from a phone camera?!? That’s an awesome zoom!
there is a zoom lens for iphone that you can place infront of the phone`s camera , but it costs too much and it`s still just a toy…
The smart phone picture is of a piece of paper. The image on the paper is created using a telescope. No zoom required.
🙁 The sun was already set over here in NC when it happened. WOuld have loved to have seen it!! Thanks for the images, though!
here is mine 🙂
here is mine 🙂
from Las VEgas
Photographed annularity via Solar Filter on my FZ100 Lumix from North Tokyo. Sky was clear until 2 minutes into annularity. Then, high clouds formed around Sun/Moon. Quite an energetic day. Eclipse was quite the show.
Images found at
A video I made about my trip to see the eclipse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4jvnJkmwC4