
Does Life Really Need Planets? Maybe Not

Do we have a planetary bias when it comes to understanding where life can perpetuate? It's only natural that we…

2 months ago

Citizen Scientists Find Fifteen “Active Asteroids”

Nature often defies our simple explanations. Take comets and asteroids, for example. Comets are icy and have tails; asteroids are…

11 months ago

GJ 367b is Another Dead World Orbiting a Red Dwarf

Red dwarf exoplanet habitability is a hot topic in space science. These small dim stars host lots of exoplanets, including…

1 year ago

How Do Lava Worlds Become Earth-Like, Living Planets?

Earth was once entirely molten. Planetary scientists call this phase in a planet's evolution a magma ocean, and Earth may…

1 year ago

JWST Finds a Comet Still Holding Onto Water in the Main Asteroid Belt

Comets are instantly recognizable by their tails of gas and dust. Most comets originate in the far, frozen reaches of…

2 years ago

Robotic asteroid mining spacecraft wins a grant from NASA

This year, the NASA's NIAC Program is looking at some really interesting ideas - such as a water-powered, laser-shooting, asteroid-mining…

6 years ago

Ceres Provides First Detection Of Life’s Building Blocks In Asteroid Belt

A new study by an international team of scientists uses data provided by the Dawn probe to show that conditions…

8 years ago

How Do We Terraform Saturn’s Moons?

Within the Saturn system, there are many moons which could present the opportunity terraforming. But to do so presents many…

9 years ago

How Do We Terraform Jupiter’s Moons?

Jupiter's four largest moons - the Galileans - have long been considered as possible sites for human habitation, and even…

9 years ago

How Do We Terraform The Moon?

Given its proximity to Earth and our history of exploring it, colonizing and terraforming the Moon could be much easier…

9 years ago