A Mini-Neptune in the Habitable Zone in a Binary Star System

Sometimes, it seems like habitable worlds can pop up almost anywhere in the universe. A recent paper from a team…

2 months ago

A New Venus-Sized World Found in the Habitable Zone of its Star

The parade of interesting new exoplanets continues. Today, NASA issued a press release announcing the discovery of a new exoplanet…

2 months ago

TESS Finds its First Rogue Planet

Well over 5,000 planets have been found orbiting other star systems. One of the satellites hunting for them is TESS,…

3 months ago

The SETI Ellipse Tells Us Where to Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations

Of all the questions that remain unanswered, the question of life in the Universe is surely the one that captures…

5 months ago

Six Planets Found Orbiting an Extremely Young Star

The field of exoplanet study continues to grow by leaps and bounds. As of the penning of this article, 5,572…

6 months ago

Exoplanets: Why study them? What are the challenges? What can they teach us about finding life beyond Earth?

Universe Today has explored the importance of studying impact craters and planetary surfaces and what these scientific disciplines can teach…

6 months ago

Half of this Exoplanet is Covered in Lava

Astronomers working with TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) have discovered a planet that's been left out in the Sun too…

7 months ago

A Planetary System With Six Sub-Neptunes Locked in Perfect Resonance

Researchers using TESS and Cheops data found a system with six sub-Neptune-sized planets, all orbiting in direct resonance with each…

8 months ago

This Exoplanet is Probably a Solid Ball of Metal

We can't understand nature without understanding its range. That's apparent in exoplanet science and in our theories of planetary formation.…

10 months ago

TESS Finds a Planet That Takes 482 Days to Orbit, the Widest it’s Seen so Far

We're rapidly learning that our Solar System, so familiar to us all, does not represent normal. A couple of decades…

11 months ago