supermassive black holes

New Simulation Explains how Supermassive Black Holes Grew so Quickly

One of the main scientific objectives of next-generation observatories (like the James Webb Space Telescope) has been to observe the…

1 month ago

This New Map of 1.3 Million Quasars Is A Powerful Tool

Quasars are the brightest objects in the Universe. The most powerful ones are thousands of times more luminous than entire…

4 months ago

Little Red Dots in Webb Photos Turned Out to Be Quasars

In its first year of operation, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) made some profound discoveries. These included providing the…

4 months ago

Astronomers are Getting Really Good at Weighing Baby Supermassive Black Holes

In the 1970s, astronomers deduced that the persistent radio source coming from the center of our galaxy was actually a…

6 months ago

Vera Rubin Will Find Binary Supermassive Black Holes. Here’s How.

When galaxies merge, we expect them to produce binary black holes (BBHs.) BBHs orbit one another closely, and when they…

8 months ago

Astronomers Precisely Measure a Black Hole's Accretion Disk

Actively feeding supermassive black holes are known as quasars, and they can outshine all the stars of their host galaxy.…

11 months ago

Could This Supermassive Black Hole Only Have Formed by Direct Collapse?

One of the outstanding mysteries in astronomy is how supermassive black holes gained so much mass so early in the…

12 months ago

A Massive Galaxy With Almost No Dark Matter

Astronomers have found a massive galaxy that contains little to no Dark Matter, something that doesn't fit with current cosmological…

1 year ago

Early Black Holes Were Bigger Than We Thought

Every large galaxy in the nearby universe contains a supermassive black hole at its core. The mass of those black…

1 year ago

eROSITA Sees Changes in the Most Powerful Quasar

An international team of astronomers observed the quasar J1114 in the X-ray band for the first time, revealing things about…

1 year ago