super-Earth planets

Ocean Worlds With Hydrogen-Rich Atmospheres Could be the Perfect Spots for Life

A new study has identified another class of exoplanet that could drastically increase the odds of finding life beyond the…

3 years ago

Larger Rocky Planets Might be Rare Because They Shrunk

Researchers at the Flatiron Institute's Center for Computational Astrophysics published a paper last week that just might explain a mysterious…

4 years ago

Gliese 486b is a Hellish World With Temperatures Above 700 Kelvin

The CARMENES consortium recently discovered a super-Earth just 21 light-years away that will be the perfect test case for exoplanets…

4 years ago

It's Starting to Look Like Super-Earths Really are Just Great big Terrestrial Planets

New research shows there is a divide between how gas planets and rocky worlds form.

4 years ago

Super-Earth Conditions Simulated in the Lab to Discover if They’re Habitable

Researchers recently simulated what geological conditions would be like on Super-Earths, and found that a few known exoplanets are worth…

4 years ago

Heard of Mini-Neptunes and gas-Dwarfs? Here's a new one: sub-Earths

A new study suggests that planets smaller than Earth form much later than large planets, which could point to a…

4 years ago

Astronomers Thought They’d Found a Red Dwarf That Wasn’t Hostile to its Habitable Zone Planets. They Were Wrong

New research using Hubble archive data shows that GJ 887, the nearby red dwarf star system with two exoplanets, might…

4 years ago

TESS Just Found its First Earth-Sized World

NASA's new planet-hunting telescope, TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite), just found its first Earth-sized world. Though the Earth-sized planet, and…

6 years ago

New Study Claims There are Four Exoplanets Around Nearest Sun-Like Star!

A recent study by an international team of scientists has revealed four Earth-like planets around tau Ceti, a Sun-like star…

8 years ago

What is a Terrestrial Planet?

Earth and all the other inner planets of the Solar System have something in common: they are composed of silicate…

10 years ago