
India Follows its Lunar Mission by Sending a Spacecraft to Study the Sun

Amid its Chandrayaan-3 mission to the Moon, India’s space agency launched another satellite and this one will study the Sun.…

11 months ago

New Detailed Images of the Sun from the World’s Most Powerful Ground-Based Solar Telescope

Our Sun continues to demonstrate its awesome power in a breathtaking collection of recent images taken by the U.S. National…

1 year ago

Gravitational Waves From Pulsars Could Be Used to Probe the Interior of the Sun

Gravitational waves from known pulsars might be used to probe the interior of the Sun.

1 year ago

Solar Orbiter Continues to Get Closer to the Sun, Revealing More and More With Each Pass

On April 10th, ESA's Solar Orbiter made its closest flyby of the Sun, coming to within just 29% of the…

1 year ago

Watch a Dramatic Tornado Rise from the Surface of the Sun, Captured by Andrew McCarthy

Amateur astrophotography is becoming increasingly popular among the astronomy community, as advancements in telescope and camera technologies allow individuals from…

1 year ago

The Sun Continues its Journey to Solar Maximum, Releasing X-Class Flares

The Sun belted out strong solar flares two days in a row, as activity ramps up toward the next Solar…

1 year ago

Images From Three Telescopes Merged Into One Spectacular Picture of the Sun

You’ve probably never seen our Sun look like this before. This bizarre image of old Sol is made from data…

1 year ago

Astronomers See Flashes on the Sun That Could be a Sign of an Upcoming Flare

Using data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, scientists have discovered new clues that could help predict when and where the…

1 year ago

Worlds Bustling With Plantlife Should Shine in a Detectable Wavelength of Infrared

Future historians might look back on this time and call it the 'exoplanet age.' We've found over 5,000 exoplanets, and…

2 years ago

How Crazy Magnetic Fields Drive the Sun Mad

Solar coronal jets are fast moving plumes of plasma that erupt suddenly from the polar regions of the Sun. Astronomers…

2 years ago