special relativity

This Particle Only Has Mass When Moving in One Direction

Particle physics is not everyone’s cup of tea.  A team of physicists have theorised the existence of a strange type…

1 month ago

What is Einstein’s Theory of Relativity?

More than a century after he first proposed it, Einstein's Theory of Relativity is still foundational to our understanding of…

3 years ago

Beyond “Fermi’s Paradox” XV: What is the Percolation Hypothesis?

Could it be that the reason we haven't met any aliens is because interstellar colonization simply isn't practical? Not exactly…

4 years ago

NASA’s New Video Shows You What it’s Like Traveling Close to the Speed of Light

NASA has just released an informative video that lets potential interstellar travellers know what they're in for!

4 years ago

Pulsars Confirm One of Einstein’s Best Ideas, That Freefall Really Feels Like You’re Experiencing a Lack of Gravity

A team of European researchers observed a pulsar with two orbiting white dwarfs to confirm Einstein's "most fortunate thought."

5 years ago

Time Travel Into The Future Is Totally Possible

Believe it or not, time travel is possible. In fact, you're doing it right now. Every single second of every…

5 years ago

First Ever Image of Quantum Entanglement

A research team from the University of Glasgow has, for the first time ever, captured an image of entangled photons.

6 years ago

You Could Travel Through a Wormhole, but it’s Slower Than Going Through Space

A new study reveals that traveling through a wormhole may actually be possible, but don't count on it saving you…

6 years ago

What Would a Camera on a Breakthrough Starshot Spacecraft See if it’s Going at High Velocity?

In a recent study, a pair of astrophysicists suggest that Breakthrough Starshot could also test Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity…

7 years ago

What is the Speed of Light?

Since the late 17th century, scientists have been attempting to measure the speed of light, with increasingly accurate results

8 years ago