Space Telescopes

Next Generation Space Telescopes Could Use Deformable Mirrors to Image Earth-Sized Worlds

NASA and its commercial partners are working on deformable mirrors (DM) that will allow next-generation telescopes to directly observe exoplanets.

10 months ago

How Can We Bring Down the Costs of Large Space Telescopes?

We're all basking in the success of the James Webb Space Telescope. It's fulfilling its promise as our most powerful…

1 year ago

Future Space Telescopes Could be 100 Meters Across, Constructed in Space, and Then Bent Into a Precise Shape

An MIT team proposes a new method for in-space assembly to built a self-adjusting 100 m (328 ft) space telescope

2 years ago

It’s Already Hard Enough to Block a Single Star’s Light to See its Planets. But Binary Stars? Yikes

Detecting exoplanets was frontier science not long ago. But now we've found over 5,000 of them, and we expect to…

2 years ago

JWST Pioneer Passes Along Advice for Future Space Telescope Builders

After a quarter-century of development, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is a smashing success. But senior project scientist John Mather,…

2 years ago

NASA Continues to Try and Rescue Failing Hubble

The search for Hubble's error continues, and could involve some complex and risky operations really soon!

3 years ago

Oumuamua Isn’t an Alien Probe, Because Aliens can Learn Everything They Need About us With Telescopes

A new study offers a new take on why 'Oumuamua could not have been an alien probe: a lack of…

4 years ago

Nancy Roman Telescope’s Primary 2.4-Meter Mirror is Ready

The Nancy Roman Telescope has reached another milestone in its development. NASA has announced that the space telescope's primary mirror…

4 years ago

Tiny Cubesat Detects an Exoplanet

A team of MIT researchers have observed a Super-Earth using a CubeSat, making it the smallest satellite to study an…

4 years ago

Good-bye Spitzer. We’ll Miss You But We Won’t Forget You.

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has reached the end of its life. Its mission was to study objects in the infrared,…

5 years ago