space telescope

Research Work Begins on the Habitable Worlds Observatory

NASA are planning on building a telescope to hunt for habitable worlds. The imaginatively named ‘Habitable Worlds Observatory’ is at…

2 months ago

A Tiny Telescope is Revealing “Hot Jupiter” Secrets

A recent study presented this week at the 2023 meeting of the American Geophysical Union discusses observations of “hot Jupiters”…

8 months ago

ESA’s Ariel Mission is Approved to Begin Construction

We're about to learn a lot more about exoplanets. The ESA has just approved the construction of its Ariel mission,…

8 months ago

Planning is Underway for NASA’s Next Big Flagship Space Telescope

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has only been operational for just over a year, but this isn’t stopping the…

11 months ago

A New Mission Will Search for Habitable Planets at Alpha Centauri

The TOLIMAN space telescope will search for exoplanets next door, and has contracted with EnduroSat to make that happen.

1 year ago

A Fleet of Space Telescopes Flying in Formation Could Reveal Details on Exoplanets

We've found thousands of exoplanets in the last couple of decades. We've discovered exoplanets unlike anything in our own Solar…

2 years ago

A Space Telescope With one job: Find Habitable Planets at Alpha Centauri

Breakthrough Initiatives just announced a collaborative effort to launch a space telescope that will search for habitable planets around Alpha…

3 years ago

WFIRST Passes an Important Milestone, it’s Time to Begin Development and Testing

Soon, astronomers and astrophysicists will have more observing power than they know what to do with. Not only will the…

4 years ago

The NewSpace Revolution is About to Bring us Tiny Space Telescopes we can all Control

Next year, Randy Chung and Sean League of Space Fab will be launching the world's first space telescope that will…

6 years ago

Project Blue: Building a Space Telescope that Could Directly Observe Planets Around Alpha Centauri

An international consortium of scientists known as Project Blue hopes to crowdfund the creation of a space telescope that will…

7 years ago