Solar Astronomy

Solar Physics: Why study it? What can it teach us about finding life beyond Earth?

Universe Today has investigated the importance of studying impact craters, planetary surfaces, exoplanets, and astrobiology, and what these disciplines can…

5 months ago

New Detailed Images of the Sun from the World’s Most Powerful Ground-Based Solar Telescope

Our Sun continues to demonstrate its awesome power in a breathtaking collection of recent images taken by the U.S. National…

1 year ago

The Sun Could Hurl Powerful Storms at Earth From its Goofy Smile

Our Sun is the very reason we’re alive. It provides warmth and the energy our planet needs to keep going.…

2 years ago

Meet The Solar Ring: A Proposed Spacecraft That Will Have a Panoramic View of the Sun

The Sun is active, dynamic, and occasionally violent. Unfortunately our view of the Sun is limited to a small handful…

2 years ago

Will Solar Cycle 25 Dazzle or Fizzle in 2021?

A new study suggests that Solar Cycle 25 may be more powerful than previously predicted.

4 years ago

A Sunspot Seen by the Most Powerful Solar Telescope in the World

A new image from the world’s largest solar observatory shows a spectacular, high resolution view of a gigantic sunspot. The…

4 years ago

25 Years of Solar Cycles in One Incredible SOHO Mosaic

For a quarter of a century, the ESA-NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has been essential in helping scientists understand…

4 years ago

Do Ripples on the Surface of the Sun tell us that a Flare is Coming?

Flares from the sun are some of the nastiest things in the solar system. When the sun flares, it belches…

4 years ago

Solar Orbiter is Already Starting to Observe the Sun

The ESA's Solar Orbiter, which took to space over earlier this month, recently sent back its first batch of data…

4 years ago

RAISE: How to Capture 1,500 Solar Images in a Five Minute Flight

Quick: how do you aim an instrument at the Sun from a moving rocket on a fifteen minute suborbital flight?…

10 years ago