
A White Dwarf is Starting to Crystallize into Diamond

White dwarfs are the stellar remnants of stars like our Sun. They're strange objects, and astrophysicists think their cores can…

2 years ago

The Brightest Star in the Sky, Sirius, was Hiding a Cluster of Stars. Found by Gaia

Thanks to the efforts of an amateur astronomer, the star cluster that was recently revealed by Gaia mission is now…

7 years ago

Messier 41 – the NGC 2287 Open Star Cluster

Welcome back to Messier Monday! In our ongoing tribute to the great Tammy Plotner, we take a look at the…

8 years ago

The Canis Major Constellation

Welcome back to Constellation Friday! Today, in honor of the late and great Tammy Plotner, we will be dealing with…

8 years ago

What is the Brightest Star in the Sky, Past and Future?

What is the brightest star in the sky today, and what was it in the past? What will be the…

10 years ago

What Are The Most Famous Stars?

While there are untold billions of celestial objects visible in the nighttime sky, some of them are better known than…

10 years ago

Are All the Stars Really Dead?

Have you ever heard that meme, "When looking at stars, you're actually looking into the past. Many of the stars…

11 years ago

Amazing Manual Trailing of Sirius and More Astrophotos from Pakistan

Ever notice how the brilliant star Sirius appears to change colors right before your eyes? Astrophotographer Roshaan Bukhari from Pakistan…

11 years ago

Why Does Sirius Twinkle?

[/caption] At this time of year, after dark we in the northern hemisphere are able to see the mighty constellation…

13 years ago