SETI Institute

Fragments From That Asteroid That Exploded Above Berlin Have Been Recovered and They're Really Special

On January 21st, 2024, a meter-sized asteroid (2024 BX1) entered Earth's atmosphere and exploded over Berlin at 12:33 am UTC…

6 months ago

Variable Stars can Tell us Where and When to Search for Extraterrestrials

A new study cross-references supernova from the Gaia observatory's third data release with possible alien transmissions.

12 months ago

Astronomers are Searching for a Galaxy-Wide Transmitter Beacon at the Center of the Milky Way

Researchers with the SETI Institute have monitored the center of the Milky Way for possible transmissions from a galactic beacon.

1 year ago

A Sign from Space Simulates What it Would be Like to Get a Message from Aliens!

A Sign in Space project has simulated a message from an extraterrestrial intelligence and has involved the global community in…

1 year ago

SETI Researchers Are Simulating Alien Contact — and You Can Help

Is it a multimedia art project? Or a rehearsal for alien contact? Let's call it both: Researchers specializing in the…

1 year ago

Do Advanced Civilizations use Black Holes as Giant Quantum Computers?

A new study suggests that advanced civilizations could used black holes as massive quantum computers, a theory that has implications…

1 year ago

SETI Researchers can now Scan all Data at the Very Large Array for any Evidence of Alien Transmissions

The Very Large Array (VLA) will monitor space 24/7 for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence, thanks to a new partnership between…

2 years ago

Canada's CHIME is Getting More Observatories to Search for Fast Radio Bursts

The CHIME array and its partner institutions are getting an upgrade to enhance their ability to trace Fast Radio Bursts…

2 years ago

If Aliens Were Sending us Signals, This is What They Might Look Like

An international team of scientists have created a new tool for identifying possible radio transmissions from an extraterrestrial civilization

2 years ago

We Could Detect Alien Civilizations Through Their Interstellar Quantum Communication

A new study by SETI researcher Michael Hippke suggests that we look for advanced species by trying to spot signs…

3 years ago