protoplanetary disk

Baby Stars Discharge “Sneezes” of Gas and Dust

I’m really not sure what to call it but a ‘dusty sneeze’ is probably as good as anything. We have…

3 months ago

In a Distant Solar System, the JWST Sees the End of Planet Formation

Every time a star forms, it represents an explosion of possibilities. Not for the star itself; its fate is governed…

4 months ago

One in Twelve Stars Ate a Planet

That stars can eat planets is axiomatic. If a small enough planet gets too close to a large enough star,…

4 months ago

Webb Sees a System That Just Finished Forming its Planets

When a young star begins forming, it's spinning rapidly, surrounded by a flattened disk that grows its future planets. Once…

5 months ago

This Planet-Forming Disk has More Water Than Earth’s Oceans

Astronomers have detected a large amount of water vapour in the protoplanetary disk around a young star. There's at least…

5 months ago

How We Get Planets from Clumping Dust

Our gleaming Earth, brimming with liquid water and swarming with life, began as all rocky planets do: dust. Somehow, mere…

5 months ago

Seeing the Moment Planets Start to Form

Nature makes few duplicates, and planets are as distinct from one another as snowflakes are. But planets all start out…

10 months ago

Clumps Around a Young Star Could Eventually Turn Into Planets Like Jupiter

New images from the European Southern Observatory show a young star surrounded by dusty clumps that could collapse and create…

12 months ago

Astronomers Directly Image Debris Disk and find a Jupiter-Sized Planet Orbiting a Sunlike Star

The SHINE collaboration recently observed a Super-Jupiter within a young debris orbiting a nearby star. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO); M. Weiss…

2 years ago

Ceres Probably Formed Farther out in the Solar System and Migrated Inward

When Sicilian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi spotted Ceres in 1801, he thought it was a planet. Astronomers didn't know about asteroids…

2 years ago