periodic table

Colliding Neutron Stars Don’t Make Enough Gold to Explain What We See in the Universe

Much of the gold we find on Earth was created by colliding neutron stars, but astronomers now know gold must…

4 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – Jan. 8, 2016: Elizabeth S. Sexton-Kennedy from FermiLab

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guest:Elizabeth S. Sexton-Kennedy, who works at FermiLab as Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Offline Coordinator. CMS…

9 years ago

Can You Kill a Star With Iron?

Since the energy required to fuse iron is more than the energy that you get from doing it, could you…

9 years ago

Earth is the Most Exotic Place In The Universe

I'm often asked by students in my community education astronomy classes whether any new elements have been found in outer…

11 years ago

Where is Uranium Located

[/caption] Uranium is a silvery white metal and is number 92 on the table of periodic elements. It is a…

14 years ago