
Catch a Fall Feast of Lunar Occultations in September

September offers a number of fascinating lunar occultation events worldwide.

5 months ago

Astro-Challenge: Adventures in Daytime Astronomy

It's one of the stranger observations in ancient literature. A curious account comes to us by the 1st century AD…

4 years ago

See the Moon Photobomb Saturn in an Amazing Capture

It's always awe-inspiring to see the clockwork motion of the heavens, transpire in real time. In a slow motion Universe,…

6 years ago

Can Lunar Earthshine Reveal Ashen Light on Venus?

A recent celestial event provided a fascinating look at a long-standing astronomical mystery. Is the ‘ashen light of Venus’ a…

9 years ago

Watch a Bright Star Disappear Behind the Moon Monday Night

Ever dabbled in the occult? You'll have your chance Monday night March 10 when the waxing gibbous moon glides in…

11 years ago

Astrophotos: The Smiley Face Moon and Companions in the Sky

Did you notice a bright "star" close to the Moon last night (September 8, 2013)? People around the world had…

11 years ago

Super-Moon Monday: The 3rd (& Final?) Act

“Once more into the breach, my dear friends…” Such a quip may be deemed appropriate as we endured the media…

12 years ago