near Earth asteroid tracking

An Asteroid Came Uncomfortably Close to Earth in July. Could we Have Stopped it?

On July 15th, 2023, astronomers discovered an asteroid 43 meters across, two days before it passed within a quarter of…

9 months ago

Asteroid 2006 QV89 Now Has a 0% Chance of Hitting Earth in September

Why report on an asteroid that has no chance of hitting Earth? Because this asteroid, known as 2006 QV89, has…

5 years ago

The Nicaragua Crater: The Result of a Meteorite Impact or Not?

By now, you’ve seen the pictures. As astronomers tracked the close pass of Near Earth Asteroid 2014 RC this weekend,…

10 years ago

We’ve Found 10,000 Near-Earth Objects. How To Step Up The Search?

That pale white dot up there? No. 10,000 in a list of near-Earth objects. This rock, 2013 MZ5, was discovered June…

11 years ago