Mars Rovers

The ESA’s Mars Rover Gets a New Map

Rosalind Franklin, the ESA's Mars rover, is scheduled to launch no sooner than 2028. Its destination is Oxia Planum, a…

11 months ago

Curiosity has Seen its 4,000th Martian Sunrise

Not to make anyone feel old, but it's been over 11 years since NASA's Curiosity Rover landed on Mars. The…

1 year ago

Ancient Cracked Mud Found on Mars

A recent study published in Nature examines how mud cracks observed on Mars by NASA’s Curiosity rover could provide insight…

1 year ago

NASA's Mars Helicopter Went Silent for Six Agonizing Days

NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter on Mars has exceeded everyone's expectations, recently completing its 51st flight when it was supposed to fly…

2 years ago

Perseverance Sees Drifting Clouds on Mars

NASA’s Perseverance rover mission provided a bluish pre-sunrise gift above Jezero Crater on March 18, 2022, aka Sol 738, or…

2 years ago

Our Best Instruments Couldn’t Find Life on Mars

The planet Mars is arguably the most extensively studied planetary body in the entire Solar System, which began with telescopic…

2 years ago

“Good Night Oppy” Beautifully Illustrates the Unbreakable Bond Between Humans and our Robotic Explorers

In January 2004, NASA rovers Spirit and Opportunity (aka “Oppy”) landed in two completely different locations on Mars. Their missions…

2 years ago

Will Mars finally answer, ‘Are we alone?’

We recently examined how and why the planet Venus could answer the longstanding question: Are we alone? Despite its harsh…

2 years ago

NASA Gives a Detailed Analysis of all the Landing Debris Perseverance Has Found on Mars

A recent blog by Dr. Justin Maki, Imaging Scientist and the Deputy Principal Investigator on the Perseverance rover Mastcam-Z camera,…

2 years ago

Mars Rovers Will Need to Dig Deeper If They Want to Find Evidence of Life

The search for life—even ancient life—on Mars is trickier than we thought. In a recent study published in the journal…

3 years ago