large hadron collider

Anti-Helium Generated in the Large Hadron Collider can Help in the Search for Dark Matter

Researchers from CERN's ALICE Collaboration have come up with a new way to search for Dark Matter: look for anti-helium-3…

2 years ago

LHC Scientists Find Three Exotic Particles — and Start Hunting for More

Physicists say they've found evidence in data from Europe's Large Hadron Collider for three never-before-seen combinations of quarks, just as…

3 years ago

Large Hadron Collider Restarts, Shooting Protons at Record Energy Levels

Europe's Large Hadron Collider has started up its proton beams again at unprecedented energy levels after going through a three-year…

3 years ago

What is the CERN Particle Accelerator?

Located beneath the border between France and Switzerland is the CERN Particle Accelerator, the largest instrument of its kind in…

8 years ago

The Hype Machine Deflates After CERN Data Shows No New Particle

At ICEP 2016, researchers from CERN presented the latest results from the LHC, which showed that there is no evidence…

8 years ago

What is the Higgs Boson?

What is this thing we keep hearing about - the Higgs Boson, and why is it important? (more…)

9 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 394: The Standard Model – Bosons

All fundamental particles are either fermions or bosons. Last week we talked about quarks, which are fermions. This week we'll…

9 years ago

What if a Black Hole Met an Antimatter Black Hole?

Would shooting a black hole into an antimatter black hole destroy them both? (more…)

9 years ago

Could You Put a Black Hole in Your Pocket?

How small do black holes get? Could you carry one around in your pocket? Does that even like a sane…

10 years ago

How Do Black Holes Evaporate?

Nothing lasts forever, not even black holes. According to Stephen Hawking, black holes will evaporate over vast periods of time.…

10 years ago