interstellar object

An Interstellar Visitor Helped Shape the Orbits of the Planets.

The orbits of the planets around the Sun have been the source for many a scientific debate. Their current orbital…

2 months ago

Some of the Moon's Craters are From Interstellar Impacts. Can We Tell Which?

By discovering two interstellar objects (ISOs), we know that asteroids and comets from other star systems pass through the Solar…

1 year ago

Not Saying it was Aliens, but ‘Oumuamua Probably Wasn’t a Nitrogen Iceberg…

In a recent paper, Amir Siraj and Prof. Loeb show that the "nitrogen iceberg" theory cannot explain the mysterious nature…

3 years ago

Vera Rubin Should be Able to Detect a Couple of Interstellar Objects a Month

A new study by Harvard astrophysicists tells us that once operational, the Vera C. Rubin will be able to spot…

4 years ago

Interstellar Oumuamua Was a Dark Hydrogen Iceberg

When Canadian astronomer Robert Weryk discovered `Oumuamua passing through our Solar System with the Pan-STARRS telescope, in October 2017, it…

5 years ago

A Cool Idea to Catch Up With an Interstellar Visitor

Poor, dim-witted humanity. We used to think we were the center of everything. That wasn't that long ago, and even…

5 years ago

Astronomers Finally Think They Understand Where Interstellar Object Oumuamua Came From and How it Formed

'Oumuamua caused quite a stir when it visited our Solar System in 2017. It didn't stay long, however, and when…

5 years ago