High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE)

Melting Water in Mars’ Past Could Have Created Martian Gullies

A recent study published in Science examines how thin channels inside impact craters on Mars could have formed from Martian…

2 years ago

NASA’s HiRISE Camera Recently Imaged a Martian Dust Devil. But Why Study Them?

NASA recently used its powerful High Resolution Imaging Experiment (HiRISE) camera onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to take a breathtaking…

2 years ago

There's a Crater on Mars That Looks Like a Bear

Facial pareidolia is the human tendency or illusion of seeing facial structures in an everyday objects – such as seeing…

2 years ago

Beautiful Dunes on Mars, Sculpted by Swirling Winds

This interesting image from the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows a field of fascinating dunes called barchan…

2 years ago

This Ice Cliff is One of the Few Places With Exposed Water ice in the Mid-Latitudes on Mars. It’s Probably Tens of Millions of Years old

Because of the orbiters and landers that have studied Mars over the years, scientists have learned that water ice is…

2 years ago

This Bizarre Terrain on Mars is Caused by Water Ice and Carbon Dioxide

From orbit, this landscape on Mars looks like a lacy honeycomb or a spider web. But the unusual polygon-shaped features…

3 years ago

This is a Dust Avalanche on Mars

For decades, scientists have observed dark landslides called slope streaks on Mars. First seen by the Viking orbiters in the…

3 years ago

Here’s Perseverance, Seen From Space

The Mars Perseverance rover is on the move! The HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spotted the rover from…

3 years ago

Machine Learning Software is Now Doing the Exhausting Task of Counting Craters On Mars

Does the life of an astronomer or planetary scientists seem exciting? Sitting in an observatory, sipping warm cocoa, with high-tech…

4 years ago

Sediments on Mars, Created By Blowing Wind or Flowing Water

The HiRISE (High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) instrument on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has given us a steady stream of…

5 years ago