More Data and Machine Learning has Kicked SETI Into High Gear

An international team of SETI researchers used a new algorithm to look for technosignatures in GBT data. They found 8…

2 years ago

Astronomers Might Have Detected the Background Gravitational Waves of the Universe

A new data release from a gravitational wave consortium has revealed indications of the long sough-after gravitational wave background (GWB).

3 years ago

“Vampire” Galaxy Sucks Star-Forming Gas from its Neighbors

What happens when a galaxy doesn't have enough hydrogen to support its stellar production process? Why, it sucks it from…

11 years ago

Galactic Close Call Leaves a Bridge of Gas

[/caption] An ancient passing between two nearby galaxies appears to have left the participants connected by a tenuous "bridge" of…

13 years ago