galaxy clusters

Slime Mold Can Teach Us About the Cosmic Web

Computers truly are wonderful things and powerful but only if they are programmed by a skilful mind. Check this out...…

5 months ago

Evidence of Dark Matter Interacting With Itself in El Gordo Merger

The Standard Model of particle physics does a good job of explaining the interactions between matter's basic building blocks. But…

9 months ago

Powerful Jets From a Black Hole are Spawning Star Clusters

Supermassive black holes are messy feeders, and when they're gorging on too much material, they can hurl high-energy jets into…

12 months ago

“Seeing” the Dark Matter Web That Surrounds the Coma Cluster

According to our predominant cosmological models, Dark Matter makes up the majority of mass in the Universe (roughly 85%). While…

1 year ago

This Distant Galaxy Cluster is Totally Relaxed, Unharassed for a Billion Years

In the span of a human lifetime, much of the Universe seems unchanging. But that's an illusion; things are always…

2 years ago

Wandering Stars Have Been Adrift Between Galaxies for Billions of Years

A new study using Hubble data has revealed that "wandering stars" that inhabit galaxy clusters have been there for billions…

2 years ago

Webb Stares Deeply Into the Universe, Showing How Galaxies Assemble

The James Webb Space Telescope is delivering a deluge of images and data to eager scientists and other hungry-minded people.…

2 years ago

A Black Hole has been Burping for 100 Million Years

Black holes are gluttonous behemoths that lurk in the center of galaxies. Almost everybody knows that nothing can escape them,…

2 years ago

Lasers Recreate the Conditions Inside Galaxy Clusters

Galaxies don't exist in a vacuum. Ok, maybe they do (mostly, since even interstellar space has some matter in it).…

3 years ago

Astronomers see an Enormous Shockwave, 60 Times Bigger Than the Milky Way

Astronomers have a thing for big explosions and collisions, and it always seems like they are trying to one-up themselves…

3 years ago