
AR1654 is a Monster Sunspot. (And It’s Aiming Our Way.)

Active Region 1654 on the Sun's western limb, seen by SDO on Jan. 11 (NASA/SDO/HMI team. Diagram by J. Major.)…

12 years ago

Incoming! CME On Its Way Toward Earth

As you read this, a huge cloud of charged solar particles is speeding toward our planet, a coronal mass ejection…

13 years ago

Sunspot 1520 Fires a Flare

Remember that cool animation I posted earlier of AR1520 and how I said there's no guarantee it wouldn't unleash an…

13 years ago

A Rare Type of Solar Storm Spotted by Satellite

[/caption] When a moderate-sized M-class flare erupted from the Sun on May 17, it sent out a barrage of high-energy…

13 years ago

How Big Was Monday’s CME?

This big! The M1.7-class flare that erupted from active region 1461 on Monday, April 16 let loose an enormous coronal…

13 years ago

Giant Sunspot Seen Through Dusty Skies

[/caption] The enormous sunspot region responsible for all the recent fuss and flares was easily visible from Earth yesterday... easily…

13 years ago

Sun Releases a Powerful X5 Flare

[/caption] Active Region 1429 unleashed an X5.4-class solar flare early this morning at 00:28 UT, as seen in this image…

13 years ago

Earth-Facing Sunspot Doubles in Size

[/caption] The latest sunspot region to traverse the face of the Sun has nearly doubled in size as it aims…

13 years ago

An Exoplanet’s Auroral Engine

Located 880 light-years away, a massive gas giant called CoRoT-2b orbits its star at a mere 2 million miles –…

13 years ago

Tiny Stars with a Big Flares

[/caption] For a long time, astronomers have known that stars often have troubled childhoods. They suffer from frequent and violent…

14 years ago