
Enceladus is Filled with Tasty Food for Bacteria

As soon as the Cassini-Huygens mission arrived the Saturn system in 2004, it began to send back a number of…

5 years ago

Until We Get Another Mission at Saturn, We’re Going to Have to Make Do with these Pictures Taken by Hubble

A new Hubble image of Saturn and six of its Moons reminds us how visually stunning Saturn is.

6 years ago

New Research Raises Hopes for Finding Life on Mars, Pluto and Icy Moons

A new research study conducted by an international team of researchers indicates that life can survive in a variety of…

6 years ago

Complex Organics Molecules are Bubbling up From Inside Enceladus

According to the last study based on Cassini data, complex organic molecules exist within Enceladus and are being released through…

6 years ago

Are There Enough Chemicals on Icy Worlds to Support Life?

A new study by researchers from the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics indicates that the chemicals necessary for life as…

6 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 494: Icy Moons Update 2018

Thanks to Cassini and other spacecraft, we've learned a tremendous amount about the icy worlds in the Solar System, from…

6 years ago

Could There be Alien Life Right Beneath the Surface of Icy Worlds Like Enceladus and Europa?

A new study conducted with the support of the NASA Astrobiology Institute has theorized that life may exist on the…

6 years ago

Scientists Find that Earth Bacteria Could Thrive on Enceladus

A recent study by a team of German scientists has demonstrated that a certain strain of Earth bacteria could survive…

6 years ago

This was Exactly Where Cassini Crashed into Saturn

NASA has released a mosaic image that shows exactly where the Cassini probe would crash into Saturn's atmosphere, mere hours…

6 years ago

Icy Worlds Like Europa and Enceladus Might Actually be too Soft to Land On

According to a new study led by the Planetary Science Institute, Europa and Enceladus may have surfaces that are too…

6 years ago