EM Drive

NASA Engineer Has A Great Idea for a High-Speed Spacedrive. Too Bad it Violates the Laws of Physics

When a NASA engineer announces a new and revolutionary engine that could take us to the stars, it's easy to…

5 years ago

Uh oh, the EMDrive Could be Getting Its “Thrust” From Cables and Earth’s Magnetic Field

After conducting their own tests on the EM Drive, a team from UT Dresden reported that any thrust coming from…

6 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – November 25, 2016: Dean Regas and his “Facts from Space”

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guest: Dean Regas has been the Astronomer for the Cincinnati Observatory since 2000. He is…

8 years ago

Was Physics Really Violated By EM Drive In “Leaked” NASA Paper?

The controversial EM Drive has received a potential shot in the arm, thanks to a "leaked" report which claims it…

8 years ago

Carnival of Space #480

Welcome, come in to the 480th Carnival of Space! The Carnival is a community of space science and astronomy writers…

8 years ago

NASA’s EM Drive Passes Peer Review, But Don’t Get Your Hopes Up

In the latest new to emerge about the "impossible" EM Drive, it now appears that the technology has passed the…

8 years ago

We Explored Pluto, Now Let’s Explore The Nearest Star!

With the recent milestone achieved by the New Horizons mission, many are contemplating what our next space exploration goal should…

8 years ago