The highly acclaimed and mind-expanding documentary, ‘Journey of the Universe’, which aired on PBS in 2011, looked at modern science and ancient wisdom to ask the eternal question, why are we on this planet? Hosted by philosopher Brian Thomas Swimme, the film was a journey through time, looking at the evolution of our understandings of science and the world around us, and how we have looked out to try and determine our connection to the cosmos.
Now, the same producers have a new series called ‘Journey of the Universe: Conversations,’ which presents interviews hosted by Mary Evelyn Tucker, an historian of religions, talking with some of the greatest minds of our time — scientists, historians and environmentalists — to explore the unfolding story of Earth, the Universe, and how we should responding to global and environmental issues of the day.
Universe Today has one copy of ‘Journey of the Universe’ and two DVD sets of Journey of the Universe: Conversations’ to give away to our readers. The DVD sets are a 10 hour, 20-part, 4-disc set, just released today. The set is about $80 USD on Amazon.
In order to be entered into the giveaway drawing, just put your email address into the box at the bottom of this post (where it says “Enter the Giveaway”) before Monday June 10, 2013. We’ll send you a confirmation email, so you’ll need to click that to be entered into the drawing.
“Conversations” follows in the traditions of discussions by Thomas Berry and Joseph Campbell, and deliberates history and future of the Universe, delving into discussions of science, technology, literature, religion and philosophy.