Dark Ages

Dwarf Galaxies Banished the Darkness and Lit Up the Early Universe

During the Universe's Dark Ages, dense primordial gas absorbed and scattered light, prohibiting it from travelling. Only when the first…

5 months ago

Using Smart Materials To Deploy A Dark Age Explorer

One of the most significant constraints on the size of objects placed into orbit is the size of the fairing…

7 months ago

A Radio Telescope on the Moon Could Help Us Understand the First 50 Million Years of the Universe

In the coming decade, multiple space agencies and commercial space providers are determined to return astronauts to the Moon and…

7 months ago

Astronomers are Working to Put a Radio Telescope on the Far Side of the Moon by 2025

Technicians at Berkeley Lab are building an experiment that will conduct radio astronomy on the far side of the Moon…

10 months ago

You’re Looking at One of the Farthest Confirmed Galaxies Found by JWST

Astronomers have confirmed the age of Maisie's galaxy, which existed when the Universe was just 390 million years old, making…

12 months ago

JWST Shows How the Early Universe Was Furiously Forming Stars

We can gaze out into regions in our neighbourhood of the Milky Way and find orgies of star birth. The…

1 year ago

Could a Dark Energy Phase Change Relieve the Hubble Tension?

A new study suggests that the Hubble Constant could be resolved by the presence of a "New Early Dark Energy"…

1 year ago

Astronomers are Working on a 3D map of Cosmic Dawn

The latest results from the HERA Collaboration suggest how the earliest galaxies in the Universe slowly dispelled the cosmic "Dark…

1 year ago

Astronomer Working With Webb Said the new Images “Almost Brought him to Tears.” We’ll see Them on July 12th

The first images taken by James Webb will be released in a little more than a week! According to NASA,…

2 years ago

New Simulation Recreates an Early Time in the Universe That Still Hasn't Been Seen Directly

A new simulation suite created by an international team of scientists shows what the James Webb will be seeing soon!

2 years ago