Breakthrough Starshot

If Launched by 2028, a Spacecraft Could Catch up With Oumuamua in 26 Years

A new study by the Institute of Interstellar Studies (i4is) shows that with the right maneuver, a spacecraft could catch…

3 years ago

New Calculations Show That an Interstellar Bussard Ramjet Drive Would Need a Magnetic Field Stretching 150 Million Kilometres

A new analysis of the fabled Bussard Ramjet shows that the spacecraft would need an impossibly big magnetic field to…

3 years ago

A Space Telescope With one job: Find Habitable Planets at Alpha Centauri

Breakthrough Initiatives just announced a collaborative effort to launch a space telescope that will search for habitable planets around Alpha…

3 years ago

LightSail 2 Has Now Been in Space for 2 Years, and Should Last Even Longer Before Re-Entering the Atmosphere

The Planetary Society's crowdfunded solar-sailing CubeSat, LightSail 2, launched on June 25th 2019, and two years later the mission is…

3 years ago

Sending a Spacecraft to Another Star Will Require a Million Lasers Working Together

New research from the Australia National University shows that millions of lasers are the way to propel Breakthrough Starshot on…

3 years ago

There Should be About 7 Interstellar Objects Passing Through the Inner Solar System Every Year

A new study led by the Initiative for Interstellar Studies (i4is) has found that interstellar objects like 'Oumuamua visit our…

3 years ago

A Review of “Extraterrestrial” by Prof. Avi Loeb

Professor Avi Loeb's new book, Extraterrestrial, tells the tale of how he 'Oumuamua may be humanity's first interstellar messenger.

3 years ago

Want the Fastest Solar Sail? Drop it Into the Sun First

A new study from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy shows how a "Sun Diver," a light sail that dives…

4 years ago

What’s the Best Way to Communicate With an Interstellar Probe When it’s Light-Years Away From Earth?

A new study by an international team of scientists addressed a major challenge with interstellar missions: how to send and…

4 years ago

We Have the Technology to Retrieve a Sample From an Interstellar Object Like Oumuamua

A white paper submitted to the 2023 - 2032 Decadal Survey recommends we create spacecraft that could rendezvous and take…

4 years ago