blue origin

NASA Wants Heavy Cargo Landers for the Moon

The Artemis Program represents NASA's effort to return to the Moon. One of the goals of the project is to…

2 months ago

New Shepard’s 25th Launch Carries Six to the Edge of Space and Back

Sending tourists to space is still relatively novel in the grand scheme of humanity's journey to the stars. Dennis Tito…

2 months ago

Starlink on Mars? NASA Is Paying SpaceX to Look Into the Idea

NASA has given the go-ahead for SpaceX to work out a plan to adapt its Starlink broadband internet satellites for…

3 months ago

Finally! Blue Origin’s New Glenn Goes Vertical on the Launch Pad

If you think about space travel and the means of escaping the confines of the Earth then most people, currently,…

5 months ago

Blue Origin’s New Shepard Completes 24th Flight; New Glenn Hopefully on the Horizon

Blue Origin’s New Shepard rocket successfully launched and landed today at the company’s Launch Site One in West Texas, with…

7 months ago

Blue Origin Reveals its Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle: Blue Ring

The Jeff Bezos-founded aerospace company, Blue Origin, recently announced its new and upcoming Swiss army knife-style spacecraft platform, Blue Ring,…

9 months ago

Artemis V is Going to the Moon With Blue Origin

NASA has announced a second lunar lander provider for its Artemis program, choosing Blue Origin’s National Team to deliver astronauts…

1 year ago

Blue Origin is Building Solar Cells out of (Simulated) Lunar Regolith

Power infrastructure will be critical for any long-term space colony, and one of the most critical pieces of that power…

1 year ago

Just Four Robots Could Deploy a Huge Radio Telescope on the Far Side of the Moon

For decades, astronomers have advocated building radio telescopes on the far side of the Moon. This “radio-quiet” zone always faces…

2 years ago

A New Shepard Exploded. Fortunately, There Wasn’t Anyone on Board

On September 12, Blue Origin New Shepard mission, NS-23, failed just over one minute into an uncrewed flight, forcing the…

2 years ago