Scientists Develop Technique to Create 3D Models of Cosmic Structures

For decades, astronomers have used powerful instruments to capture images of the cosmos in various wavelengths. This includes optical images,…

3 months ago

Astronomers Find the Slowest-Spinning Neutron Star Ever

Most neutron stars spin rapidly, completing a rotation in seconds or even a fraction of a second. But astronomers have…

8 months ago

Gravitational Waves From Colliding Neutron Stars Matched to a Fast Radio Burst

A recent study by an Australian-American team has provided compelling evidence that FRBs may be caused by merging neutron stars.

2 years ago

A New Technique to Find Cold Gas Streams That Might Make up the Missing (Normal) Matter in the Universe

Where is all the missing matter? That question has plagued astronomers for decades, because the Universe looks emptier than it…

4 years ago

A Fast Radio Burst has Finally Been Traced Back to its Source: the Outskirts of a Galaxy 4 Billion Light-Years Away

An Australian-led research effort has managed to pinpoint the location of the first non-repeating Fast Radio Burst, which could have…

6 years ago

Australian astronomers have been able to double the number of mysterious fast radio bursts discovered so far

Using the Australia Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder in western Australia, a team of researchers almost doubled the number of FRBs…

6 years ago

Supermassive Black Holes In Distant Galaxies Are Mysteriously Aligned

Recent findings from a team of researchers in South Africa have shown that supermassive black holes in distance are all…

9 years ago

36-Dish Australian Telescope Array Opens for Business

Three of 36 antennas of the ASKAP array. Credit: Alexander Cherney The Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) is now…

12 years ago