amateur astronomy

Stunning Amateur Timelapse of Jupiter ‘Re-enacts’ Voyager Flyby

Back in the 1970's when NASA launched the two Voyager spacecraft to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, I remember being…

10 years ago

Amazing Manual Trailing of Sirius and More Astrophotos from Pakistan

Ever notice how the brilliant star Sirius appears to change colors right before your eyes? Astrophotographer Roshaan Bukhari from Pakistan…

10 years ago

Adventures in (Radio) Amateur Astronomy

 Is there truly anything new under the Sun? Well, when it comes to amateur astronomy, many observers are branching out…

10 years ago

An Amazing Capture of Jupiter and its Moons

It’s always a thrill to watch the action at Jupiter, as its moons pass in front of and behind the…

11 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 328: Telescope Making, Part 2: Serious Gear

Some astronomers are control freaks. It’s not enough to buy a telescope, they want to craft every part of the…

11 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 327: Telescope Making, Part 1: Toys and Kits

Why pick up a low quality, wobbly telescope from the department store when you can craft your own - just…

11 years ago

How Amateur Astronomers Can Help LADEE

You can help NASA’s upcoming lunar mission. NASA’s Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) is slated to lift off from…

11 years ago

Astronomer Giovanni Sostero, 1964-2012

Giovanni Sostero, 1964-2012. Image courtesy of the Remanzacco Observatory With sadness, we learned of the death of amateur astronomer Giovanni…

12 years ago

Notes from an Amateur Telescope Maker’s Journal, Part 1

A home-made equatorial wedge used with an off-the-shelf telescope, just one of the ways you can improve your telescope experiences.…

12 years ago

Thierry Legault: Astrophotography is an ‘Adrenaline Rush’

[/caption] During one of the final space shuttle missions, photographer Thierry Legault traveled nearly 4,000 km across various locations in…

13 years ago