
Did a Comet Airburst Destroy a Native American Community?

In 1908, when an object entered the Earth’s atmosphere above the Podkamennaya Tunguska River, it flattened 80 million trees over…

11 months ago

3,600 Years ago, a 50-Meter-Wide Meteor Exploded in the Sky and Destroyed a City Near the Dead Sea

An archeological dig has uncovered evidence of a massive cosmic airburst event approximately 3,600 years ago that destroyed an entire…

3 years ago

100-meter Asteroid Created a Strange Impact Event in Antarctica 430,000 Years Ago

The effects of ancient asteroid impacts on Earth are still evident from the variety of impact craters across our planet.…

3 years ago

Meteors Explode from the Inside When They Reach the Atmosphere

A new study from Purdue University indicates that Earth's atmosphere will break up small meteoroids, which is good news for…

7 years ago