Light From the Moon

Gibbous Moon - Roger Warner

The light from the Moon is actually the reflected light from the Sun!

Every second, the Sun is converting 600 million tons of hydrogen into helium. This reaction lets out a tremendous amount of energy. Most of this energy heads off into space, but some of it falls on the planets and the moons in the Solar System. This is why we can see them at all. Without the Sun, only Jupiter and Saturn would be readily detectable in the infrared spectrum, as they give off more heat than they absorb from the Sun.

Different objects in the Solar System have a different amount of reflectivity. Astronomers call reflected light from the Sun albedo. The values for an object’s albedo can range between 0 (dark) and 1 (bright). The albedo for the Moon is 0.12. In other words, the Moon reflects 12% of the sunlight that falls onto it.

The highest albedo in the Solar System is Saturn’s moon Enceladus, with an albedo of .99. In other words, it reflects 99% of the light that falls upon it. This is because it’s composed of mostly ice. Dark objects like asteroids can have an albedo down to 5%.

When the Moon is full, astronomers measure its apparent magnitude at -12.6. This is bright enough to easily walk around in otherwise total darkness; almost bright enough to read.

When there’s a new moon, however, there’s no light from the Sun falling on the Moon, and yet we can still see the surface of the Moon. Where’s the light coming from? The Earth. Astronomers call this reflected light “Earthshine”, and it helps them calculate how much sunlight is falling on the Earth.

So now you know that the light of the Moon actually comes from the Sun, unless it’s coming from the Earth.

Here’s an article we’ve done on Universe Today about Earthshine, and here’s an article about gardening on the Moon.

Here’s an article from Extreme Science about the Moon, and an article from NASA about Earthshine.

You can listen to a very interesting podcast about the formation of the Moon from Astronomy Cast, Episode 17: Where Did the Moon Come From?

India’s Chandrayaan-1 On Its Way to the Moon

Artists rendition of Chandrayaan-1 in lunar orbit. Credit: ESA

Chandrayaan-1, India’s first mission to the Moon, was successfully launched earlier this morning from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SHAR) in Sriharikota, India. The PSLV-C11 rocket lifted off at 02:52 Central European Summer Time (CEST). About 20 minutes later the spacecraft was , injected into a highly elongated orbit around the Earth. The spacecraft will reach the moon in about two weeks. It will take several days for the Chandrayaan-1 to reach its lunar transfer orbit, and then it will take about 5 days to reach the moon. Once the spacecraft is orbiting the moon, it will progressively lower its altitude through propulsive maneuvers to reach its final 100 km-high circular orbit.

Chandrayaan-1 mission profile.  Credit:  ESA
Chandrayaan-1 mission profile. Credit: ESA

Chandrayaan-1 is a truly international mission, with payloads from Europe as well as the United States. NASA’s contribution includes the Moon Mineralogy Mapper, designed to look for lunar mineral resources, and an instrument known as Mini-SAR, which will look for ice deposits in the moon’s polar regions. Engineers from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory are also providing backup navigation assistance to the Indian Space Agency in Bangalore, India.

At the earliest opportunity, the spacecraft will eject the ‘Moon Impact Probe’ to provide information about the lunar surface. The mission will then continue from orbit, with remote-sensing studies carried out by its 11 scientific instruments. Three of these instruments were provided by Europe (UK, Germany, Sweden) through ESA.

Sources: ESA,

The Moon and Venus

The Moon, Venus and the Pleiades cluster

Except for the Sun, the Moon and Venus are the two brightest objects in the sky. You just can’t miss them.

Astronomers measure relative brightness of objects in the sky with a term called magnitude. The Sun has the highest magnitude of any object in the sky, at -26.73 apparent magnitude. The brightness of the Moon, for comparison, has a magnitude of -12.6. These numbers are done on a logarithmic scale. So the brightness of the Sun is actually 449,000 times brighter than the full moon.

The maximum brightness of Venus is -4.7 magnitude, which is a fraction of the brightness of the Moon (and the Sun!).

So why is the Moon so much brighter than Venus? It’s closer. The distance to the Moon is about 384,000 km, while the closest distance to Venus is about 38 million km. In other words, the Moon is about 100 times closer to Earth than Venus.

Both the Moon and Venus can cast shadows when they’re in the sky. The Moon can be bright enough to almost read by. It’s easy to navigate when the full moon is in the sky. When the Moon isn’t in the sky, but Venus is very bright, you have to look carefully to detect shadows cast by Venus.

One of the most amazing things in astronomy is when Venus and the Moon are both in the sky; especially when they’re very close to one another. Make sure you head outside to see the Moon and Venus with your own eyes.

We have done several articles informing readers about times when both the Moon and Venus are visible in the sky. Here’s an example, and here’s another.

And there are some great articles out there on the Internet. Here’s one from, and another from Astronomy Picture of the Day.

You can listen to a very interesting podcast about the formation of the Moon from Astronomy Cast, Episode 17: Where Did the Moon Come From?

Flag on the Moon

Flag on the Moon. Image credit: NASA

When the NASA astronauts first landed on the Moon, they left a few items on the surface to commemorate their visit. These items included a plaque, mission badges and an American flag. If you’ve ever seen images or video of the flag on the Moon, you might have a few questions.

Why does the flag stand straight out and not just slump down? Here on Earth, flags are pushed out by the wind. Obviously, there’s no wind on the Moon, so what’s holding the flag up? The answer is pretty easy. There’s a rod, sort of the like a curtain rod running across the top. So the flag on the Moon is being held out by the rod and isn’t blowing in the wind.

What makes the flag flap if there’s no wind? You might have also see a few videos of the flag on the Moon waving back and forth. This happened when the astronauts first planted the flag. There’s no wind to make the flag to flag, but there’s also no wind to stop it from moving back and forth. When the astronauts planted the flag on the Moon, they couldn’t help but give it a sideways push. Without the wind resistance the flag would experience on the Earth, the flag can flap back and forth a few times before finally settling down. That’s why it looks like it’s flapping, even though there’s no wind.

There’s another scene where the flag flaps, as the lunar ascent module is taking off. In this case, the exhaust from the rocket is blasting the flag and causing it to flap back and forth. In the case of Apollo 11, the exhaust blast was so strong that the flag actually fell over. Later missions kept the flag much further away from the ascent rocket.

Can we see the flag on the Moon from Earth with a big telescope, or even Hubble? Even though we have some powerful telescopes, they’re just not powerful enough to spot objects the size of a flag on the surface of the Moon. The flag is only a meter across. In fact, you would need a telescope 200 meters across to spot objects that size from here on Earth. Future space missions will return to the Moon, and they should be able to resolve objects as small as the flags on the Moon.

Does the flag mean that the US claims the Moon? Nope, the Moon can’t be owned by anyone. NASA had the astronauts plant the flag to commemorate the journey made by American astronauts, but to not actually claim the Moon for any single nation.

We’ve done a few articles about this topic. Here’s a review of the Mythbusters episode where they debunk the Moon flag myth.

NASA has answered some more questions about the flag on the Moon. Here’s a link to their article. And here’s another article debunking the conspiracy theory that NASA didn’t even go to the Moon.

You can listen to a very interesting podcast about the formation of the Moon from Astronomy Cast, Episode 17: Where Did the Moon Come From?

NASA Science: The Great Moon Hoax
NASA Apollo 11 Videos

First Man on the Moon

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the Moon.

The 1st man on the moon was the Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong, who made history on July 20, 1969.

The Apollo 11 mission consisted of Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin and Commander Neil Armstrong. The mission launched atop a Saturn V rocket on July 16, 1969. After a 4 day journey from the Earth to the Moon, the lunar module detached from the command module and landed on the surface of the Moon in the southern Sea of Tranquility.

The crew remained inside the module for 6 and a half hours, preparing to make their exit onto the lunar surface. And then Neil Armstrong descended the ladder from the lunar module and onto the lunar surface. The first words spoken by the first man on the Moon were, “that’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.”

Buzz Aldrin followed Armstrong, and the two remained on the surface of the Moon for 2.5 hours, taking photographs, collecting rocks, drilling samples, and placing scientific experiments. They they gathered up all their samples, stowed them in the lunar module, and left some souvenirs on the surface of the Moon, like an American flag, Apollo 1 mission patch, and commemorative plaque. They launched again and returned to Earth on July 24.

After the 1st man on the Moon, Neil Armstrong, there were a total of 12 astronauts to walk on the surface of the Moon.

Want to experience what it might have been like to be the first man on the Moon? Here’s a movie review of Fly Me to the Moon.

Of course, NASA has a tremendous amount of information about Apollo 11. Here’s the NASA history page about Apollo 11. And here’s a page that was put together for the 30th anniversary of the first man on the Moon.

You can listen to a very interesting podcast about the formation of the Moon from Astronomy Cast, Episode 17: Where Did the Moon Come From?

Area of the Moon

NASA's image of the Moon

The total surface area of the Moon is 37.9 million square kilometers, or 14.6 million square miles.

Need some context? The surface area of the Earth is 510 million square kilometers. In other words, the total surface area of the Moon is only 7.4% the surface area of the Earth. If you could unwrap the Moon and lay it out flat on the Earth, it wouldn’t fill up Asia, which has an area of 44.4 million square kilometers.

Wondering about some other aspects of the Moon? Here’s an article about the mass of the Moon, and here’s one about the diameter of the Moon.

Want some more general information about the Moon? Check out NASA’s Lunar and Planetary Science page. And here’s the Solar System Exploration Guide.

You can listen to a very interesting podcast about the formation of the Moon from Astronomy Cast, Episode 17: Where Did the Moon Come From?

The Martian Ice-Filled, Oyster Shell-Shaped Crater (HiRISE Images)

The unusually-shaped polar crater is filled with ice (HiRISE/NASA)

[/caption]This striking view of the Martian surface shows a stark contrast (false colour) between ice deposits and layered deposits (composed mainly of ice, rock and regolith) on the edge of the polar ice cap. In the centre, there is a lone crater, approximately 200 meters in diameter, collecting a basinful of ice. The ice is thought to have been there for about 10,000 years.

However, there are some oddities in this scene. Why is the crater abnormally shaped? After all, craters are normally circular, not oyster shell-shaped. Why is it an isolated crater? On viewing the entire region, only one crater appears to be present for several kilometres. Does this mean the landscape is fairly young? If so, what geological processes are shaping the surface?

The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) continues to return some of the most striking views from its Martian orbit. The camera can resolve objects less than a meter in diameter, picking out everything from sand dunes, eroding mesas, rolling rocks, avalanches (in action) to tiny secondary craters. These are some of the most detailed views we’ve ever had of the Red Planet’s surface. HiRISE can even keep an eye on our robotic explorers, like spotting Phoenix shortly after it landed and the tread marks of the rover Opportunity.

The polar ice cap, layered deposits and lonely crater in the centre (HiRISE/NASA)
The polar ice cap, layered deposits and lonely crater in the centre (HiRISE/NASA)

Although this image of a rather odd-looking crater in the North Polar Region of Mars may seem a little mundane when compared with the list of HiRISE accolades, it is no less important. It is the sole impact crater for miles, hugging the edge of the polar ice cap, carved into layered deposits of rock, soil and lumps of ice. Using the crater count as a guide (i.e. the lower the count, the younger the surface is) HiRISE scientists believe the layered deposits may only be a few million years old. This may sound like a long time, but for a planet thought to be geologically inactive, the resurfacing rate seems pretty rapid. In this case, it is also believed the ice deposits in the crater are only 10,000 years old.

Geological activity destroys evidence of craters, although this region will have been hit by a similar number of meteorite impacts as crater-covered regions, rapid processes appear to be constantly reshaping the landscape. It is thought that the ice flow rate would be quite low, but on observing the strange shape of the central crater, it seems it is being warped by the motion of the surrounding deposits. The bright white ice deposits inside the crater are being protected from ablation as it is being shaded from the Sun by the crater walls. This is a common feature in polar craters.

So much for Mars being a “dead” planet, then. As seen with the dynamic avalanche processes and rolling boulders, Mars is far from being geologically inactive…

Source: HiRISE

Book Review: Hubble: Imaging Space and Time

Hubble: Imaging Space and Time

The Hubble space telescope brought space’s beauty to the average person in North America. Via magazines, weblinks or video, the last few years this instrument dazzled us with a dizzying and splendid array of artistic and scientific sights. The book “Hubble: Imaging Space and Time” by David Devorkin and Robert W. Smith captures many of these treasures and the story of the Hubble telescope itself. Bright and vivacious, the telescope’s images within the book show that once again science is a captivating field.

The space shuttle Discovery carried the Hubble space telescope into its orbit in 1990. A great mirror in it collects light then focuses it upon a variety of collectors. The results get sent to Earth stations whereupon experts view and massaged it for maximum benefit. From the results, our knowledge progresses and our appreciation of the splendour of nature increases. And, with great foresight, the telescope designers created a maintainable system. So, many other shuttle missions have travelled to the telescope to upgrade instruments and repair components. One more mission, now waiting on the launch pad, will hopefully keep the telescope functional for many more years.

This book acknowledges the Hubble telescope’s storied past and its many contributions to science and art. Its large format is reminiscent of a coffee table book. The broad pages serve to fill the readers’ eyes with particularly photogenic images. As well, the many pages of text let the reader peer into some of the elements of the relevant science and technology. Of course, the book mentions the memorable repair mission to fix the mirror’s erroneous shape. It also mentions the different sensors, the means of allocating viewing time and the method of processing data. There’s even a significant section on the purposely driven artistic shots. With allusions to artists of the old American mid-West, the strive for dynamism of the universe, and the perception of a sublime frontier, the authors clearly aim to broaden the appeal of the pictures and the telescope’s capabilities.

Yet, the appeal of images from the Hubble space telescope is well established apart from this book. Hence, the focus of the authors is somewhat unclear. Hundreds of large and small images on the pages amply showcase the telescope’s products. But, though sectioned into defined chapters, the book has no central theme. The science of the telescope gets described, but the reader cannot gauge the scientific advances from the contents. The artistry of the images is richly brought forward, but there’s no formal discussion on the images’ general effect on the arts. As well, sometimes images appear twice, images appear well apart from and unreferenced to the apparently related text, or images are from other telescopes. These cause distractions. Fortunately, the images themselves are copious and incredibly rewarding, for without them, this book would be difficult at best.
So, perhaps the best location for this book to lie is upon a coffee table. Everyone who picks it up will be quickly enamoured. And they assuredly can’t help but think how trivial they are in relation to the size universe. Even thought the reader won’t know or be able to read of the value of the images, they should get immense pleasure just by being drawn into the realm of the book, far removed as it is from our everyday experience.

Satellites and telescopes have enabled us to view the Earth and the universe with an heretofore impossible vantage point and clarity. Millions of stars in a galaxy appear where only a dot once had been apparent. David Devorkin and Robert W. Smith’s book “Hubble: Imaging Space and Time” brings many of these wonders into the ready hands of viewers and closely, happily connects them with a broader existence.

Read more reviews online or purchase a copy from

Podcast: Nebulae

Eagle Nebula. Image credit: Hubble

When you think about the best pictures in astronomy, almost every one is a nebula; the pillars of creation in the Eagle Nebula, or the complex Helix Nebula – or my personal favorite, the Ring Nebula. They’re beautiful, wispy clouds of gas and dust that signify both the birth and death of stars. Today we give tribute to nebulae.

Click here to download the episode.

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Nebulae – Transcript and show notes.

Phoenix Lander May Have Been Blasted by Dust Devil

Phoenix's Telltale. Credit: NASA/JPL/Caltech/U of AZ

A series of images put together to form a movie of the Mars Phoenix lander’s telltale instrument show the telltale waving wildly in the Martian wind. According to Phoenix scientists, movement in one image seemed to be “out-of-phase” with other images, possibly indicating a dust devil whirled nearby or even over the lander. Preliminary analysis of the images taken right before and after the passing of this possible dust devil indicates winds from the west at 7 meters per second. The image taken during the possible dust devil shows 11 meters per second wind from the south.

These images were taken by the lander’s Surface Stereo Imager (SSI) on the 136th Martian day, or sol, of the mission (Oct. 12, 2008). Documenting the telltale’s movement helps mission scientists and engineers determine what the wind is like on Mars. The telltale was built by the University of Aarhus, Denmark, and is part of the lander’s Meteorological Station (MET), developed by the Canadian Space Agency.
TEGA instrument.  Credit: NASA/JPL/Caltech/U of AZ
Also, Phoenix’s robotic arm successfully delivered soil into oven six of the lander’s thermal and evolved-gas analyzer (TEGA) on Monday, Oct. 13, or Martian day (sol) 137 of the mission.

Six of eight ovens have been used to date.

TEGA’s tiny ovens heat the soil to as high as 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit (1,000 degrees Celsius). The lab’s or mass spectrometer analyzes the gases derived from heating the soil. Mission scientists will continue to research and analyze the soil samples in the coming months, long after Phoenix stops operating on the surface.

Phoenix is gradually getting less power as the sun drops below the horizon.

“My entire team is working very hard to make use of the power we have before it disappears,” said William Boynton of the University of Arizona, Tucson, the lead scientist for TEGA. “Every time we fill an oven, we potentially learn more about Mars’ geochemistry.”

Source: Phoenix News Site