Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast – December 12-14, 2008

And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas and God bless all of you - all of you on the good Earth. -Frank Borman from Apollo 8, December 24, 1968


“And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas and God bless all of you – all of you on the good Earth.” -Frank Borman from Apollo 8, December 24, 1968

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! It’s Friiiiiiday and time to start the weekend in a stellar way! So what if it’s Full Moon? It’s the “Moon Before Yule” so let’s explore some of the myths that surround it and a nice double star, too. By Saturday you’ll be enjoying the Geminid Meteor Shower and just enough time to catch a planetary nebula before the Moon rises. End the weekend in a Messier kind of way as we take a look in Auriga at two of its finest. Time to get out your binoculars and telescopes and head out into the Moonrise….

Friday, December 12, 2008 – Today we honor the birth of S. W. Burnham. Born in 1838, this American astronomer spent 50 years of his life surveying the night sky for double stars. Although at the time it was believed that all visual binaries had been accounted for, Burnham’s work was eventually published as the General Catalogue of 1290 Double Stars. His keen eye and diligent study opened the doors for him at observatories such as Yerkes and Lick. His lifetime count of binaries discovered eventually reached 1340. He was also the very first to observe what would eventually be termed a “Herbig-Haro object,” and he discovered six NGC and twenty-one IC objects.

Today in 1961, OSCAR 1 was launched. The project started in 1960; the name stands for Orbital Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio. OSCAR 1 operated in orbit for 22 days, transmitting a signal in Morse Code – the simple greeting “Hi.” The success of the mission helped to promote interest in amateur radio which continues to this day!

Tonight it’s the “Full Moon before Yule.” Not only that, but the Moon is at perigee – its closest point to the Earth. While you might hear a tall tale or two about it being brighter than normal since it is also close to solstice, judge for yourself! Is it truly brighter? Or just an illusion? While you’re out, turn a telescope Selene’s way and let’s scan the surface. On the eastern limb we see the bright splash ray patterns surrounding ancient Furnerius – yet the rays themselves emanate from the much younger crater Furnerius A. All over the visible side, we see small points light up: a testament to the Moon’s violent past written in its scarred lines. Take a look now at the western limb…for the sunrise is about to advance around it.

Now, let’s take a visual journey about a fistwidth west-southwest of brilliant Aldebaran to take a look at Lambda Tauri (RA 04 00 40 Dec +12 29 25). Although it has no proper name, it is one of the very brightest of eclipsing variable stars, and was one of the first to be identified as such, in 1848. Orbiting about 13 million kilometers away from the primary star is its spectroscopic companion – so close that we can only distinguish the two stars by the changes which take place about every four days. Keep an eye on Lambda and watch as it drops sharply by almost a magnitude one night, and recovers less than 24 hours later!

Saturday, December 13, 2008 – Today in 1920, the first stellar diameter was measured by Francis Pease with an interferometer at Mt. Wilson. His target? Betelgeuse! While you’re out enjoying the Geminid Meteor Shower tonight, see if you can spot the brilliant orange giant as it rises!

How about something a little more suited to the mid-sized scope tonight? Set your sights on Alpha Fornacis and let’s head about three fingerwidths northeast (RA 03 33 15 Dec -25 52 18) for NGC 1360. In a 6″ telescope, you’ll find the 11th magnitude spectroscopic double star in the center of this planetary nebula to be very easy – but be sure to avert because the nebula itself is very elongated. Like most of my favorite things, this planetary is a rule-breaker since it doesn’t have an obvious shell structure. But why? Rather than believe it is not a true planetary, studies have shown that it could quite possibly be a very highly evolved one – an evolution which has allowed its gases to begin to mix with the interstellar medium. Although faint and diffuse for northern observers, those in the south will recognize this as Bennett 15!

Sunday, December 14, 2008 – Today was a very busy day in astronomy history. Tycho Brahe was born in 1546. Brahe was a Danish pre-telescopic astronomer who established the first modern observatory in 1582 and gave Kepler his first job in the field. And in 1962, the Mariner 2 spacecraft made a flyby of Venus and became the first successful interplanetary probe.

The Moon will rise a little later this evening, but we’re going to run ahead of it tonight and enjoy some studies in Auriga! Looking roughly like a pentagon in shape, start by identifying the brightest of these stars – Alpha Aurigae (Capella). Due south of it is the second brightest star, Beta (Menkalinan). After aiming binoculars at Beta, go north about one-third the distance between the two and enjoy all the stars!

Messier 38
Messier 38
Messier 36
Messier 36

You will note two very conspicuous clusters of stars in this area, and so did Le Gentil in 1749. Binoculars will show them both in the same field, as will telescopes using lowest power. The dimmest of these clusters is M38 (RA 05 28 43 Dec +35 51 18), and it will appear vaguely cruciform in shape. At roughly 4200 light-years away, larger aperture will be needed to resolve the 100 or so fainter members. About two and a half degrees to the southeast you will see the much brighter M36 (RA 05 36 12 Dec +34 08 24). More easily resolved in binoculars and small scopes, this “jewel box” galactic cluster is quite young – and about 100 light-years closer!

Until next week… Ask for the Moon, but keep on reaching for the stars!

This week’s awesome images are: S. W. Burnham (historical image), OSCAR 1 (archival image), Earth’s Moon – Apollo 11, Credit: NASA, Lambda Tauri – Credit: Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caltech, NGC 1360 – Credit: Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caltech, M38 and M36 – Credit: Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caltech. We thank you so much!

The Christmas Star – Fact or Fiction?

Three wisemen and the Christmas star?

‘Tis the season… And every year around this time people notice the brilliant ‘star’ to the west just after sunset. For astronomers, we know it’s the appearance of the planet Venus, but noticing it for the average person brings on questions about the holidays. Was the Christmas Star real?

Regardless of your faith, the story of the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ is one of the most powerful and enigmatic symbols of Christianity. For centuries, scientists, scholars and historians have debated about the nature of this biblical light that heralded an event. Was it purely a divine sign, created miraculously to mark a special birth? Or was it an astronomical event in its own right?

David Reneke, news editor of Australia’s Sky and Space Magazine, believes astronomers may have found the answer – or at least something that fits all the known facts – basing his research on the highly esteemed gospel according to Matthew, the first of the four gospels in the New Testament. It would appear to be the first written and this version places key players together in the same time period. “It’s generally accepted by most researchers that Christ was born between 3 BC and 1 AD.” says Dave. With the aid of modern astronomy software programs astronomers can reproduce the night sky exactly as it was, thousands of years ago. Humans are curious and so was Dave, so he turned back the hands of time and the stars to the time of that long ago Christmas…

“We found out something startling.” said Reneke, “It looks like the ‘Christmas star’ really did exist,”

Two thousand years ago, astronomy and astrology were considered one and the same. The motions of the heavenly bodies were used to determine the events of history, and the fate of people’s lives. Of the various groups of priests and prophets of this period, those which commanded the most respect were the Magi – whose origins are not entirely clear. Known as ‘wise men’ , we can only assume they were actually priests who relied on their knowledge of astronomy/astrology.

Armed with an approximate date, Dave assumed the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ was not just a localized event and could be observed by sky-watchers elsewhere in the world, not just by the Magi. Historical records and modern-day computer simulations indicate a rare series of planetary groupings, also known as conjunctions, during the years 3 BC and 2 BC In fact, this was one of the most remarkable periods in terms of celestial events in the last 3,000 years!

“Like the final pieces of a difficult jig-saw puzzle, our fabled biblical beacon is starting to reveal itself,” David said. “On 12 August, 3 BC, Jupiter and Venus appeared very close together just before sunrise, appearing as bright morning ‘stars.’ It would have been visible in the eastern dawn sky of the Middle East from about 3:45 to 5:20 a.m.”

But it didn’t stop there. The crowning touch came ten months later, on 17 June 2 BC, as Venus and Jupiter joined up again in the constellation Leo. This time the two planets were so close that, without the use of our modern optical aids, they would have looked like one single, brilliant star. According to Dave’s research, Jupiter was known as the “planet of Kings” and Saturn as the “Protector of the Jews”. This could easily have been interpreted as a sign that the Jewish Messiah had been, or was about to be, born. Also, Leo was thought to denote royalty and power. An interpretation? Perhaps. But, do not forget the times in which this occurred. Astronomy and astrology intermingled. This whole sequence of events could have been enough for at least three astrologers to see this as sign in the heavens and make their way Jerusalem.

“Now, this doesn’t mean that astrology works,” Reneke said. “We haven’t ruled out other possibilities for the Star of Bethlehem but it does make our search more rewarding to find a truly interesting astronomical event that happened during the most likely time for the Nativity.”

Whatever the Star of Bethlehem was, it has had more impact on humankind than any star before or since. It is also possible that the mystery of the Star will never be completely solved. For many of us though, it is the mystery itself that drives us to find the solution.

David Reneke, one of Australia’s most well known and respected amateur astronomers and lecturers, has over 40 years experience in astronomy with links to some of the world’s leading astronomical institutions. David is also the News Editor for Australia’s Sky and Space Magazine, he teaches astronomy at college level, is an invited speaker at astronomy conventions throughout Australia, a feature writer for major Australian newspapers, and is a science correspondent for ABC and commercial radio stations. In these weekly radio interviews David regularly appears on about 60 networked stations around the nation with all the latest news and on general astronomy and space discovery issues. Look for his story about the “Christmas Star” to air locally on Good Morning, America. Our thanks to Dave for sharing with us!




The small constellation southern circumpolar constellation of Norma was originally charted by Abbe Nicolas Louis de Lacaille who named it. It was later adopted by the IAU as one of the modern 88 constellations. Octans contains the south celestial pole and spans 297 square degrees of sky – ranking 50th in size. It has 3 primary stars in its asterism and 27 Bayer Flamsteed designated stars within its confines. Octans is bordered by the constellations of Tucana, Indus, Pavo, Apus, Chamaeleon, Mensa and Hydrus. It is visible to observers located at latitudes between +0° and ?90° and its primary stars are best seen at culmination during the month of October.

Since Octans is considered a “new” constellation, there is no mythology associated with it – only Abbe Nicolas Louis de Lacaille’s love of all things science and what Octans is meant to represent. In Lacaille’s time, the octant was used to aid in celestial navigation and it was relatively a new addition, having just come upon the scene when invented by John Hadley in 1730. It was a tool which Lacaille used, but Octans also has other scientific means, which Lacaille was well aware. In Latin, the octan is the eighth part of a circle, so its dual-edged meaning is not lost on some of us! Just as the octant was used to measure Polaris position in the circumpolar north – now the octant became “Octans” – a permanent reminder of the tool forever engraved in the circumpolar stars of the south.

Let’s begin our binocular tour of Octans with Beta – the “B” symbol on our map. At one time, Beta Octantis was another star in located in the constellation of Hydrus. It was part of the tail and was the southernmost star catalogued by Dutch navigator Frederic de Houtman. Located about 140 light years from Earth, this yellow- orange class K (K0) giant star isn’t anything special – except for it helps to point the way to Nu. Located only 69 light years away from our solar system, Nu Octantis is a wonderful star because here we have an example of what our own Sun may one day become. Right now, it has given up on hydrogen fusion, waiting quietly and just beginning to expand into a giant star. Although it will take 100 million years, it will become more than 60 times brighter and 15 times larger than it is now. Although we can’t see it, Nu also has a companion star – one that orbits almost as close as Earth is to the Sun!

Now, have a look at Delta – the figure “8” shape – in your binoculars. Guess what? If you were standing on Saturn, Delta would be the pole star! But, since we’re not, we’ll take a look at Sigma – the “o” symbol. This faint beauty is about as close to the southern pole star as we can get. Sigma Octantis is a yellow subgiant star which just left the main sequence and is about to expand into a red giant star. It’s about twice as large as our Sun and about 270 light years away.

For a nice binocular site, take a look at visual triple star – the Gammas. It’s the “Y” symbol on our map. Or try a visual double star when you get a double slice of Pi, located just above Delta. That only leaves poor R Octantis – a variable star.

For a real big telescope challenge, try the closest NGC object to the southern pole – NGC 2573 (RA 04:41:42 Dec -89:20:04). Polarissima Australis is a faint galaxy – close to magnitude 14! Believe it or not, it was discovered by was discovered by Sir John Herschel at the Cape of Good Hope with an 18″ f/13 speculum telescope and has been the recent target of investigations looking for gamma ray bursters.

University of Illinois
University of Wisconsin

Star Chart courtesy of Your Sky.

Geminid Meteor Shower Peaks On December 13

Geminids by Bob Yen / APOD.


Are you ready for one of the most hauntingly beautiful displays of celestial fireworks around? Then be on hand on the night of December 13 through the morning of December 14… Because the Geminids are coming to town!

Somewhere in England in the year 1862, Robert Greg and B.V. Marsh were busy sky watching. Across the sea, so was Professor Alex Twining in the United States. Both were doing independent studies on a little known meteor shower that looked like it was going to become an annual event and the count was on. In those years, the activity was prodigious, the meteor stream didn’t produce more than a few per hour, but as studies increases, so did the intensity. In fifteen years, astronomers realized they were on to a full blown meteoroid stream which was producing up to 14 per hour and increasing annually. By 1900 the rate had increased to over 20; and by the 1930s, up to 70 per hour. In the late 1990’s observers recorded an outstanding 110 per hour during a moonless night – but just what’s to blame for this sharp rise in activity?

Most meteor showers are historic – documented and recorded for hundreds of years – and we know them as originating with cometary debris. But when astronomers began looking for the Geminids’ parent comet, they found none. It wasn’t until October 11, 1983 that Simon Green and John K. Davies, using data from NASA’s Infrared Astronomical Satellite, detected an object (confirmed the next night by Charles Kowal) that matched the orbit of the Geminid meteoroid stream. But this wasn’t a comet… it was an asteroid. Originally designated as 1983 TB, but later renamed 3200 Phaethon, this apparently rocky solar system member has a highly elliptical orbit that places it within 0.15 AU of the Sun during every solar system tour. But asteroids can’t fragment like a comet – or can they? The original hypothesis placed Phaethon’s orbit within the asteroid belt. This means it may have collided with one or more asteroids, creating rocky debris.

While this theory sounded good, but the more we studied the more we realized the meteoroid “path” occurred when Phaethon neared the Sun. So now our asteroid is behaving like a comet, yet it doesn’t develop a tail. So what exactly is this “thing?” Well, we do know that 5.1 kilometer diameter Phaethon orbits like a comet, yet has the spectral signature of an asteroid. By studying photographs of the meteor showers, scientists have determined that the meteors are denser than cometary material, yet not as dense as asteroid fragments. This leads them to believe Phaethon is probably an extinct comet which has gathered a thick layer of interplanetary dust during its travels, yet retains the ice-like nucleus. We know that it doesn’t outgas so the mystery deepens even more.

In July 1996 the plot thickened even more when astronomers discovered something in the asteroid belt which may have affected 3200 Phaeton – another comet-like asteroid named Elst-Pizarro. On 1996 photographic plates, it displayed a tail, but no coma. Another Phaeton-like mystery? Possibly. Asteroid Elst-Pizarro pretty much makes its home in the main asteroid belt where asteroid-asteroid collisions are bound to happen and when Phaeton passes through every 17 months, the same could have happened to it. Until we are able to take physical samples of this “mystery,” we may never fully understand what Phaethon is, but we can fully appreciate the annual display it produces!

Thanks to the wide path of the stream, folks the world over get an opportunity to enjoy the show of the Geminids. The traditional peak time is as soon as the constellation of Gemini appears, around mid-evening. The radiant for the shower is near the bright star Castor – but meteors can originate from many points in the sky. From around 2 AM until dawn (when our local sky window is aimed directly into the stream) it is possible to see about one “shooting star” every 30 seconds. The most successful of observing nights are ones where you are comfortable, so be sure to use a reclining chair or pad on the ground while looking up… And dress warmly! Although the rising Moon will greatly interfere, please get away from light sources when possible – it will triple the amount of meteors you see.

Remember, even if you only spot just a few Geminids each one you see is a wonderful, unique mystery. They are tiny dust particles that measure no more than 10 microns across. What makes them special? Cometary fragments are about 0.3 gm/cc in density while Geminid particles measure more on the 2 to 3 gm/cc, end of the scale. More like rocks than ice. Enjoy the incredible and mysterious Geminids!

Geminid Photo by Bob Yen / APOD




The small constellation of Norma is located south of the ecliptic plane. It was originally charted by Abbe Nicolas Louis de Lacaille who named it “Norma et Regula”. It was later adopted by the International Astronomical Union as one of the 88 modern constellations and its name shortened to Norma. It covers approximately 165 square degrees of sky and ranks 77th in size. Norma has 2 main stars in its asterism and 13 Bayer Flamsteed designated stars within its confines. It is bordered by the constellations of Scorpius, Lupus, Circinus, Triangulum Australe and Ara. Norma is visible to all observers positioned at latitudes between +30° and ?90° and is best seen at culmination during the month of July.

The constellation of Norma has one annual meteor shower associated with it – the Gamma Normids. Activity begins on or about March 11 each year, lasting through March 21 with a peak date of March 16. This meteor shower only produces 5 to 9 meteors per hour at maximum and has only been studied within the last 50 years, so activity rates are sporadic and understudied.

Since Norma is considered a “new” constellation, there is no mythology associated with it – only Abbe Nicolas Louis de Lacaille’s love of all things science and what Norma is meant to represent. Originally named Norma et Regula, this dim collection of stars in Lacaille’s native language would have been “L’Équerre et La Règle”, meaning “The Set Square and The Ruler”. While it is difficult to visualize a set of drafting tools from this set of stars, Norma’s brighter stars do produce a few nice angles that will help guide you to some of its many deep sky riches.

Let’s start off our binocular tour of Norma with the “Y2” symbol on our map – Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 Normae. In a constellation which has no alpha or beta designations, fourth magnitude Gamma 2 is the brightest star here. The yellow giant star is located about 125 light years from Earth, but in binoculars you’ll notice another companion – Gamma 1. This is an optical double star because Gamma 1 is 1500 light years away!

For a true binary star, hop north to Epsilon Normae – the backwards “3” symbol on our map. Comprised of a 4.5 magnitude primary star and a 7.5 magnitude secondary, Epsilon is spaced widely enough apart to be split with steady binoculars and easily with a small telescope. Oddly enough, when it comes to this fixed position binary star, both components are also spectroscopic binary stars, too… Making this a quadruple star system!

Now, hop south for Iota 1 Normae – but bring a telescope. This 4.6 magnitude A7 subgiant star is located 271 light years from our solar system and its 11th magnitude companion has a close separation of 11″. This pair orbit each other very quickly, making a full revolution in just about 26 years.

Ready for a little variability? Then let’s start with Mu Normae – the “u” symbol. Mu is suspected of being an Alpha Cygni variable, with a magnitude range of 4.87 at brightest to a minimum of 4.98. This A type supergiant star doesn’t quite pulse like Cepheid – it exhibits non-radial pulsations during its brightness changes which may last from several days to several weeks! To follow a variable star whose changes are hugely apparent, take a look at R Normae. Here we have a Mira-type variable. It might take 507 for its changes to occur, but when they do, R will go from being an easy to spot in binoculars magnitude 6.5 to a need a telescope and star chart to find it magnitude 13.9!

Now, identify Kappa Normae – because it’s a guidestar to two awesome open clusters. In average 10X50 binoculars, if you place Kappa to the top of the field of view, you’ll easily see NGC 6067 (RA 16:13.2 Dec -54:13) to the north. Possessing about 100 stars spread in 13 arc minute field, this magnitude 5.6 cluster resolves beautifully in a telescope. It contains its share of Cepheid variables, too, but look for a wonderful bar-like structure with a concentration at one end. It’s bright, rich and very photogenic! Would you like to look at one more variable star?

With Kappa still at the top of your field of view, you’ll spy another open cluster to the south. Now, here’s a bonus, because you’ll find variable star S Normae locate right smack dab in the middle of open star cluster NGC 6087 (RA 16:18.9 Dec -57:54). At a combined magnitude of about 5.5, this galactic star cluster is meant for binoculars and telescopes of every size. At its heart beats S Normae, a well-known Cepheid that range in brightness from magnitude 6.1 to magnitude 6.8 magnitude every 9.75 days like clockwork. This particular cluster has been used as a cepheid calibrator to judge reddening influences down the main sequences in these type of clusters. Besides, it’s pretty!

A great mid-sized telescope object is open cluster NGC 6134 (RA 16:27:46 Dec -49:09:06). At around magnitude 7, this rich open cluster spans a generous 7 arc minutes and displays its stellar finery. Home to Delta-Scuti variables and rich in metal content, you’ll like this one, because it will give you an opportunity to look for a rare variable blue straggler star discovered there in 2001!

Larger telescopes are needed to spot NGC 6031 (RA 16:07:35.0 Dec -54:00:54.0) to the northwest of Kappa, though. Now approaching magnitude 9, this open cluster is far more sparsely arrange and definitely less populated. At around 2 arc minutes in size, this relatively young galactic cluster is nearly solar in its metal content and a nice challenge for your lists.

How about a challenging globular cluster? Then try your hand at NGC 5946 (RA 15:35:28.5 Dec -50:39:34). Located more than 34,000 light years from our Sun, this 10th magnitude globular was discovered on July 7, 1834 by John Herschel. At class IX, it’s a loose structure, but a great challenge. Why does it look like it has fallen apart? Maybe because it has. This particular one has undergone core collapse!

Last on our list for Norma is Collinder 299 (RA 16 18 42 Dec -55 07 00). This sparse open cluster will be hard to distinguish from the background stars, but use the lowest magnification you have available. We’re looking at a very old open cluster and one that has its stars chemically tagged along with other disk stars to help “unravel the dissipative history of the Galactic disk”.

There are many other great objects in Norma to have a look at, too… So grab a detailed star chart and get “normalized”….

Sources: SEDS, Wikipedia
Chart Courtesy of Your Sky.

Groundwater May Have Played Important Role in Shaping Mars

Herbes Chasma and LTDs. Credit: ESA


Scientists have been intrigued and puzzled by light-toned layered deposits on Mars since the Mariner spacecraft flybys in the early 1970s. Known as LTDs (Light Toned Deposits), they are Martian sediments that most closely resemble sediments on Earth and are some of the most mysterious features on Mars. Causes for their origin remain unknown, and different mechanisms, including volcanic processes, have been proposed for their formation. But recently data and images from Mars Express suggest that several LTDs were formed when large amounts of groundwater burst on to the surface. Scientists propose that groundwater had a greater role in shaping the Martian surface than previously believed, and may have sheltered primitive life forms as the planet started drying up.

LTDs were some of the first features seen on Mars, because they showed up even in the black and white images sent back by the first spacecraft to flyby Mars. But they are also some of the least understood features on the Red Planet, and have been highly debated. These deposits occur on a large scale in Arabia Terra, Chaotic Terrain and Valles Marineris, close to the Tharsis volcanic bulge.
Crommelin Crater LTDs. Credit: ESA
Now, based on Mars Express data, scientists propose that these sediments are actually younger than originally believed. Angelo Rossi and several colleagues report their findings in a paper published in September of this year in Geophysical Research. They have proposed that several LTDs may have been deposited by large-scale springs of groundwater that burst on to the surface, possibly at different times.

Analysis also indicates that ground water had a more wide-ranging and important role in Martian history than previously believed. Hydrated minerals, relatively young in age, have been found in the region.

Given that the deposits are relatively young in age, and associated with water, they may also have sheltered microbial life from the drier and harsher climate in more recent times on Mars, possibly eliminating the need for a stable atmosphere or a permanent water body.

Complimentary studies by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter also have indicated LTDs were formed by water.

Source: ESA

Time Magazine Top 10 Scientific Discoveries of 2008: Space and Physics Dominate

Direct observation of an exoplanet orbiting the star Fomalhaut - Number 6 in the top 10 (NASA/HST)

[/caption]2008 has been an astounding year of scientific discovery. To celebrate this fact, Time Magazine has listed the “Top 10 Scientific Discoveries” where space exploration and physics dominate. Other disciplines are also listed; including zoology, microbiology, technology and biochemistry, but the number 1 slot goes to the most ambitious physics experiment of our time. Can you guess what it is? Also, of all our endeavours in space, can you pick out three that Time Magazine has singled out as being the most important?

As we approach the end of the year, ready to welcome in 2009, it is good to take stock and celebrate the mind-blowing achievements mankind has accomplished. Read on for the top 10 scientific discoveries of 2008

The best thing about writing for a leading space news blog is that you gain wonderful overview to all our endeavours in astronomy, space flight, physics, politics (yes, space exploration has everything to do with politics), space commercialization and science in general. 2008 has been such a rich year for space exploration; we’ve landed probes on other worlds, studied other worlds orbiting distant stars, peered deep into the quantum world, learnt profound things about our own planet, developed cutting-edge instrumentation and redefined the human existence in the cosmos. We might not have all the answers (in fact, I think we are only just beginning to scratch the surface of our understanding of the Universe), but we have embarked on an enlightening journey on which we hope to build strong foundations for the next year of scientific discovery.

In an effort to assemble some of the most profound scientific endeavours of this year, Time Magazine has somehow narrowed the focus down to just 10 discoveries. Out of the ten, four are space and physics related, so here they are:

6. Brave New Worlds: First direct observations of exoplanets

Infrared observations of a multi-exoplanet star system HR 8799 (Keck Observatory)
Infrared observations of a multi-exoplanet star system HR 8799 (Keck Observatory)
In November, we saw a flood of images of alien worlds orbiting distant stars. On the same day, Hubble publicised strikingly sharp images of an exoplanet orbiting a star called Fomalhaut (pictured top) and then a ground-based Keck-Gemini campaign made the first direct observations of a multi-exoplanet system around a star called HR8799 (pictured left). A few days later, yet another image came in from another research group at the European Southern Observatory, spotting the very compact orbit of an exoplanet around the star Beta Pictorus.

Considering there have never been any direct observations of exoplanets before November 2008–although we have known about the presence of worlds orbiting other stars for many years via indirect methods–this has been a revolutionary year for exoplanet hunters.

4. China Soars into Space: First taikonaut carries out successful spacewalk

Zhai Zhigang exits the Shenzhou-7 capsule with Earth overhead (Xinhua/BBC)
Zhai Zhigang exits the Shenzhou-7 capsule with Earth overhead (Xinhua/BBC)
Following hot on the heels of one of the biggest Olympic Games in Beijing, China launched a three-man crew into space to make history. The taikonauts inside Shenzhou-7 were blasted into space by a Long March II-F rocket on September 25th.

Despite early controversy surrounding recorded spaceship transmissions before the rocket had even launched, and then the sustained efforts by conspiracy theorists to convince the world that the whole thing was staged, mission commander Zhai Zhigang did indeed become the first ever Chinese citizen to carry out a spacewalk. Zhai spent 16 minutes outside of the capsule, attached by an umbilical cable, to triumphantly wave the Chinese flag and retrieve a test sample of solid lubricant attached to the outside of the module. His crew mate Liu Boming was also able to do some spacewalking.

Probably the most incredible thing about the first Chinese spacewalk wasn’t necessarily the spacewalk itself, it was the speed at which China managed to achieve this goal in such a short space of time. The first one-man mission into space was in 2003, the second in 2005, and the third was this year. Getting man into space is no easy task, to build an entire manned program in such a short space of time, from the ground-up, is an outstanding achievement.

2. The North Pole – of Mars: The Phoenix Mars Lander

Phoenix (NASA/UA)
Capturing the world's attention: Phoenix (NASA/UA)
Phoenix studied the surface of the Red Planet for five months. It was intended to only last for three. In that time, this robotic explorer captured the hearts and minds of the world; everybody seemed to be talking about the daily trials and tribulations of this highly successful mission. Perhaps it was because of the constant news updates via the University of Arizona website, or the rapid micro-blogging via Twitter; whatever the reason, Phoenix was a short-lived space celebrity.

During the few weeks on Mars, Phoenix discovered water, studied atmospheric phenomena, plus it characterized the regolith to find it is more “soil-like” than we gave it credit for. However, Phoenix also discovered a chemical called perchlorate that could be hazardous to life on the Martian surface, but there is a flip-side to that coin; the chemical may provide energy for basic forms of life.

Like all good adventures there were twists and turns in Phoenix’s progress, with the odd conspiracy thrown in for good measure. Even during Phoenix’s sad, slow death, the lander had some surprises in store before it slowly slipped into a Sun-deprived, low energy coma.

To give the highly communicative lander the last word, MarsPhoenix on Twitter has recently announced: “Look who made Time Mag’s Top 10 list for Scientific Discoveries in 2008: http://tinyurl.com/5mwt2l

1. Large Hadron Collider

The complexity of the Large Hadron Collider (CERN/LHC/GridPP)
The complexity of the Large Hadron Collider (CERN/LHC/GridPP)

Speaking of “capturing the hearts and minds” of the world, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has done just that, but not always in a positive way (although common sense seems to be winning). So, in the #1 spot of Time Magazine’s Top 10 Scientific Discoveries of 2008, the LHC is a clear winner.

In the run-up to the switch-on of the LHC in September, the world’s media focused its attention on the grandest physics experiment ever constructed. The LHC will ultimately probe deep into the world of subatomic particles to help to explain some of the fundamental questions of our Universe. Primarily, the LHC has been designed to hunt for the elusive Higgs boson, but the quest will influence many facets of science. From designing an ultra-fast method of data transmission to unfolding the theoretical microscopic dimensions curled up in space-time, the LHC is a diverse science, with applications we won’t fully appreciate for many years.

Unfortunately, as you may be wondering, the LHC hasn’t actually discovered anything yet, but the high-energy collisions of protons and other, larger subatomic particles, will revolutionize physics. I’d argue that the simple fact the multi-billion euro machine has been built is a discovery of how advanced our technological ability is becoming.

Although the first particles were circulated on that historic day on September 10th, we’ll have to wait for the first particle collisions to occur some time in the summer of 2009. Engineers are currently working hard to repair the estimated £14 million (~$20 million) damage caused by the “quench” that knocked out a number of superconducting electromagnets on September 19th.

For more, check out the Top 10 Scientific Discoveries in Time Magazine, there’s another six that aren’t related to space or physics

For the Last Time in Texas: Endeavour Pit-Stops at Fort Worth

Endeavour leaving California at 7am Wednesday morning (NASA)

[/caption]Having flown out of Edwards Air Force Base in California early Wednesday morning, Space Shuttle Endeavour is stopping over at Fort Worth in Texas before making the final leg of its homeward-bound journey to Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Thursday. This is a rare treat for the people of Fort Worth, and anyone who saw the 747/Shuttle duo touch down on the runway Wednesday afternoon will most likely be the last. It is highly unlikely another shuttle will land at Fort Worth ever again

The weather couldn’t have been more contrasting than the mild California climate. Taking an overnight stay at Forth Worth in Texas before continuing its 747 piggyback ride to Kennedy Space Center tomorrow, Shuttle Endeavour needs to be kept warm through the 30°F freezing night. Plus, the spaceship will be given a VIP heavy guard for the duration.

Endeavour landed at the Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base on Wednesday afternoon after an uneventful taxi ride from Edwards Air Force Base. It had been awaiting the delayed trip home since successful completion of its space station “home improvements” mission (STS-126) on November 30th. Endeavour was originally scheduled for a Sunday commute, but bad weather before Florida caused the extended stay.

So, tonight, the Shuttle has been tucked up warm before making the final leg of the trip (weather permitting). As it is so cold at Fort Worth, engineers have had to make special arrangements to keep the interior of Endeavour warm; whilst on the tarmac they pumped 80°F air into the orbiter. This was to preserve delicate seals and expensive equipment inside.

Although this mammoth taxi ride isn’t cheap (every time NASA performs this cross-country hop, it costs the agency approximately $1.8 million), the 747 pilots seem to enjoy the change in plans for the Shuttle landing site. “When they do occasionally land at Edwards, we always say ‘Shucks, they had to land at Edwards,” joked Frank Marlow, NASA 747 Pilot.

Since 1981, NASA has sent a 747 to the west coast 52 times to pick up the shuttle fleet. The last time a Space Shuttle landed at Fort Worth was in 1997. Alas, this will probably be the final time North Texas will see another shuttle before the fleet is decommissioned in 2010.

Source: WFAA

Where In the Universe #33

Here’s your image for this week’s “Where In The Universe” challenge. Take a look and see if you can name where in the Universe this image is from, and also guess what exactly this image is — there are a few different features here — just what are they? Give yourself extra points if you can name the spacecraft responsible for the image. The image will be posted today, but we won’t reveal the answer until tomorrow. Post your guess in the comment section, and then check back tomorrow and see how you did. Good luck!

UPDATE (12/12): The answer has now been posted below. If you haven’t made your guess yet, no peeking before you do!!

This is an image of springtime clouds over a crater on Mars, taken by the Mars Odyssey Themis (Thermal Emission Imaging System). Here’s the link to the THEMIS page for more information.

Thanks for being more discreet in adding your guesses in the comment section (no one put any links this time!) The readers don’t have to name their sources! Thanks for playing, and I hope you’ll play again next week!

HiRISE Wows Again, This Time in 3-D

Arabia Terra in 3-D. Credit: NASA/JPL/UA

Grab your 3-D glasses and prepare to be amazed (and addicted!) The team from the remarkable HiRISE Camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has released a collection of 3-D images — 362 of ’em — of Mars surface. The incredible power of this camera can resolve features as small as one meter, or 40 inches, across, and in looking at these 3-D images, it’s almost like being there. Above is one of my favorites from this collection, Arabia Terra. “It’s really remarkable to see Martian rocks and features on the scale of a person in 3-D,” said Alfred McEwen of UA’s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, HiRISE principal investigator. “The level of detail is just much, much greater than anything previously seen from orbit.”

How was the team able to create so many 3-D images? And how can you get or make a pair of 3-D glasses?

Usually, creating 3-D anaglyphs is a tedious and time-consuming process. But the HiRISE team was able to automate some of the software used in processing the images so two images of a stereo pair could be fed into the software “pipeline” and correlated automatically. So look for even more 3-D images in the future. But 362 should keep most of us busy, for awhile anyway!
Candor Chasma.  Credit: NASA/JPL/UA
Here, spectacular layers are exposed on the floor of a large canyon in the Valles Marineris system called Candor Chasma which is about 2-and-a-half miles, or 4 kilometers deep. The canyon may once have been filled to its rim by sedimentary layers of sand and dust-sized particles, but these have since eroded, leaving patterns of elongated hills and layered terrain that has been turned and folded in many angles and directions.

If you don’t have a pair of 3-D glasses, here’s a link to a list of several sources of finding some, or you can even make your own. Sometimes, 3-D glasses can be found for free on cereal boxes, or in children’s books or other sources.

Find out how 3-D images are made, and learn how to make your own 3-D images here.

Becquerel Crater. Credit: NASA/JPL/UA
Becquerel Crater. Credit: NASA/JPL/UA

Here is a 3-D version of Becquerel Crater, and the layered terrain of which we wrote about last week, which was formed by cyclical climate change.

See the entire collection of HiRISE 3-D’s here.

Source: U of Arizona