
A History Of Violence: Iron Found in Fossils Suggests Supernova Role In Mass Dying

In a study of deep ocean cores, scientists have uncovered the remains of magnetic fossils that point to a nearby…

8 years ago

New Visualization Of Waves In Saturn’s Rings Puts You In The Keeler Gap

In his latest piece of inspired artwork, Kevin Gill treats viewers to an artistic impression of what the Keeler Gap…

8 years ago

Europa Clipper Team Braces For Bad News

Apparent uncertainty in the budget for the Europa Clipper mission could be bad news for its proponents.

8 years ago

Venus-like Exoplanet 39 Light Years Distant Is Probably Baked & Sterile

A team of scientist from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics may have unlocked the secret behind the Venus-like exoplanet Gf…

8 years ago

Physicists Maybe, Just Maybe, Confirm the Possible Discovery of 5th Force of Nature

Researchers from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the University of California, Irvine, may have found evidence of a fifth…

8 years ago

Beyond Neptune, A Chunk Of Ice Is Orbiting The Sun In The Wrong Direction

Beyond the orbit of Neptune, astronomers have spotted another TNO that confounds explanation, and which has been named in honor…

8 years ago

Prof. Lubin Wants to Send Our Digital Selves to the Stars

Prof. Lupin of UCSB recently launched a crowdfunding campaign to create "Voices of Humanity", a project aimed at equipping all…

8 years ago

Did Cirrus Clouds Help Keep Early Mars Warm & Wet?

The presence of cirrus clouds in the early Martian atmosphere may have helped it stay warm enough for liquid water.

8 years ago

Earth-Like Planet Around Proxima Centauri Discovered

According to an unnamed source, the ESO has discovered a habitable planet orbiting Proxima Centauri, making it the closest Earth-like…

8 years ago

Tabby’s Star Megastructure Mystery Continues To Intrigue

Almost a year later after it was first noticed, the mystery of Tabby's Star and its unusual dimming continues to…

8 years ago