Gravitational Lensing

Podcast: Gravitational Lensing

Astronomers are always trying to get their hands on bigger and more powerful telescopes. But the most powerful telescopes in…

17 years ago

How Dark Matter Might Have Snuffed Out the First Stars

What role did dark matter play in the early Universe? Since it makes up the majority of matter, it must…

17 years ago

Use Galactic Gravitational Lenses to Really See the Universe

To see any distance in space, you need some kind of telescope. We've got some pretty powerful ones here on…

17 years ago

Astronomers Peer Inside a Quasar

Quasars are some of the brightest objects in the Universe, and astronomers believe they're caused by the outpouring of radiation…

18 years ago

Galaxy Collision Separates Out the Dark Matter

There's more dark matter than regular matter in the Universe, and they're normally all mixed up together in galaxies. But…

18 years ago

Hubble Finds an Exoplanet’s Parent Star

When a star flared briefly, astronomers knew it was because a dimmer star had passed directly in front, acting as…

18 years ago

Podcast: A Puzzling Difference

Imagine looking at red houses, and sometimes you see a crow fly past. But every time you look at a…

18 years ago