
Could We Intercept Interstellar Comet C/2019 Q4 Borisov?

A recent study by members of i4is shows how we could intercept future interstellar visitors using existing technology.

5 years ago

Images are Starting to Come in of the New Interstellar Comet

Thanks to the Gemini Observatory, we now have our first glimpse at the interstellar comet, C/2019 Q4, the second interstellar…

5 years ago

Oumuamua 2.0? It Looks Like There’s a New Interstellar Object Passing Through the Solar System

Astronomers with NASA and the ESA have confirmed that an object that could be interstellar in origin (like 'Oumuamua) is…

5 years ago

An Astrophotographer Noticed a Chunk of Ice Orbiting Comet 67P in Rosetta’s Photos

The European Space Agency's (ESA) Rosetta mission spent two years at the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. At the end of September 2016,…

5 years ago

Meet the Comet Interceptor. It’ll Wait Patiently In Space for a Comet, Then Pounce On It

The ESA has announced a new mission to explore a comet. The Comet Interceptor mission will have a spacecraft wait…

5 years ago

Astronomers Find a Chunk of a Comet Inside a Meteorite

The early days of the Solar System are hard to piece together from our vantage point, billions of years after…

5 years ago

Interstellar Objects like Oumuamua Probably Crash into the Sun Every 30 Years or so and 2 Pass Within the Orbit of Mercury

A new study by a team of Harvard scientists reveals how we could study future interstellar visitors like 'Oumuamua

5 years ago

Rosetta Flew Through the Bow Shock of Comet 67P Several Times During its Mission

According to a new analysis of Rosetta data, the orbiter passed through the bow shock of Comet 67/P several times…

6 years ago

Prehistoric Cave Paintings Show That Ancient People Had Pretty Advanced Knowledge of Astronomy

According to a new study that examined ancient cave paintings and archaeological sites, it appears that prehistoric humans had a…

6 years ago

Comet 46P Wirtanen Rounds Out 2018

One. More. Comet. Though the next great 'Comet of the Century' has yet to make its appearance in 2018, we've…

6 years ago