
Wow! Astronauts on EVA, As Seen From Earth

Ralf Vandebergh's detail of an image he took on March 21, 2009 showing astronauts working outside the ISS. Credit: Ralf…

15 years ago

Countdown to Christmas: Hubble Advent Calendar

This is way cooler than those chocolate filled advent calendars that you can buy at the grocery store (although arguably…

15 years ago

Capture A FUor!

What accretes quietly in the night and can be a blast to observe? Try a FUor... These high accretion, high…

15 years ago

Requiem – Daniel Marquardt

"Looking up in the sky is one of the greatest things a human being can do. Going out to a…

15 years ago

Jupiter’s Dueling Red Spots

Even though most of us have been suffering from poor seeing conditions due to both hemisphere's seasonal climate changes, the…

15 years ago

1 Milky Way; 3,000 Images

[/caption] What a gorgeous and immense image! And it's full of stars! An astronomer from Central Michigan University has put…

15 years ago

Supernova 2009js… Another One Bites The Dust!

[/caption] Far away in the constellation of Aries, in a 14th magnitude barred spiral galaxy designated as NGC 918... a…

15 years ago

Hot Crescent Rolls… A Bubble?

[/caption] The Crescent Nebula, also known as NGC 6888, is a very well renown and most intriguing object located in…

15 years ago

Giga Galaxy Zoom Trilogy Now Complete

[/caption] "Now the circle is complete. When I left you, I was but the learner, and now..." Oh, sorry, different…

15 years ago

Battlestar Photoshopica: Otto Travels to Pluto

[/caption] Our "Astro Art" feature needs a catchier name, and frankly we need more people to read this feature or…

15 years ago