
What is Interplanetary Space?

[/caption] The region of space within our Solar System is called interplanetary space, also known as interplanetary medium. Most people are…

15 years ago

What is Mercury Made Of?

[/caption] Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, orbiting at only 57.9 million km. It's classified as one of…

15 years ago

Mercury and Pluto

[/caption] Before Pluto was discovered, there were 8 planets in the Solar System; and Mercury was the smallest. And then…

15 years ago

Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast: July 3-5, 2009

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! Are you ready for a Moon-filled weekend? Then let's have a look a some great lunar features…

15 years ago

Happy Fourth of July!

[/caption] Astronomers working with the Subaru Telescope have released these new images of a "fireworks display" in a near-infrared image of…

15 years ago

Perchlorates and Water Make for Potential Habitable Environment on Mars

[/caption] Scientists say that the Arctic region studied by Phoenix lander may be a favorable environment for microbes. Just-right chemistry…

15 years ago

By Gamma-Rays Alone: Fermi Raises the Curtain on 16 New Pulsars

[/caption] For the first time, NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has spotted a new group of pulsars using only their gamma-ray…

15 years ago

Messier 87 Shows Off for Hundreds of Earth-bound Astronomers

[/caption] When the giant radio galaxy Messier 87 (M 87) unleashed a torrent of gamma radiation and radio flux, an…

15 years ago

Astronomers Discover Medium-Sized Class of Black Holes

[/caption] It's the Goldilocks variety of black holes: not too big and not too small. The new source HLX-1,  the light…

15 years ago

Your New Guide to the Inner Galaxy

[/caption] All you galactic hitchhikers take note: a new atlas of the inner regions of the Milky Way was released…

15 years ago