Categories: Astrosphere

Astrosphere for June 11, 2007

Before we head into the astrosphere, I’ve got a few things to catch you up on. First, another reminder about The Universe on The History Channel. The next episode is called The End of the Earth, and it’s all about the ways the Universe can kill us. My favourite topic.

Next up, I’m going to start highlighting cool photographs from the Bad Astronomy/Universe Today forum here, for now. There are so many great photos there, and now that I’ve got a little time on my hands, I’d like to help get the word out. My favourite for today is this cool picture of crescent Mercury, taken by Kyle Edwards.

According to Aviation Week, China has pushed back its lunar mission 5-6 months. Did you even know they had a lunar mission? Thanks to Space Pragmatism for the link.

Bad Astronomy dismantles a trailer for The Invasion. Oh Hollywood, will you ever learn?

Sentient Developments has a great clip from Michio Kaku on the future of civilizations.

Does the Moon make people crazy? No. But UK police are staffing up during full moons. That’s lunacy!

I hate cords. And now, researchers are figuring out how to transfer power without cords. But will it actually, ever be practical? Thanks to Alan Boyle from MSNBC’s Cosmic Log for the writeup.

Fraser Cain

Fraser Cain is the publisher of Universe Today. He's also the co-host of Astronomy Cast with Dr. Pamela Gay. Here's a link to my Mastodon account.

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Fraser Cain

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