Need to Accurately Measure Time in Space? Use a COMPASSO

Telling time in space is difficult, but it is absolutely critical for applications ranging from testing relativity to navigating down the road. Atomic clocks, such as those used on the Global Navigation Satellite System network, are accurate, but only up to a point. Moving to even more precise navigation tools would require even more accurate clocks. There are several solutions at various stages of technical development, and one from Germany’s DLR, COMPASSO, plans to prove quantum optical clocks in space as a potential successor.

There are several problems with existing atomic clocks – one has to do with their accuracy, and one has to do with their size, weight, and power (SWaP) requirements. Current atomic clocks used in the GNSS are relatively compact, coming in at around .5 kg and 125 x 100 x 40 mm, but they lack accuracy. In the highly accurate clock world terminology, they have a “stability” of 10e-9 over 10,000 seconds. That sounds absurdly accurate, but it is not good enough for a more precise GNSS.

Alternatives, such as atomic lattice clocks, are more accurate, down to 10e-18 stability for 10,000. However, they can measure .5 x .5 x .5m and weigh hundreds of kilograms. Given satellite space and weight constraints, those are way too large to be adopted as a basis for satellite timekeeping.

Rendering of a passive hydrogen maser atomic clock.

To find a middle ground, ESA has developed a technology development roadmap focusing on improving clock stability while keeping it small enough to fit on a satellite. One such example of a technology on the roadmap is a cesium-based clock cooled by lasers and combined with a hydrogen-based maser, a microwave laser. NASA is not missing out on the fun either, with its work on a mercury ion clock that has already been orbitally tested for a year.

COMPASSO hopes to surpass them all. Three key technologies enable the mission: two iodine frequency references, a “frequency comb,” and a “laser communication and ranging terminal.” Ideally, the mission will be launched to the ISS, where it will sit in space for two years, constantly keeping time. The accuracy of those measurements will be compared to alternatives over that time frame. 

Lasers are the key to the whole system. The iodine frequency references display the very distinct absorption lines of molecular iodine, which can be used as a frequency reference for the frequency comb, a specialized laser whose output spectrum looks like it has comb teeth at specific frequencies. Those frequencies can be tuned to the frequency of the iodine reference, allowing for the correction of any drift in the comb. 

engineerguy explains how atomic clocks work with the GNSS.
Credit – engineerguy YouTube Channel

The comb then provides a method for phase locking for a microwave oscillator, a key part of a standard atomic clock. Overall, this means that the stability of the iodine frequency reference is transferred to the frequency comb, which is then again transferred to the microwave oscillator and, therefore, the atomic clock. In COMPASSO’s case, the laser communication terminal is used to transmit frequency and timing information back to a ground station while it is active.

COMPASSO was initially begun in 2021, and a paper describing its details and some breadboarding prototypes were released this year. It will hop on a ride to the ISS in 2025 to start its mission to make the world a more accurately timed place—and maybe improve our navigation abilities as well.

Learn More:
Kuschewski et al – COMPASSO mission and its iodine clock: outline of the clock design
UT – Atomic Clocks Separated by Just a few Centimetres Measure Different Rates of Time. Just as Einstein Predicted
UT – Deep Space Atomic Clocks Will Help Spacecraft Answer, with Incredible Precision, if They’re There Yet
UT – A New Atomic Clock has been Built that Would be off by Less than a Second Since the Big Bang

Lead Image:
Benchtop prototype of part of the COMPASSO system.
Credit – Kuschewski et al