Astrosphere for September 25th, 2007

First the photo. Winensky captured this great image of the Moon, using a 7-megapixel camera connected to a 3″ reflector telescope. Click this link to see the whole collection, including a mosaic with several images stitched together.

Did any Canadians catch last night’s “Race to Mars”. What did you think of it? Mark Mortimer was good enough to write a review here on Universe Today. Personally, I was so grateful for the careful and accurate presentation of science that I wasn’t too concerned about it being a little boring.

I also caught last night’s premiere of Heroes. Now that was boring, and didn’t have the science to back it up. Pamela Gay gets frustrated by television physics as well – she thinks our heroes should be getting a little hungrier.

What do you use for your skywatching software? Astroprof reviews Stellarium. You can’t go wrong with free.

You’ve got to love the Space Review. Consistently great articles and opinion pieces about space exploration. Check out this one entitled, The rise and fall of great space powers. And here, editor Jeff Faust contemplates Mike Griffin’s recent remarks.

Over at Centauri Dreams, Larry Klaes looks at the rise of submillimetre astronomy.